Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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Inf: brainwavelab: Where is the energy of our thoughts?

The accommodation of the thoughts in our physical body

A thoughtful way is a dark energy density (in this case) that can stay in your body dimensional physical.

believe I'll explain how and where the you direct, and how you should transmute.

Let us begin ... Form thinking:
This happens all the time in which you are existenciando in your world. Thus, at this time in which you live, with the huge opening of consciousness in which ye are, you must be prepared for no more accumulation of karma.
Do you understand?

is so. when you think, emanáis and what you eject the fumes, energy (positive or negative) will no doubt to its destination.

This "destination" (thing, event, person), you've directed your thinking ethers.
Well, we then analyze the roles of these shapes thinking and how to detect them even in your physical body, even when you thought that since you were not thinking of that particular form.
That's why a thoughtful way accumulated karma karma, can acarrearos to serious illnesses, which will cost much, much pain is the change. Let
this carefully, and move on the issue ...
The Lie:
thinking of enormous density, which mingle your various ethers, which we'll talk.
Thus, when you lie, you are you cohartando capital developments as in other specific cases. Your
ethers or subtle bodies, to lie, feel like a strong but chaotic radiation. is, must feel a pulse, as an "energy shock" of enormous density.
This will by resultant prolongation intermolecular spaces, densified by thinking that density, it will "mess" of dark energy, which, if continued this situation or attitude of the individual thinker, may ease the transfer of these dark particles, other lower parts of the individual or specific to their schools lower. Thus, the host will lie (when done repeatedly), in and under the pelvic area.
We are talking thus, the center sacral or spleen and even the center kundalini (if energy situation would have been perpetuated through several successive karmas). For this reason, several genitals, bowel, and even digestive, will also be affected by this densification.
this bad feeling, hosts a huge dark clot densified or group of molecules negatively especially in the pancreas, liver, and even (if the case was extreme) in the bile juice, which the individual will be extremely sensitive one in your daily diet, causing serious problems such as gastritis, multiple constipation or constipation, and what is worse, cyclically repeated this theme:
tumors that can become cancerous in the being who has repeated this energy situation.
affected may even reach the nodes that are hosted especially in the abdominal area.
and other conditions would cause more or less peculiar to the individuals of the land, where blood would look vehement call your potential in the individual. They would then
varices (varicose ulcers of enormous prestige and vital esoteric), given the tremendous imbalance in other lives, through this bad feeling, provided such individual himself, repeating the same thing over and over again.
contaminated blood, including leukemia, would be some very high blood demeaning to repair this terrible case. Do you understand? ...
believe it or not, repentance is a energetic attitude, causal effect, which assumes a resultant disintegration (dilution) of thinking is accumulated in the individual in his solar plexus center.
therefore concatenantes occur as a "cleaned" effective solar plexus, followed by prolonged crying, state of momentary or prolonged depression, self-valuable, if this form was followed by thinking positive and non-condemnation of the self.
therefore we emphasize the following, if the individual attitudes he repent sincerely or recent past, the voltage of that repentance (as thinking), can cause a movement reverse the negative attitude, and accelerate the process of evolution in each atom (to be realized from left to right, as the evolutionary movement.)
Once the individual re-poured the previous situation (depending on which it was), (because you regret something you could very slight, as something very costly in your life) is that identifies the change or conversion of the individual concerned.

Therefore, the energy situation called repentance is a conscious change neuronal-Plexico-heart that it would increase the wavelength of their thoughts (vibratory waves) and due correct and magnetism through the application of love itself, in the first instance. is therefore, a being that has been sincerely repented of something that made negative, the process begins even redemptive in its own physical body, but also and mostly, in their mindset, so it will become another major potential, due to this reversal. it depends on the situation, the highest state of subtlety that will acquire and subject within their physical, emotional, mental, and even causal ... is important.
Depression in a thoughtful manner that originated primarily in the unconscious of the individual.
Then, for bad process, followed by "traveling" through your subconscious.
And as this work, drew up "surge" disqualified energy value of love, should bring to the conscious, situations, memories, attitudes, thoughts, intended to revive, prolonged mistakes in his current life, even past.
And in this case would be seriously involved an unconscious level.
Well, the depression, when you stay comfortably in that plexus solar can continue thinking that way there have consequences such as vomiting successive ejections of feelings (of human beings who thinks he loves), and move away from thinking it the wonderful way of joy, self-subverting same as being pessimistic.

