Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Am Who I Am Cocky Quotes

News: The sea level could rise up to 1.6 meters in this century

According to the report of the International Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), published in Oslo on Tuesday, ice and snow in the Arctic is melting faster than expected. "Air temperatures on the surface of the Arctic since 2005 were the highest in relation to all five-year periods since the start of the 1880 measures," says the analysis.
The study, which will be delivered next week foreign ministers from eight Arctic nations, updated similar assessment conducted in 2005.


Low Cervixwith Pain When Touch

Inf: KRIBB Relations, karmic, healing and soul mates

RELATIONS NEW ERA, Karmic Healer and soul mates. Pipeline Yeshua (Sananda)

Pipeline Master Jesus through Pamela KRIBB in which we speak of cosmic birth pain of separation from God, the dependency relationships, karmic relationships, healing relationships , soulmates, etc.. It's a bit long but worth it.
Listen to the audio.

Channeling of Master Jesus by Pamela KRIBB in Which I talk about cosmic birth pain of separation from God, the dependance Relationships, Karmic Relationships, Healing Relationships, twin flames, etc. It's a bit long But worth it.
Link in Inglés:

To listen to audio: / esp / audio / Relationship% 20of% 20the% 20Nueva% 20Era.mp3

This channel was made before a live audience on February 5, 2006 in Oisterwijk, the Netherlands. The spoken word has been modified slightly to improve readability.
Translated from English into English by Gusella

Dear friends,
Today I am here with you with great joy and happiness.
My energy flows between you and as you can feel this is not a dissertation in the traditional sense.
I am passing on some energy (and information) and you are both part of this as I and Pamela and Gerrit.
Being here together we create a field or vortex of energy in this room at this gap to the ground.
Therefore, this place is sacred. Any place where people - angels in human bodies - come together and come together with the aim of spreading its light into the ground, the area becomes sacred.

pipeline .- Let me say something briefly about the phenomenon of 'pipeline', which has become so popular recently.
You all know the concept of 'prana', which is used in yoga and Eastern philosophy.
Prana is a spiritual energy with every breath you take.
The idea is that you do not inhale when they aspire only oxygen but also a life-force energy, a cosmic energy that exceeds the physical and allows them to live.
Now, what I would point out is this:
at the time that each inhale prana with oxygen in the inlet, each in its own way channels continuously.
The pipeline is not reserved for a few people with special powers.
The pipeline is the most natural thing in the world.
You see it, can not live without cosmic energy. Can not exist, live and thrive without taking cosmic energy.
Just can not live only in oxygen, can not work even in a basic way without any connection to the cosmic energy is their home.
Earth and the cosmos, the oxygen and prana, both are needed to fully manifest as a human being on earth reality.

In the first channel of this new series I have called you the guardians, those who open the door to more light on earth.
But you also are the builders of the bridge, those who mediate between the cosmic and the earthly realm, those who channel cosmic energy into the earth.
This is something that you really do and is something you need do to feel happy, purposeful and healthy.
You will be channeling long as they use their intuition , if they are deep inside and feel how things are for you and how they would like to change.
At the time you form a channel with your Higher Self and connect with the wisdom of the cosmic realms, non-terrestrial, which can help them achieve their goals here on earth.
Each of you in some way channeled to realign with the higher that is outside of space and time.

Today we share our energy and we join us for channel the cosmic energy that is trying to find their way to the land in this New Era.
The New Age is no longer a vision of the future. Is already manifest in the daily lives of countless individuals.
If you read the newspaper or watch the news may seem that the time is not yet mature.
But the awakening manifested by New Age begins at the individual level, not at the level of governments, institutions or organizations.
is in the everyday life of each one presented a new flow of energy.
is the flow of your heart that invites and what drives them to live and act according to his enlightenment and wisdom.
This is how you place the birth of the New Age by ordinary individuals who are attentive to the promptings of his heart .
Spiritually, the foundation of any real change or transformation is always stretched out on the individual level.
power that is awakening in their hearts, will gradually find its way through the institutions and organizations are still clinging to the old paradigm well the ego-based consciousness.
The old bastions of power crush the resistance, not by violence but by the tender heart energy.
If the heart takes the lead, the old collapse, not under the pressure of power and violence, but under the pressure of love.

