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C: Quantum: The next Vostok magnetic anomaly

the Lake Vostok magnetic anomaly

Posted: April 28, 2011 09:24 PM PDT

Antarctica is the continent's most remote, whose access and climate are respectively the most difficult and the most extreme (up to -89.2 degrees Celsius!). During 6 months of the year remains in complete darkness, while in the austral summer, a pale sun shines near the horizon. Without sea ice, the Antarctic lands have a total of approximately 14 million square kilometers. Therefore, this is the fifth continent in the world.
Although since antiquity had speculated about its existence, representing it in various maps of the Middle Ages with the name of Terra Australis Incognita, the continent was first sighted only 27 January 1820 by the Imperial Navy officer Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen Russian, while the first man to walk on their land was the Anglo-American John Davis, on February 7, 1821.

In 1908, Britain claimed sovereignty over the portion of Antarctica that extends from the South Pole and the sixtieth parallel of longitude 20 west to the meridian 80 West. Subsequently, seven other nations sovereign (New Zealand, France, Australia, Nazi Germany, Norway, Chile, Argentina), presented official requests to international organizations for control over as many areas of Antarctica (Nazi Germany's claim on the land known as New Swabia lost everything in value over the outcome of the Second World War).
Strangely, the Soviet Union (and later the Russian Federation) and the United States of America, although it was a Russian and an Anglo-American, respectively, the first to sight Antarctica and the first to step on it, have not so far presented formal complaints about areas of Antarctica, but that have merely stated that they reserve the right to make in the future.

However, the Antarctic territorial claims have not been made on the continent. Marie Byrd Land (about 1.6 million square kilometers), explored by the American Richard Byrd in 1929, was never requested by any sovereign state. Why?
The crucial date for the exploration of Antarctica was the month of December 1911, when the Norwegian Roald Amundsen reached the South Pole in a daring expedition. The scouts usually always have been sent by the secret services states and often have the task of identifying areas suitable for mining and also those that are militarily strategic. After the end of World War II, some sovereign nations established some bases in Antarctica, officially for scientific reasons.
The Soviet Union built a base in the coordinates 78 degrees 27 'South and 106 degrees 50' East, and called Vostok (East, in Russian). Today, Vostok Station, located at 3488 meters above sea level (just over a crust of ice over 3600 feet thick), is the most isolated of the 67 scientific stations (belonging to 30 states), which currently exist in Antarctica, and their base is the Mirny station in the Antarctic coast.

Image taken by RADARSAT of the surface layer of Antarctic ice above Lake Vostok. Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

The left image shows the ice surface above Lake Vostok. On the right, you can "see" the lake through the ice. The image also shows the rocks out of the lake (in brown) and the lake's surface below 4 km of ice (in blue).
In 1970, after radar surveys carried out by aircraft, the Russians said their base had been built by chance just at the spot where the lowest 3623 meters, was the largest subglacial lake in the world which was also named Vostok. should be remembered that subglacial lakes in Antarctica are about 140, but Vostok is certainly the largest and the most mysterious. Lake Vostok, which contains liquid water, is 250 kilometers long and 60 wide. The total volume of water it contains is about 5400 kilometers cubes (would be sufficient for water consumption of about 50 million people for 3 years, calculating one hundred liters per person per day!).
Valerie Lukin Russian scientist, is deemed ready to send a probe into the lake in 2012.

A group of Russian scientists are just a few meters to get to Lake Vostok.

Among the many mysteries that lies Lake Vostok, this includes the altitude above sea level of the bottom of the lake: if we consider data on Antarctic Research Scientific Commitee the surface of the lake is located 3623 meters below Vostok Station, which itself is 3488 meters above the sea level. The surface of the lake would be, therefore, to 135 meters below sea level, and as the maximum depth is 800 meters (depth average of 670 meters), the lake bottom would be found to 935 meters below the sea.
According to official data, the lake water temperature is -3 degrees Celsius, and its liquid state is maintained by the enormous pressure caused by the ice. Other sources indicate, however, that in some parts of the lake temperature reaches 19 degrees, suggesting that underneath it there is probably intense geothermal activity. Currently, there are differing opinions on how old is the layer of ice covering Lake Vostok. While some scientists have proposed an age of 420 thousand, other researchers argue that formed only 13 millennia ago.