chaotically ill (from all points of view, both physical and spiritual). Will pronounced symptoms of bilirubin in your body. Submit ethers congested lymphatic system.
also add to this, if you concentrate there thinking that way, tumors, fibroids, accelerations bile secretion, which, by their own self-programming disorder, un turn, the intestinal system, with the likely consequences of continued diarrhea.
This can also bring in women (in these cases), menstrual problems, heavy, with symptoms of pain increased in the first 3 days cyclic).
This period must be eradicated simply by a change in energy position is called joy.
Having "established" itself, the essence important, vital, that sentiment earlier statement, that way of thinking will begin escatimación negative cycles, using their own symptoms of self-esteem, to emphasize the inspiration of every diseased cell, and revitalize your time, all the vital center, like the solar plexus.
In more severe cases, (continuity of thinking form of depression), in several successive karmas, it will acquire motor force and energy, and "ascend" badly towards the head center, so virulenciándolo, which may fall into a deep stress and a table and started psiquizante of acute delirium tremens and schizophrenia.

Is it understood? Reid then and clears your plexuses. Is necessary.
In contrast to previous thinking way, joy is an invigorating magnetic, and vibrational not only acts on the individual himself who is creating it, but "spread "positively to those around you.
And I have found.
motion of atoms is so strong that qualifies to your aura, your whole electromagnetic field, giving a qualified "touch" or order mental everything in you become positive.
Therefore, rejoice, as this until they can change things as visible as your hair (in longitudinal effective expression, brightness, smoothness, etc).

Pride is a terrible way of thinking negative effects on living organisms. The clot
dark energy or a negative thinking, you go to enter directly into the brain of the individual who created it.
Do not forget that pride is the opposite effect humility, which corresponds to the movement (the latter) of evolution.
The first, from involution.
why your race fell by pride.
it still happens today ... sorry.
Thus we see the terrible effect it can produce a superb human being, including perpetuated in other embodiments, may become a cancerous tumor in the middle brain. Playing
"parties" in the expression, in the appropriate area for vision, hearing, motor, etc.
is serious. A lot.
You must therefore human, remove this thinking in their tiny form expression, as you can be subtly and deceptively veiled or disguised.
City and closely monitor your attitudes but even more importantly, your moment to moment thoughts that come to life.
A life that is pure electricity. The
believe you, for you are made up of energy. You are
power generation. Unification
ethers can qualify, or stunting at will. Because you have free will.
Do not forget, brothers.
is because the attitude and thinking how proud you call, also involves the creation of wounds (very serious diseases, including STDs), which have become as important as leprosy, AIDS today .. . syphilis, by desintetización of what we as human beings genetically Self-programmed you you have come to live in this world called Earth.
Then another point or area of \u200b\u200byour micro-universe called the physical body, which may be germs or ramifications of such a wrong attitude will be, the mobility disabilities, mental (specifically).
This variation now present, the rancor
is also a less concentrated form of pride.