Relations New Age

In this New Age relations experience the greatest transformation.
Relationships are almost always the source of the deepest emotions within you, ranging from great joy to deep anxiety. In
relationships you can become aware of an inner pain that is essentially much older than the relationship itself, even as old as human existence.
In this age, are invited and are often challenged to achieve a self-healing deep in the field of relationships.
Because of the new energy that is being presented now, it is possible to transform the destructive elements of a relationship to a positive energy flow, balancing between you and the other person.
However, healing and personal transformation can also mean that you will leave relationships in which no to express himself adequately.
This often means that even if you love someone deeply, they have to say goodbye, because his own inner journey takes them to a different place.
Whether that leads to renewal or separation in a relationship, are challenged to address the deeper problems in this area of \u200b\u200bpersonal connection.
The call of the heart, energy based in the heart pointing New Age , has entered into their daily lives and you can never evade the new energy.

To explain why relationships can hurt them and disrupt their lives so completely, I would say something about an old pain that you carry within your soul.
is a pain that is very old, much older than this life, older even than all their previous lives on earth.
past I want to take to their original pain of birth as a soul.

Birth of the individual soul

'At that time' it was all full and undivided.
Can you
imagine that? Let your imagination travel freely for a moment.
Just imagine:
you are not in a body, you are pure consciousness and are part of a huge field of energy around a comfortable way.
You feel they are part of this unit and are being sheltered without conditions.
Feel how the energy field around them like a cloak immensely comfortable, loving and abundant energy that allows them to explore and develop freely, never doubt yourself or your inherent right to be who you are.
No anxiety, no fear.
This sense of comfort and security was pre-birth conditions of which you emerged as an individual soul.
was a cosmic womb.
Even if you're far removed from its current state, their hearts still crave this sense of integrity and courage, the feeling of certainty that you experienced in that cloak of love and benevolence.
The sense of unity that you remember was God.
Together in this blanket of love formed you God.

Within this divine consciousness, or "blanket of love ', at some time decided to create a new situation.
is very difficult to express in human words, but perhaps you can imagine that in God, this consciousness of unity, there was a yearning for 'something different, something more than unity.
There were, say, a desire to experience.
When you are fully assimilated into the totality of being pure, you do not experience things ... ... you are just .
Despite the ecstasy and total security in this state of being, there was a part of God, a part of this cosmic consciousness, he wanted to explore and evolve.
This part 'split from itself. "

You are this part of God.
His consciousness has ever agreed to this experiment from the unit and become a 'me', an entity in itself, a definite individual consciousness.
This was a huge step.
From the depths of your being you felt this was a good thing.
You felt that the desire for creativity and renewal was a positive and worthwhile aspiration.
However, at the time you actually left the field of unity, there was pain.
For the first time in his memory, for the first time in his life, there was deep sorrow.
You were released from a kingdom of love and security that had been completely clear to you.
This is the pain of birth to which I referred.
Even during this first intense experience of desolation, something in your innermost being told you 'Everything was okay', it was his own choice.
But the pain was so deep that in the outer layers of your being, you were confused and disoriented.
It was quite difficult to keep in touch with the deeper inner knowledge, inner level in which you are God, and you know 'that all is well. "

to the tormented that emerged at that time I call the inner child .
Your soul, your unique individuality, takes in the extremes of one hand the knowledge pure and divine on the other hand a cosmic child traumatized.
This unity of God and Child of knowledge and experience, was launched on a long journey.
you as an individual soul departed.
You started to investigate and experience what it is to be an 'I', an individual defined.

God had become a part of him / herself in a Soul.
The soul needs the experience to rediscover their divine origins.
The soul needs to be alive, to experience, discover, self-destruct and re ... Who is really to feel him / her, to know God.
The patent to be one and all had been shattered and had to be recovered through the experience.
This in itself was a great feat of creativity.
The birth of I-consciousness was a kind of miracle! Never existed before.

often you try to transcend the limits of its I-ness to experience the integrity and unity again.
You might say that is the true aspiration of his spiritual quest.
But consider this for a moment:
from the point of view of God, the I-ness, the state of separation, which is a miracle!
The state of being one was the normal situation, 'as he had always been. "
Within the miracle of being an individual soul, lie hidden a great beauty, joy and creative power.
The reason you do not experience it that way is that you are still struggling with the pain of birth as a soul.
Somewhere deep inside you still echoes the primal scream of anguish and betrayal: the memory of being separated from their Mother / Father, his ubiquitous mantle of love and security.

