Sunday, October 4, 2009

When I Sit Down When I Have My Period



The Sun over a meridian perpendicular mark the real time or solar time in that place, but this does not match the official time, which is marking the clocks we are used to use.

When the sun passes the meridian of a place are noon (solar time) in that place. All points of the Earth that are located on the same meridian (and thus have the same length) have the same solar time, but points that are located in various meridians have different solar time. By the time this goes ahead, and instead, in delaying going westbound.

For example, in Spain, where Barcelona is 12 days, in Corunna, which is located west of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bis 12 minus 43 minutes depending on the solar time. But for everyday life would be very difficult to use solar time, because life is organized on the clock, ie the official time, which is the same for the whole peninsula. So the times of trains and airplanes, television broadcasts radio or television, working hours would be different in each place if we had in mind the time and not the official site.

To avoid this problem, has introduced what are called time zones, resulting from dividing the Earth into 24 zones of 15 ° each, equivalent to one hour of time. Within each zone all points have the same official time. lines between time zones are not meridians exactly, but adapted to each country's borders, so that the people of the same nation have different time.

The official time is governed by the meridian of Greenwich 0 º or, what happens in Spain by the city of Calpe in Castellón.

Lets look at some data:
  • The Sun crosses the 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees of the earth's circumference (gives a whole back to Earth) within 24 hours (mean solar day).
  • The sun travels 15 degrees of the circumference of the earth in 1 hour (360 º / 24 = 15 º).
  • The Sun crosses 1 grade round the world in 4 minutes of time (60 minutes of a hora/15 ° = 4 minutes).
  • The Sun travels 1 '(1 minute) of arc of a circle in 4 seconds of time.
  • The Sun covers 15 "circular arc seconds in 1 second of time (3600 seconds arco/240 second time = 15 arcsec).

Given these data we to see an example.

  • Sevilla is located in the 5 º 59 'West (you can check the length by putting the name of Seville in the form of Wikipedia ).
  • Carmona is located in the 5 º 38'Oeste (you can check the length by putting the name of Carmona in the form of Wikipedia )
  • 21'de
  • Then there are separate circular arc (59'- 38 '= 21').
  • If we consult a map of the province of Seville, we see that Carmona is east of Seville.
  • As the sun takes 4 seconds to travel one minute of arc in circumference, to travel the 21 minutes that separate Carmona Sevilla take 4 x 21 = 81 seconds. This is the solar time difference between the two cities.
  • Sevilla So when are the 12 solar time in Carmona will be the 12 most 81 seconds, and that being the east the sun will have passed its meridian.

resolváis Now I propose that the following problem:

  1. Where are the 12 solar time solar time what will be in Ecija, Cordoba and Huelva?.
  2. If two cities in Spain have a difference of solar time of 2 minutes, how many degrees of longitude between them?.
clues to solve.

  • Find the longitude in degrees and minutes of each site (you can use the Wikipedia).
  • See the difference in minutes with Sevilla.
  • See a map of Andalusia to see each other's positions (east or west of Seville)
  • Note that for each minute of arc of a circle is a time difference of 4 seconds.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dried Frui Christams Decorations

Coming soon ...

workshop schedule lately has been experiencing several changes, but we hope that will be slowly closing the final dates. We left the following activities / assignments

- plumbing and electrical installation of 6 houses in the village.
- Plumbing and home supply centers of culture.
- Assembly and installation of anti-bird system for photovoltaic panels house of culture.
- Course on prevention of occupational hazards.
- School open day Workshop on "The Arahal" (For this we need to make short presentations PowerPoint to present what they have done in our workshop)

In principle had not been nullified any activity that you were able to see in the web calendar, simply is changing the date to try to get all these talks ARE condensed into the open day of the Arahal.

Greetings to all.

that you were leaving I would appreciate some photos of past events (such as photovoltaic solar panels visit) to be hung on the Blog. (Thanks).

Monday, August 31, 2009

What Do Crips Call Latin Kings

sur Canal 2 - Updates Employees

vacation ..

DVD has arrived Emplea2 program, in high quality, you want a copy can stop by the office.

