Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How Much Doe Quo Eyeshadow Cost

Activity: Visit the library
Background: On the occasion of World Book Day raises a visit to the Library of Los Corrales.
Objectives: Training.
Date: 23 - April - 2009
Location: Culture House (see contact)
1 .- Operation of libraries (with a present day book) 2 .- Get
membership cards
3 .- Purchase books according to library operations.

I leave the photos, recently received the day of the book, and our visit to the library

Cocoa Butter Remove Dark Spots


Finally the trip has been delayed. I have not been proposed yet another date, but has not been canceled, only delayed.

I have sent a file to your email address and forum, for you can see the movements.

Thanks for the encouragement ... there I am ...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Left Lamic Lacunar Infarct

Forum - The Solar Corrales WEB

Now you can stop by our forum I leave the link ... Link


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Is Anyone Else Taking The Yeduc Diet Pills

8 weeks

is our world ranking on the Internet, according to the number of visits. We have improved since the last 4 weeks. Leaving

statistics about our website as it evolves ... The visits that we had the last month, broken down by weeks, are as follows ...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How To Hide Bulimia From Others

Webs Employment Workshops / Schools Office

links to other employment workshops and trade schools interesting.

- CARRUCA EO La Roda (Sevilla) Link

- Castillejo SOLAR TE Castilleja de la Cuesta (Sevilla)

Link will be marking links ...

Tatoos To Remember A Miscarriage


We left a new task for our students / workers.
The Andalusian Energy Agency Announces Artistic Photography Contest "ANDALUSIA RENEWABLE.

Under the theme "Renewable Andalucía" participants must collect their work, a photograph in which this is the Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Biomass, Geothermal, Hydro and Tidal) in Andalusia, with free choice or conceptual presentation of them. The photographs must be original and unpublished and will be carried out anywhere in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.

Leaving the link to see the bases. Information

There will be a "second" prize UNOFFICIAL: the best logo of the members of the workshop (they are called all 20 students and teachers), the prize is that your photo will be the logo on our website (Los Corrales Solar). Choosing the best logo for the workshop will be held through a set of free online poll vote.

leave the date in our calendar, do not hesitate to see ....

Monday, May 18, 2009

Penile Pityriasis Rosea

then leave a number of interesting links related to solar photovoltaic energy.

Photovoltaic Industry Association www.asif.org
The Photovoltaic Industry Association, founded in 1998, seeks enhance and develop the photovoltaic industry, providing expertise and experience to the English market and policy makers at both state and regional and local levels. It comprises over 500 companies and organizations across the Caderno value of this technology and represents almost the entire sector: developers, consultants, engineering, modules and components manufacturers, distributors, installers, technological and training centers and insurers from others.

Business Association photovoltaic www.aefotovoltaica.com
Photovoltaic Business Association, founded in June 2008 for thirteen of the major English PV companies, among its members meet and members, according to its proponents emphasize, more than 70% of the sector investment and a substantial part of the national energy billing


- Andalusian Energy Agency
- Association of Renewable Energy Producers (APPA)
- National Renewable Energy Center
- Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving (IDEA)
- Energy Portal

Thanks to our student / worker Pedro Romero by the contribution Some of these links, as well as for your interest. And our administrative Asunción Gallardo for their continued contribution of ideas.

Nz Driver Licence Template


Activity: Roll Play
Business Simulation Background: situation is posed to the student workers to interpret reactions and learn about the reactions and decisions to take.
Objectives: Training.
Date: 15 - May - 2009
Location: Training Centre (see contact)

1 .- situations Raising: Organization, business knowledge will of organization, stress and time, Machismo, industrial accidents, Leadership, Responsibilities, involvement ... Leaving

photographs ... (Click to view the album and your comments)

comment that the experience students / workers ...

Lie Down Stomach Noises

Facilities Plumbing and Sanitary Plumbing Rush Nursery Av Andalucia

Working : Dismounted Air Conditioning Equipment
Background: In the nursery "Los Corrales" They are running remodeling. We need a new toilet.
Objectives: Installing toilet plumbing and sanitation in the nursery.
Date: 14 - May - 2009
Location: Avenida Andalucía, Los Corrales (Sevilla), CARE Maps
1 .- To know the theoretical part of the toilet facilities, shower and toilet (plumbing and sanitation)
2 .- To know materials, tools, and rules according to pa to make it work.
3 .- Interpreting the different material and personal risks that are involved in the work, as well as appropriate protective measures.
4 .- Run the job. Leaving

photographs ... (Click to view the album and your comments)

The versatility of our teams, it also serves other tasks other than our specialty, for example, fixing a door of the nursery already had some time without close properly.

comment that the experience students / workers ...