And you must be very careful that thinking that way too, not staying in you. Analicémosla well ...
This unique way that has "form" (forgive the redundancy), (if it is that you could view it is high astral ),... primary value as can be elucidated or glimpsed simple analysis of the subject itself which I feel these autoefectos own ... and I said eutoefectos.
You must be attentive to our terms and expressions.
Resentment basically recorded in the pupils of your eyes, making them unhealthy gradually, gradually, to be aggressive under pressure (energetically speaking), which will in result: astigmatism, myopia, etc.. City
these effects and whether and tuviérais present in your physical bodies, for then analyze what they are feeling, not to perpetuate this form thinking, even in other karmas created.
is then that the cornea is also affected by this form thinking, since this negative energy, badly distributed in the solar plexus, and more badly ejected from the heart center, before touching the tremendous head center will be accommodated in your eyes, playing for that specific patient visual action.
But here is his "brother": the Hate
We already talked about, a thinking how horrible a dramatic negative energy clot, which cover not only a life or karma, but many.
Where and how will that shape the thinking of staying in your physical bodies? Let
... hatred, accumulated life after life, brings resulting harmful attitudes in your organs, especially in your heart center.
The center (the "cave" of the heart), will be totally ridiculed by it. That is, when hatred is created in a subject, such as active thinking, Increat, involuting, completely opposite to the motion of evolution, which is love, she will be charged a life "more" or higher qualifications, if left to spend in a karma without transmute.
That is, if a person would have hated life after life (no matter who or whom), and cerebral palsy presented today, will in its next karma, that person will fall all the energy stored in his brain, a densified almost 100%, towards the heart center.
is a way to compensate for energy within the centers or chakras.
Well, I hate feeling human being, has begun his deprogramming or decoding your brain.
Which will bring concatenante or resulting from an internal war capital.
And what's worse, karmas of race such as the World War, in a star or planet.
understanding you going?
As the subject avanzare the dilution of this horrible way thinking, your heart may be adapting to the new feeling of love. He
lost love of his own volition, to start thinking that way, hate.
And last but not least, today, this false evolutionary scheme called hate, another terrible result given by fact is, the karma of race, called cancer.
And you can not deny how much cancer is and therefore how much I hate is in your world. Bring out
conclusions ... go now, thinking otherwise, call: understatement.
Deprogramming the feeling happiness. Form

thinking that takes place in a very high percentage of the earth beings. It is therefore necessary to an increment value land esteem in subjects.
but alert, not I'm talking about self-centeredness. No. There are differences vulnerable.
Underestimation brings with itself, conceptual false values \u200b\u200bin the individual.
Thus, an imbalance in the sense of firmness.
And therefore also be increased cumulative thinking otherwise at first, which will be the humiliation.
human care. False values.
be humble, it means being humiliated. False
schemes. False internal dogmas.
Underestimation develops itself, a form of deep thinking "Form" ball, very long (astral vision).
This will also mean a disease in humans called land: restlessness, lack of peace and that your domestic agencies directly and specifically will stay in your kidneys, and also in your epidermis. Two places
Concentrating thinking of this specification.
liver ailments also passenger, light arrhythmias, accelerated pulse in your temple, long hermetisms (false introspection ...) and exacerbated momentary states of irritability.
All triggered by thinking this way call understatement.
Be very attentive to it ...
This horrific way, is a false stimulus that men are given land to themselves as a valid excuse (for them), (not God) their inadequacies and their false aplicancias and implications.
Therefore, jealousy, coming out through the ether through the joint union with coronary plexus are very, very dangerous stimuli, as these two centers, centrifugally, bad witness to be in improcederes, from there, start as disastrous waves to the being or beings to which they are intended, unfortunately this thought.
But this, it is not only well, someone who created this monster of jealousy is thinking, will bring through their thoughts, then negative attitudes to other beings, which intricately append your karma .
And this is the harmful attitude of, "snowball", which will increase, to an extent that the subject does not change its attitude (thinking as much about attitudes Increat later). Well
: Where are these horrible must accommodate causes energy?
mainly in the lower abdomen (sacrum), resulting in horrible spasms in men and women who could even pronounce as acute appendicitis or worse, intestinal strangulation, hernia and other supporters in the center.
But not end there.
As much involved in this bad feeling, malicious eyes on that attitude to zeal, a tremendous increase their innate power, and that potential, now charged with the attitude of jealousy will make them instruments of evil , causing karmas subsequent to physical blindness.
Do you understand?
is very serious.
You must look after the terrible jealousy, which may even delay your present karma in others worse.
But, by including in these opinions, the bad job of ejecta such coronary dirty thoughts, contaminate the plexus.
first indicates what the subject is already creating a karma abdominal and posterior cerebral, if this attitude is further reflected in a lifetime, no positive changes.
For example, if this attitude does not change at all karma, the individual himself is brewing, an emphysema pulmonary and / or also some terrible brain hemiplegia soften the individual in the process of evolutionary ascent.
That is terribly serious.
And in the case of the plexus, this attitude can be exacerbated by the center, encourage a terrible bronchospasm, which may take even more lives, and become prone to asthma process (apparently inherited).
Rather, karmically procreated and inherited by the individual in question.
Well ... The problems of the lymph glands in the areas of the nose, the ramifications that will accede to these walls, will also decline to the throat, may in most cases complidados of life and lives, bearing a physical silence, I could do about the individual in his heart and not from the point: jealousy.
hope comprehend the seriousness of it. Change your patterns

