Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Can I Get Genital Warts From Waxing

Canal Sur 2.

We left on Canal Sur 2, the program staff. leave the link and for you can see (the last story, so to expect. I was given, but if you missed it still is here.

Greetings all

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Have A Coin Pusher And I Make

CEPES - Entrepreneurs

Activity: Visit
CEPES Background: self Search.
Objectives: Undertake in Social Economics.
Date: 10 - June - 2009
Location: CEPES Osuna (Sevilla)

CEPES Programme (Confederation of Organisations for Social Economy of Andalusia organize this breakout session for student workers in our employment workshop.

1 .- On the initiation of students / workers to form of social economy enterprises and therefore self-employment.

Leaving photos of the event.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Por And Cons Of Using Hospice


Activity: Visit ISOFOTON
Background: is required to know the manufacture of photovoltaic solar panels.
Objectives: Training .
Date: 9 - June - 2009
Location: PTA Málaga ISOFOTON

1 .- To know the operation of the factory and the production process of solar photovoltaic panels both finished as independent wafer

We left the official photographs, inside the factory could not take pictures of secret industrial, the two pictures we have of Isofoton.

More Pictures

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Could Genital Warts Be Black And Flat?

Shooting Canal Sur 2 - Employees

Activity: Shooting Canal Sur 2 - Emplea2
Objectives: Advertise on TV Employment Workshop.
Date: 04 - June - 2009
Location: Training Center (See contact)

leave the program link so that you may know also when issued (at the end of the site say the days of issuance.

As this delivered on the 14th of this month, we will post the video this blog. Stay tuned ...