In his journey through time and experience, you have been through so much.
You have tried all sorts of different ways. There really
some embodiments in which you did not have the human form, but that's not very relevant now.
What interests me in this context is that, throughout this very long story, you were guided for two different reasons.
On one side was the delight in exploration, development and renewal and on the other side was the nostalgia, the feeling of being dismissed from paradise, and an overwhelming loneliness.

With the adventurous and forward-yourself, energy that drove out of the cosmic womb, you have experienced and created a lot.
But due to the pain of birth and nostalgia within themselves, they also had to deal with a lot of trauma and disappointment. Therefore
their creations were not always benevolent.
During his travels through time and space you have done things that have later regretted.
Things you might call 'bad' (in quotes).
From our perspective, these actions were simply the result of the determination to 'dive into the experience' and venture into the unknown.
You see, as soon as you decide to become an individual, integrity escape patent, you can not only experience light.
You have to discover all over again. Therefore
also experience the dark. You will experience all that is, to all ends.

In its current point of evolution, you come to realize that everything rises or falls with the power to truly embrace the 'me-ness'.
This is truly embrace their own divinity, and from that self-knowledge, experience joy and abundance.
At the time of cosmic birth, the time when the heartache and pain enveloped them, you began to feel tiny and insignificant.
From that point on, you began to look for something that could save .
A power or force outside of yourself, a god, a leader, a partner, a child, and so on.
In the process of awakening that are now experiencing, you realize that the essential security you are looking for is not going to be found in anything outside of yourself, and be a partner, a lover, or a god.
However strong this longing or nostalgia can be 'shot' in a particular relationship, you will not find this essential security there even in the relationship with God.

Because the God in whom you believe, God has been sent to you by tradition and by those still heavily influence their perception, is a God outside of you.
is a God who draws things for you, who displays the path for you.
But that God does not exist.
You are God, you are that creative part of God who decided to go their own way and experience things in a totally different way.
confident that you would be able to heal primary wound birth.
might say expanding energy exploration and renewal is a masculine energy, while the energy of unity, mutual bonding, the energy of Home, is female. Both
energies belong to the essence of who you are.
As a soul you are neither male nor female.
Essentially, you are both: male and female.
You started your journey with these two ingredients.
And now it's time to allow them to work together in harmony, which means to truly experience all in yourself.
After denying his own greatness for so long, you finally begin to realize that there is no alternative but to be the God that you are craving.

This is the latest breakthrough to enlightenment:
understand that you yourselves are God after which they are pleading .
There is nothing outside of you can take them to the heart of their own power, its own wholeness.
You are that, you are unique, and always have been the only thing!
You have always been waiting for yourselves.

Turn the flame of knowledge within himself brings such joy, such a deep sense of return, which puts all its relations into a new perspective.
For example, they feel less worried about things other people tell them.
If someone criticizes or distrust you, you do not automatically take it personally.
feel less affected or less eager to respond.
freed more easily and the need to defend both himself as another person, is retiring.
When you are easily affected emotionally by what someone else thinks of you, this means that, internally, there is a self-contempt that makes them give credit to the negative opinions of others.
You do not solve this contempt of himself in a conflict with another, but only by going in and coming into contact with the emotional wounds within yourself.
These are much older than this specific time of rejection.
In fact, all the pain of rejection, all the pain of relationships, go back to the original pain is not healed.
may seem that here I am taking a huge step, because relationships are all kinds of complex situations that seem indicate that the cause lies closer. It may seem that your pain is caused by something your partner has done or not done.
may seem like something out of you cause pain.
And so you think that the solution to their problems lies in the other's behavior.
But let me tell you, basically you are working to heal an old pain within yourself.
If you are not aware of this, they can easily become entangled in issues of relationships that can be extremely painful.