Greetings to all and encouragement that we are in the final.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Hardy - Weinberg Problems Ap Lab 8

Activity: Visit wind turbines Andalusian Energy Agency. - Gamesa.
Objectives: Know Turbine Operation.
Date: 20 - June - 2009
Location: wind turbines (Sevilla)

Leaving photos of the event.

Watch South Park Online In Nokia


We updated the following Post's (new photos): Visit

Visit Isofoton
Canal sur 2

And soon the videos.

(The update of this blog is often missing. Sorry for the inconvenience)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Can I Get Genital Warts From Waxing

Canal Sur 2.

We left on Canal Sur 2, the program staff. leave the link and for you can see (the last story, so to expect. I was given, but if you missed it still is here.

Greetings all

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Have A Coin Pusher And I Make

CEPES - Entrepreneurs

Activity: Visit
CEPES Background: self Search.
Objectives: Undertake in Social Economics.
Date: 10 - June - 2009
Location: CEPES Osuna (Sevilla)

CEPES Programme (Confederation of Organisations for Social Economy of Andalusia organize this breakout session for student workers in our employment workshop.

1 .- On the initiation of students / workers to form of social economy enterprises and therefore self-employment.

Leaving photos of the event.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Por And Cons Of Using Hospice


Activity: Visit ISOFOTON
Background: is required to know the manufacture of photovoltaic solar panels.
Objectives: Training .
Date: 9 - June - 2009
Location: PTA Málaga ISOFOTON

1 .- To know the operation of the factory and the production process of solar photovoltaic panels both finished as independent wafer

We left the official photographs, inside the factory could not take pictures of secret industrial, the two pictures we have of Isofoton.

More Pictures

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Could Genital Warts Be Black And Flat?

Shooting Canal Sur 2 - Employees

Activity: Shooting Canal Sur 2 - Emplea2
Objectives: Advertise on TV Employment Workshop.
Date: 04 - June - 2009
Location: Training Center (See contact)

leave the program link so that you may know also when issued (at the end of the site say the days of issuance.

As this delivered on the 14th of this month, we will post the video this blog. Stay tuned ...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How Much Doe Quo Eyeshadow Cost

Activity: Visit the library
Background: On the occasion of World Book Day raises a visit to the Library of Los Corrales.
Objectives: Training.
Date: 23 - April - 2009
Location: Culture House (see contact)
1 .- Operation of libraries (with a present day book) 2 .- Get
membership cards
3 .- Purchase books according to library operations.

I leave the photos, recently received the day of the book, and our visit to the library

Cocoa Butter Remove Dark Spots


Finally the trip has been delayed. I have not been proposed yet another date, but has not been canceled, only delayed.

I have sent a file to your email address and forum, for you can see the movements.

Thanks for the encouragement ... there I am ...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Left Lamic Lacunar Infarct

Forum - The Solar Corrales WEB

Now you can stop by our forum I leave the link ... Link


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Is Anyone Else Taking The Yeduc Diet Pills

8 weeks

is our world ranking on the Internet, according to the number of visits. We have improved since the last 4 weeks. Leaving

statistics about our website as it evolves ... The visits that we had the last month, broken down by weeks, are as follows ...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How To Hide Bulimia From Others

Webs Employment Workshops / Schools Office

links to other employment workshops and trade schools interesting.

- CARRUCA EO La Roda (Sevilla) Link

- Castillejo SOLAR TE Castilleja de la Cuesta (Sevilla)

Link will be marking links ...

Tatoos To Remember A Miscarriage


We left a new task for our students / workers.
The Andalusian Energy Agency Announces Artistic Photography Contest "ANDALUSIA RENEWABLE.

Under the theme "Renewable Andalucía" participants must collect their work, a photograph in which this is the Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Biomass, Geothermal, Hydro and Tidal) in Andalusia, with free choice or conceptual presentation of them. The photographs must be original and unpublished and will be carried out anywhere in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.

Leaving the link to see the bases. Information

There will be a "second" prize UNOFFICIAL: the best logo of the members of the workshop (they are called all 20 students and teachers), the prize is that your photo will be the logo on our website (Los Corrales Solar). Choosing the best logo for the workshop will be held through a set of free online poll vote.

leave the date in our calendar, do not hesitate to see ....