false, please human ...
dark clot of impending impact on the karma of the individual, immediately created the same.
That is, when a person keeps in its interior, the superb attitude of pride, will incessantly as low astral microbial virus, which is must adhosar to the walls of his cerebellum.
This, like a trumpet magnetizing the lower astral ethers wandering through the dark, will the effect of "magnet", and immediately the latter, will be consolidated in these bodies, beginning to "play" virulently right up to the individual's brain, which may in the first instance, submit excruciating headaches (such as first call) but that proud attitude that increase, it will enlarge and disrupt the way thinking of something more sinister, which could be translated as horrible adenomas or tumors, including cancer in the left side the brain.
must be most careful in handling your thoughts. Sean
they always positive and full of love for you and your peers.
But, as this way thinking is "radiating" terribly head center, and it will be "playing" astral and physically, it will also increase there, the subtle lies under the guise of "thing well done" .
And thinking that way, terribly witty, subtle and misleading, I do believe the individual who possessed that "he is acting correctly" and that everything outside the mind or his attitude will be "wrong." Neglect
horrible personality is not liable for false stimulates aberrant as is pride.
From there they fall off, crimes, disputes with family, loved ones, neighbors, fellow workers, etc.
But it will not be there ... If thinking how to act (by magnetism of the individual himself is, of ying and yang energies), these poorly guarded now thinking that energy will make an apparent decline in the heart, but not being commensurate with the energy of love, this center will reject and will further drop to the lower center (kundalini), giving birth there or polarized two different attitudes: lust or frigidity.
Both can occur in such individuals as evil power poles distributed through the horrible shape the thinking of pride. Clear.
Form incredibly thoughtful which decreases the beating of evolution. Concentra
poor performance in the lymph, causing it to be "dirty" with certain consequences.
whole blood flow will also be relevant virulenciado with pressing calls, and also including, given the consistent attitude of selfishness, could focus leukemia.
Selfishness diminishes the work of the heart, causing it to evade their duties, in other words would be diminished the sense-feeling of love, and that the individual himself is denying it.
Selfishness, therefore focuses on a tremendously important gland, the pituitary gland.
This desgranaría foregoing, since everything is interrelated.

The segregation of the poor, would torment the body determined by you, the lung, as there is a very close work between the two congeniante (gland and organ), from our point or optical organic are not the same than yours, as is the concebís. But everything will be all selfish and subject to leak or special humor will concentrate on its bilirubin, liver and aqueous humor fluid from your physical body.
also decrease much visual potential, if it has been perpetuated (as always reiterate) in successive lives.
The lack of charity:
You will think that is the same as y. .. nearly so.
What is the difference between selfishness to the lack of charity?
There is a remarkable difference.
Selfishness is the negation of all types (inside and out) of the individual. That's right.
But the lack of charity implies a disguised attitude generous person, giving, off ... From other values.
Let me explain, when given or offered anything to anyone:
How do you offer?
Do you expect a reward?
Waiting "thank you" repeatedly?
Waiting subjugation by the person who has received?
That is, lack of charity.