Especially in male-female relationships (love relationships) you often try to force a kind of unity and security of you that resembles the pristine state of unity that you vaguely remember.
Subconsciously, they are trying to recreate the feeling of being comfortably wrapped in a blanket of unconditional love and acceptance.
There is a child inside you who is calling for the unconditional acceptance.
However, if the child in you put your arms around the child in his family, quite often this results in a suffocating hug blocks in both the genuine self-expression.
What happens is that you become emotionally dependent and will need love and approval another person for their welfare.
always creates dependency issues of power and control, because they need someone is the same as wanting to control their behavior.
This is the beginning of a destructive relationship.
Submit your individuality in a relationship, guided by a subconscious desire absolute unity, is destructive to yourself as well as for the other person.

True love between two people shows two energy fields that can operate in complete independence from one another.
Each is a unit in itself and connects to the other based on that unit.
relationships in which couples are dependent on each other, find a dispute is not coordinated by the 'organic integrity': not wanting or being able to function without the other.
This leads to a tangle of energy that can be observed in the auric field as power cords by which couples feeding each other. They
feed additive energy dependency and control. This kind of entanglement energy indicates that you do not take responsibility for yourself, not facing the old wound of the soul that you just want to heal.
If you only take charge of the deepest pain and take responsibility, would already do not need someone else to be complete and would release the destructive aspect of the relationship. Karmic Relationships

In this context, let me say something about the 'karmic relationships. "
I refer to relationships between people who have known in other lifetimes and who have experienced intense emotions in relation to one another.
The hallmark of a karmic relationship is that couples are in unresolved emotions such as guilt, fear, dependency, jealousy, anger, or something similar. Because of this 'burden' unresolved emotional, they are attracted to each other in another embodiment.

reiterated the purpose of the meeting is to provide an opportunity to resolve the issue at hand.
This is recreating the same problem in a short period of time.
When they are new, the 'players' karmic feel a compelling urge to be closer to each other, and after some time they begin to repeat their old emotional patterns of the role.
Now the stage is set to face old problems again and maybe manage a more enlightened.
The spiritual purpose of the renewed encounter is that both partners make other choices than those who have made during that previous life.
I'll give an example here.
Imagine a woman who, in a previous life, had a husband who was quite possessive and domineering.
For a while she accepted this, but at a certain point she decided enough was enough and broke off the relationship. Later
husband commits suicide. The woman feels remorse. She believes she is guilty.
Should not she have given him another chance?
She brings this feeling of guilt for the rest of his life.
In another life they meet again.
There is a singular attraction between them.
At first, man is exceptionally charming and she is the center of attention.
He adores. They begin a relationship.
From then on he becomes increasingly jealous and possessive. He suspects adultery on her part.
She found herself in a domestic dispute.
She is angry and upset because he wrongly accuses her, but she also feels a strange obligation to be lenient and give him another chance.
He is a wounded man, she thinks, he can not help here because it has this fear of being abandoned.
Maybe I can help you cope. She justifies
behavior in this way but in reality it allows your personal boundaries are violated.
relationship negatively affects their self-esteem.

most liberating choice for women would now break off the relationship and go their own way without feeling guilty.
pain and fear of the husband is not their responsibility.
husband's pain and guilt of it have led to a destructive relationship.
Their relationship was already emotionally charged because of a previous life.
The meaning of the repeated encounter is that women must learn to let things continue without feelings of guilt and that man must learn to stand on its own feet emotionally.
So the only real solution is to break the relationship.
The solution to women's karma is finally releasing his guilt.
The 'error' that she committed in her past life was that she left her husband but she felt responsible for his suicide.
The departure of his wife in this life again confront the husband with his own pain and fear and this would offer him a new opportunity to address these emotions instead of escaping them.

may recognize a karmic meeting by the fact that you immediately feel the other person strangely familiar.
Very often there is also a mutual attraction, something compelling in air ', which drives them to be together and to discover.
If given the chance, this strong attraction can turn into a love relationship or an overwhelming 'passion'.
experiencing emotions can be so overwhelming that you think you have found your soul mate.
However, things are not as they seem.
will always be problems in these relationships, sooner or later emerge.
Often, couples end up engaging in a psychological conflict which has power, control and dependency as main ingredients.
why they repeat a tragedy that your subconscious recognition of a previous life.
In a past life they might have been lovers, father and son, boss and subordinate, or other type of relationship.
But they have always played a deep internal pain in the other by acts of infidelity, abuse of power or, on the other hand, is also a strong affection.
There was a deep emotional encounter between them which has left deep scars and emotional trauma.
is why the forces of attraction and repulsion can also be as violent when they meet again in a new incarnation.

spiritual invitation to all souls that are entangled in this way energy is let go the other and become an "entity in itself ', free and independent.
karmic relationships as have been mentioned here are almost never long-term relationships, stable, loving.
are healing rather than destructive relationships.
Very often, the basic purpose of the meeting is to let go of each other.
This is something that could not have been done in one or more past lives, but now there is another opportunity to free one another in love.