In 1998, some Russian scientists, U.S. and French drilled in the bark to reach about 120 meters before the lake surface, with the official excuse to avoid contamination. There have been further drilling (2008 and 2009), but none, until today, has delved into the crust of ice to the point of the lake. The analysis of ice extracted identified traces of methane, bacteria, pollen remains of multicellular marine and other multicellular creatures unknown residues. Of studies is concluded that Lake Vostok is a super-saturated oxygen atmosphere (the concentration of this could be 50 times higher that of a normal lake surface).

In samples taken from the ice just above Lake Vostok, some fossils have been found as yet unidentified microbial. Most scientists think that they are not genuine and that tests were contaminated when they reached the surface.

The last time the lake was on the surface was about 420,000 years ago, since then the ice sheets have changed significantly to date. For now, these factors have convinced scientists do not completely pierce the ice cap, as once opened, could emerge from the lake until today completely unknown bacteria capable of contaminating the surrounding environment. The latest news, February 2010, reports that the Russian scientist Valerie Lukin, head of the Russian expedition in Antarctica, is considered ready to send a probe into the lake in 2012. The probe would be sterile to avoid contamination of the subglacial environment. Lukin says can be studied micro-organisms that date back hundreds of millennia ago. Since 2001, a group of American scientists began to fly over Lake Vostok at low altitude in order to study the magnetic activity that takes place there. During these flybys, we discovered a strong magnetic anomaly in the southeastern part of the lake. The discrepancy was calculated in 1000 nanoteslas, a huge amount, whose causes are unknown. Another feature of the anomaly is its extraordinary breadth, and extending for about 166 square kilometers.

seismic recordings occurred in the vicinity of Lake Vostok.

© by M. Studinger, 2006.
The picture shows the layers internal layer of ice from the surface to the lake. Electromagnetic energy reflected on the lake (blue curve) is much greater than on the rock (red curve). The white line is the famous Vostok ice core. The oldest ice in the bottom of the ice core is about 420,000 years old. © by M. Studinger, 2006.
initially tried to explain the magnetic anomaly from natural causes. Michael Studinger, of Columbia University, said that most likely, the crust is very thin at the bottom of the lake. Therefore, the proximity to the mantle would cause an increase in magnetic activity. Geologist Ron Nicks argues, however, exactly the opposite: the thinness of the crust and mantle therefore proximity cause a warming of the crust itself, and this should reduce the magnetic activity rather than increase it. According to Professor Thomas Gold (magazine Nexus Australia), the anomaly was caused by an exceptional concentration of xenon, argon and methane, which would come just from the mantle. Was mined if the ice covering Lake Vostok, a huge explosion would occur, and the consequent dispersion of the gases mentioned in the atmosphere could lead unforeseeable damage to the planet. Some researchers (Charles Hapgood, Hankook Graham, Flavio Barber), who support the theory Atlantis in Antarctica, the magnetic anomaly could be caused by metal ruins of a huge city that was burned and destroyed thousands of years.

radar images taken from Lake Vostok ERS-1 satellite. © by M. Studinger, 2006.

