Monday, May 18, 2009

Fastest Place To Get Std Results In Toronto

Working : Rush Plumbing
Background: The Av Andalucia (pens) are are making a rush for home plumbing supply
Objectives: Rush Plumbing Installation of multi-dwelling and installation drive pump.
Date: 14 - May - 2009
Location: Avenida Andalucia, Los Corrales (Sevilla) HOUSING (See also location of activities)

1 .- To know the theoretical part of the rush of water supply
2 .- To establish the different tools and materials for the job necesearios
3 .- Interpreting the different risks for both and personal materials that are involved in the work, as well as appropriate protective measures.
3 .- Run the job. Leaving

few photographs ...

comment that the experience students / workers ...


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