If you are in a relationship that is characterized by intense emotions, it evokes a lot of pain and distress but which can not escape, please realize that nothing requires them to be with someone else.
also understand that these intense emotions are more often associated with deep pain that mutual love.
The power of love is essentially a quiet and peaceful, joyful and inspiring . It is not oppressive, exhausting and tragic.
If a relationship takes on this trait, it is time to drop rather than 'working on it' again.
Sometimes you yourself are convinced that they must be together because 'share karma "and must" work out this together. "
you imagine the 'nature of karma' as an argument to extend the relationship, while both are still suffering immensely.
In fact, here are distorting the concept of karma. You do not solve
together karma: karma is an individual thing .
The karma involved in relationships such as those mentioned above often requires you to release fully, that you withdraw from this relationship in order to experience that are all in itself.
Again, resolving karma is something you do on your own.
Another person can touch or shoot something within you that creates a lot of drama between you.
But it's your sole task and challenge to deal with their own inner wounds, not the other person's problems.
You only have responsibility for yourself.

is important to understand this because it is one of the main pitfalls in relationships.
You are not responsible for your partner and he / she is not responsible for you.
The solution to their problems lies in the behavior of another person.
Sometimes they are so connected to your partner's inner child, the emotional wounds within him / her, you feel that you are one who is going to 'save'.
Or your partner may be trying to do the same with you.
But this will not work. You will be reinforcing
emotions of helplessness and victimization on the other person, while ultimately be more beneficial if we draw the line and support themselves.
is your destiny be able to feel whole and complete, entirely self .
That is the most important condition for a real relationship satisfactory.

Healing Relations There are relationships that are healing and others that are destructive.
A feature of healing relationships is that couples respect each other as they are without trying to change each other.
feel much pleasure in each other's company, but do not feel restless, hopeless or alone if the other is not around.
In this kind of relationship you offer understanding, support and encouragement to your loved one without trying to solve their own problems.
There is freedom and peace in the relationship.
Of course, there may be disagreements from time to time, but the emotions that arise are ephemeral.
both partners are prepared to forgive.
heart There is a connection between them as a result of which they will not take the emotions or the other person's mistakes personally.
Because it triggers a deeper layer of pain, they do not give much importance to that.
Emotionally, both partners are independent.
They take their strength and welfare of the approval or the presence of his companion.
He or she feels a void in her life, but adds something new and vital.

in a healing relationship, couples can also get to know each other from one or more past lives.
But in these cases, rarely is a karmic emotional charge as described above.
The two souls may have known in a past life in a way that was essentially encouraging and supportive.
as friends, couple or as a father and son, they have recognized each other as soul mates.
This creates a bond inseparable over several lifetimes.
I'll give another example.
A young man growing up in a poor family somewhere in the Middle Ages .
He is kind and sensitive in nature and does not fit well with their environment.
His family consists of working people, hard people rather than detract from his dreamy nature, 'impractical'.
When an adult enters a monastery.
He is not really happy here either, because life is tightly regulated and there is little warmth or companionship among people who live there.
However there is a man who is a little different.
is a priest who has a high rank but has no air of authority and who is truly interested in him.
Occasionally he asks how things are going and give it more pleasant and landscaping work.
Every time you look between them a sense of recognition, some of the same mentality.
There is a silent connection from the heart.
Although they are not very often or talk a lot, The priest is a source of hope and encouragement to the young man.