RADARSAT satellite image of the ice surface above Lake Vostok, with overlapping flight lines. In total, over 21,000 km of data collection in a grid of flight lines. Circle the location of the Russian base Vostok, where the famous drilled ice core from Vostok 5G. © by M. Studinger, 2006.
Under these assumptions, Antarctica was inhabited by man in ancient times, can enjoy a mild climate, even warmer. These statements are based on the fact that, according to many climatologists and geologists, the north pole could have been found south of the Aleutian Islands today until the ninth millennium BC, so Antarctica would have found relatively far from the South Pole with a fairly temperate climate. A major catastrophe, perhaps caused by a meteorite falling on Earth, would resulted in the displacement of Earth's axis, the melting of massive glaciers of the Northern Hemisphere glaciation and the consequent sudden Antarctica. Many peoples of the earth remember this cataclysm as the flood, and reported, transmitting it to date. According
American psychic Edgar Cayce, the Atlanteans hid in a huge glass lost continent would be their source of energy for a long time. Some researchers who support the theory of antediluvian civilizations, the Lake Vostok magnetic anomaly would be just the crystal described by Cayce.
Lake Vostok may be the best known and largest subglacial lake in the world but not alone. Two of its larger neighbors are located as 90 º E and Sovetskaya. Coincidentally the Russian research station was built above it. © by M. Studinger, 2006.

The surface is the Vostok station that gave its name to the lake and whose location was determined in the Soviet Antarctic Expedition of 1957. Average temperatures here are from -55 ° C and holds a record difficult to overcome -89.2 º C in July 1983. One of the researchers most controversial, which postulated a theory of even stranger called Atlantis in Antarctica, was the Chilean Roberto Rengifo, who in his plays Los Chiles (1921) and The Role of the Territory of Chile in the Evolution of Humanity Prehistoric (1935), Antarctic holds even the origin of the human species. According
Rengifo, a terrible earthquake survivors forced to emigrate to South America, Antarctica, Africa and Australia. One of the evidence that would support this theory would be the archaeological discovery at Monte Verde, near Puerto Montt, in Chile, where human remains were found of 33 millennia ago. Another indirect evidence in favor of the theory of Rengifo would be strange maps that were drawn in the sixteenth century, such as Piri Reis (1513) and Phineas Oronzo (1531), which provide detailed descriptions of the Antarctic coastline topography, when instead the Antarctic continent was officially discovered and plotted on maps only from the nineteenth century.
Piri Reis map.

In my opinion, although the maps of the Middle Ages does not prove anything definitive (the coast, "Antarctic" Piri Reis map could be the Patagonia and southern landmass on a map of Phineas could Oronzo be the result of the alleged union of Terra Australis Incognita to the northern coasts of Australia, perhaps sighted by Portuguese navigators in the second decade of the sixteenth century), and Roberto Rengifo strange theory has no basis, it is only on weak assumptions, we can not rule out that Antarctica has enjoyed a different climate of the current, much warmer, around ten thousand years before Christ. Theory also could confirm Mendes Correa.

For now you can not say with certainty whether the Lake Vostok magnetic anomaly has a natural or artificial. It is right to proceed in small steps, provided with the scientific method, but, considering that science can not answer all the questions, I think it is wise not to rule out certain hypotheses, "strange" by some mystics and psychics, who could, with their perceptions, indicate to scientists track to reach the solution of the mystery. By Yuri Leveratto
Source: yurileveratto.com

Research on the possibility of finding life in Lake Vostok is crucial to the search for life on Europa, Jupiter's moon.
Quantum says:

A group of Russian scientists are just a few meters to get to Lake Vostok. Water testing to be obtained will be sent to the laboratory of the Institute of Arctic and Antarctic Research in St. Petersburg for analysis. These tests are crucial to the investigation of the possibility of finding life on Europa, Jupiter's moon, in a recent study has estimated that Europe has sufficient amount of liquid water and it has a high oxygen concentration, even greater than our seas. Similar concentrations would be sufficient to maintain not only microorganisms, but life forms alien complex.

is not unreasonable to suggest that hardy creatures could thrive in the waters of Lake Vostok, due to high levels of natural antioxidants over millions of years of evolutionary isolation, and in an extreme environment, may have created some truly agencies strange and tolerant. This idea is supported by samples taken from the ice just above Lake Vostok, where some fossils have been found microbial and unidentified.
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