Fastest Place To Get Std Results In Toronto

Working : Rush Plumbing
Background: The Av Andalucia (pens) are are making a rush for home plumbing supply
Objectives: Rush Plumbing Installation of multi-dwelling and installation drive pump.
Date: 14 - May - 2009
Location: Avenida Andalucia, Los Corrales (Sevilla) HOUSING (See also location of activities)

1 .- To know the theoretical part of the rush of water supply
2 .- To establish the different tools and materials for the job necesearios
3 .- Interpreting the different risks for both and personal materials that are involved in the work, as well as appropriate protective measures.
3 .- Run the job. Leaving

few photographs ...

comment that the experience students / workers ...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Myths If Clit Piercing

Dismounted Air Conditioning

Working : Dismounted Air Conditioning Equipment
Background: In the nursery "Los Corrales Are being implemented remodeling. Collapse requires an enclosure in which there is an air conditioning installed.
Objectives: Stripped of air conditioning at the hands of the wall will disappear.
Date: 5 - May - 2009
Location: Avenida Andalucia, Los Corrales (Sevilla), CARE Maps
1 .- To know the theoretical performance of the team.
2 .- Interpreting the different material and personal risks that are involved in the work, as well as appropriate protective measures.
3 .- Run the job. Leaving

few photographs ...


experience students / workers ... New

Monday, May 11, 2009

Cost Of Violin Bridge

NEW! Solar Inventions

agenda and link to course material for solar energy.

See links section on this page.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Free Salieri Movies On Line

solar bag that recharges your gadgets

This summer, like so many, many will go in the sun (not me that has cost me many years to catch the pale.) But since you are going to expose your skin to the rays of the sun, why not take advantage and charge your devices in the most natural and organic ?

Well with that intention has been created This beach bag, for 185 Euros or so, also recharge your mobile, IPOD ... or similar pileup.

view is the trick: the exterior of the bag has a solar panel that can connect the device power thirsty and hungry while you lucis palms in the sand.

Of course, beware that the photos we put the gadget are very pretty yes ... but no one tells us how to stop when there metamos wet bathing suits, beach bucket with traces of sand, dirt and other mat after a hard day at the beach. Although one must admit that it is the perfect complement to this bikini.

Giant mirrors will sunlight Austrian village

The Austrian people have a problem Rattenberg. Because the terrain practically do not see sunlight during the winter months. This is causing the population to migrate to areas more pleasant to live.

But they will solve their problem by storm, well, big. The company
Bartenbach Lichtlabor GmbH install 30 heliostats (mirrors rotating) facing the mountain that will cover the sun to redirect people to the light and solar heat.

The mirrors have a device that rotates to maintain sie MPRE an appropriate angle to the sun.

It seems to be the first of its kind. This company has used to illuminate heliostats basements, railway stations and even mosques. Several towns in the area have shown interest in the invention. Only in Tirol area there are 60 towns with the same problem.

The cost is high, about two million euros, but in this case the European Union pay 50% and the company will contribute 500,000 euros for self-promotion that will bring the project.

that recharges your iPod Bikini
If you are holder of the most popular MP3 player market or the iPod , you are a woman and you like the beach, you're in luck. You will not have to be watching the battery or fear because as you finish with this bikini charge your iPod (or any gadget that can be uploaded via USB).

The bikini has a mini photoelectric panels that capture energy from the sun, converted into electrical energy and lead to a USB connector on the bottom of the bikini, which is where you plug in your gadget. Once loaded, you just have to re-hide the USB connector into a space that has to keep it dry and ready.
That if I did not dare get in the water with that position.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Homemade Sour Cream & Onion

First Aid Course

Does Keri Hilson Wear Weave?

Solar Photovoltaic Solar Thermal


How Do Kittens Get Parvo


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Unique Bball Warm Up Songs

Practice - plumbing