In later life this man is a woman.
Once again, she has a good nature and a dreamer.
She has difficulty sustaining itself.
adult When she gets stuck in a marriage with a man who is authoritarian and domineering.
At first, she was captivated by her remarkable, powerful charisma, but later realizes how limited his authority and the press.
However, it is very difficult for her to get rid of it.
In his work
sometimes she talks about it with a colleague, an older man than she is.
He encourages her to stand on its own and stay true to their own needs.
Every time she talks to him, she intuitively knows that he is right.
Then, after great internal conflict, she divorces her husband.
contact with fellow change now.
She cares for him. He is unmarried.
She feels so comfortable with him it seems as if they had known for centuries.
They begin a relationship that is loving, relaxed and encouraging for both.
The sympathy was flowing between them in a previous life now taking shape as a satisfactory relationship between a man and his wife.

This is a healing relationship. The woman has taken a crucial decision to leave her husband and to choose for herself.
With this she said her emotional independence.
This has created the foundation for a well-balanced affair with a soul fit.

Soulmates Arrived at
Here I would like to say something about the concept of soul mates, probably familiar to you.
The idea of \u200b\u200bsoul mates has a strong attraction on you.
However, it is potentially very dangerous because it can be interpreted in such a way that instead of solving it, reinforces the pain of birth and emotional dependence on each one of you.
This happens when you conceive the concept of soul mates in a way that no other person who is perfectly suited to you and make them 'complete'. This is the concept of soul mate as your 'other half'.
Then you assume that the unity and security which are longing to find it so deeply in someone else who is a perfect match for you.

According to this notion of 'immature' of twin souls, the souls are considered to be two halves that together make up a unit.
the two halves are usually male and female respectively.
So this notion not only suggests that you are incomplete in themselves, but also that you are essentially 'male' or 'feminine'.
You can probably see that this notion of twin souls is not healthy or healing from a spiritual standpoint.
makes them dependent on something outside of you.
denies its divine origin, which means that you are all male and female, and that you are whole and complete by themselves.
This creates all sorts of illusions that lead away from home.
And by 'home' I mean your own self, the divinity of his 'I-ness'.
No soul is considered to be half of someone else. Soul mates exist, and they are literally what the word implies: are twins.
are souls with the same 'feeling tone "or vibration, or you could say the same time of birth, as is the case of biological twins.
particular time of birth, this unique moment in time and space, contributes to a feeling tone singularly loaded into the souls that come to life.
They are not dependent on each other in any way.
They are neither male nor female.
But they are certainly in tune with each other, as spirits relatives.

What is the reason for the creation of soul mates? Why there?
Ah ... you tend to think that the reason for something is the learning process they perform.
But this is not the case of kindred spirits.
The reason for the existence of soul mates is not to learn something.
The purpose is simply joy and creativity.
Twin souls have no role in the duality.
You find your soul mate when they are transcending duality, when they identify themselves again with the God within yourself, which is total and whole and who is able to take any shape or appearance.
Soul mates meet again on their journey back home.

for a moment let us return to the beginning of the trip.
By the time you left the state of unity and became an individual, you entered the duality.
Suddenly there is darkness and light, big and small, sick and healthy, and so on.
Reality dissociates.
You no longer have a frame of reference for who you really are.
At first, you took the identity of 'being-part-of-a-whole. "
Now you are an isolated part has been let out of the whole.
But without their conscious knowledge, someone comes, someone who is just like you, that resembles as closely as anything you could do it. You
occupied 'same space' in the mantle of the unit, so close to each other that you did not know there were two until they were born.
What connects you two is something that is beyond duality, which precedes the story of duality.
is difficult put this into words properly, it defies conventional definitions of identity, in which you are either one or two and can not be both at the same time.

Now the two of you were embarking on a journey, a long journey, through many experiences.
Both have experienced the extremes of duality, gradually discovering that its essence lies not in duality but outside it, something that supports it.
As soon as you become keenly aware of the implicit unit, begins its return journey. Gradually
feel less attached to external things such as power, fame, money or prestige.
understand more and more that the key is not what experience but how they experience .
You create your own happiness or misery in their own state of consciousness.
are discovering the power of his own consciousness.

Once they have gone through all the ups and downs of duality, there will come a time that will meet your soul mate.
In the energy and the appearance of your soul mate you recognize a very deep part of yourself, your essence beyond duality, and that is true recognition begin to understand themselves better and become aware of who they really are.
His twin is a framework for you, that takes away from the limited beliefs that fed and were assimilated by you in this life and previous lives.
you to liberate yourself you see this reflected in its twin, is as a reminder and it has nothing to do with emotional dependency.
find each other helps each of you to become stronger individuals and aware of themselves, expressing their creativity and love Earth. accelerates the return trip as it helps to elevate to a higher level of unity while preserving and fully express your I-ness, his unique individuality.

Finally, we are all one.
We are supported by an energy that is universal in all of us.
But at the same time, there is individuality in all of us.
The soul mate is the link between individuality and unity .
is as a step towards unity.
If you connect with your soul mate knowingly and materially, will result in the creation of something new:
a third energy comes from the combined action.
That energy always helps to increase awareness of unity on a wider scale than just the two.
Because they are on their way Home, soulmates feel inspired to anchor the energies of love and unity in Earth and do so consistent with their own unique talents and abilities.
Thus, the soul mate love to build a step between 'being one' and 'being one'.

There is a deep inner bond between soul mates but that does not alter the fact that they are complete units in themselves.
Their union results in love and find joy and enhances creativity and self-realization.
They support each other without falling into the trap of emotional dependency or addiction.
The love between twin souls is not intended to make them complete each other, but to create something new: instead of two becoming one, the two will become three.

Healing the pain of cosmic birth
At some point you find your soul mate.
Please let this information is sufficient for you.
Try not to procrastinate hopes and expectations that take the here-and-now.
What matters right now is that fully understand that love and security you deeply desire is present within you.
The key is to realize this absolute self-acceptance that they can never give anyone else, even your soul mate.

not just in romantic relationships but also in parent-child relationships is tempting to find the absolute security on the other.
Think of a father who secretly wants his son to fulfill all the dreams that I can not make it, or a child as it matures still clings to his parents and considers to be his absolute safe harbor.

is important to become aware of the underlying dynamics and patterns in their relationships, and heal in the light of consciousness.
His cosmic nostalgia will not be healed by or in a relationship.
This is going to be yours alone, with the full understanding of who they are, with the understanding of light, beauty and divinity.
This is the destination of your trip.

addition, you will not return to the state of unity from whence you came.
The 'mantle of love' which you were born, was his stage embryo .
Now you are becoming mature gods.
You will create a field of absolute security and love from his own heart and enable others to participate in this without conditions.
That is the essence of God that radiates unconditional love, which creates and strokes without any program, without any calculation.

Now I would ask you to remain silent for a moment and truly feel your I-ness, its uniqueness in yourself. If you are surrounded by people, so feel very strongly the 'I' for a moment. Unconditionally you are this part of God. It is not something that can be taken from you is an undeniable presence that is.

Now feel how this undeniable reality of his presence, I can be a source of joy and strength in you.
Say yes to the miracle of his own being and embrace.
Yes, I'm me.
I am special and unique, my own being.
I can connect deeply with others but always remain an 'I'.
You may think that behind this fact there is loneliness and desolation but please go beyond these thoughts and feel the power and vitality within you.
If you really say 'yes' to their individuality, experiencing faith and confidence in itself.
Based on that, you will create relationships benign, and the loneliness and desolation will dissolve.

When overwhelmed by feelings of loneliness and desolation, put the child inside you on his lap.
Pay attention to the wounds of that child.
is longing for absolute certainty that he ever knew, being as an embryo.
security He wants to see that reflected in the face of your partner, your child's face in the face of his mother or his father in the face of a therapist ... ...
child show him his face . You
have the face of an angel for this child.
You have the purpose of healing that child in the most absolute have dreamed.
Neither I nor any "master" is able to do it for you.
We can only show the address.
You, yourself are the saviors of himself.
Finally, I would like to invite you to feel the unity of us all together for a moment.
Even if you are not present, and are reading this material, feel our connection.
not focus on the I-ness now, but in unity, in a very free and easy.
Feel the energy, feel what brings us together.
is a longing for the whole state.
Now, imagine that we are surrounded by the most powerful energy that exists, the power of awakened beings, the power of the angel within you. Let
hope this energy and take a minute to feel it deeply inside.

Thank you for your presence.

© Pamela KRIBB 2006
Translation: Sandra Gusella

Source: / esp