There is a subtle and great distinction that we emphasize. Because the men of the earth, often disguised as "generous people" giving ... But bad happening. Because
are always waiting for a response by humiliating the "other side" (forgive the redundancy).
Do you understand my brethren? ...
It is this lack of charity, we see individuals wealthy, aristocratic, doing "good works" (alleged works well), but ultimately very subtly concealed all their deepest misery ... That is not charity. It is not.
Let us go on thinking otherwise, without clarifying that these people lack of charity, will be frequented by diseases that may be: headaches abound. Acute gastritis, poor pancreatic activity, ceborreas acute, severe cramps, arrhythmias perstinaces, diabetes striking (another blood time) ... (Esoteric element vital misperceptions fouled by the individual himself) ... and many other discomforts such as: appreciative virus in nasal passages in the airways (and again), bad on the motor symptoms and especially pain ventral without explanations.
This, if it were fouled by thinking that way consistently, it would consequently, removal of organs by surgical means, such as the liver, kidneys (severe cases), heart, lungs.
You must take this into account.
Review Acute
misuse of your tongue, has brought to your humanity, terrible "headaches." It's true. Because it involves
emanate from the verb, energy charged horrible ways that you, if you only saw when they utter such criticism is not constructive, but virulent aterrorizaríais you greatly.
Because ultimately, what would your tongue out at you will energetically multiplied.
For this reason, every time bendecís every time you do a good comment, each After that you understand rather than criticize, you are helping to bring to you, only blessings, which otherwise are also ways thinking, but benign.
Which auscultations huge projected towards you in your evolutionary process.
Well, sharp criticism is something that the man easily in their daily lives and then when obstacles come his way, he asks innocently
"Why me ?"... course:
not understand that every time he opens his mouth, the use of divine prana (air), together with the "spacer intermittent energy "(mouth), and, thus, energy (verb or word), in a bad tune with himself and therefore with others, attract or trap to himself, thinking horrific forms, because it is wrong by using the air we breathe.
not understand the human being who is planning on other siblings or peers, dense projections for the rest, as they will (by law of cause and effect), to its own human infrastructure. Hopefully
ye may understand.
speak well ... Not only implies "Educated speech."
speak well, it involves mostly from "the truth about your and others."
speak well, it involves the best emanation of energy and not so virulent, that those who pollute or who you are listening.
is clear, brothers beloved ...
I think this you have enough.
course, there's more to talk.
But, if you can transmute all the 'wrong' who form about what I explained, it will be enough to transmute 85% of everything above and have created even today.

The Grudge (Phase incipient astral hate ... oval shaped).
The Understatement
(Imbalance of firmness, false humility). Create
1) Lack of peace (restlessness).
2) Humiliation.
3) Discomfort Liver passengers.
4) Hermetic (false introspection).
5) exacerbated moments of irritability.
6) Light arrhythmias (heart).
ovoid shape thinking

Jealousy + coronary solar plexus
(Joint Action) The other person denser and denser. "Dense centrifugal movement." Jealous eyes that create energy dark, if they are very serious and persist. Increasing the negative power of them, can bring physical blindness in the next incarnation.
Lies ethers subtle seizure


What is the Aura? The Aura is an electromagnetic energy that is "spinning" around our physical body.
has a size and color depending on the level of individual conscience.

What is the Aura?
The Aura has the function of being a protective shield and the larger the aura, the more protection.

The Aura also functions as a magnet, attracting all the good things we did.
aura Measures Yes our aura is less than 1 m. means that something is wrong.
As bad as it is always taken Aura since not having it is a warning that death ensues.
From 3 to 9 meters. The aura can expand infinitely.
humans have an aura that changes every three hours, like the Aura of Planet Earth. sleep only when the structure is stable but becomes stronger as it is our protection while sleeping and if our Aura is well can tell us from danger and then awaken.

indicating the colors of the Aura The measurement and color of the aura is related to intelligence and purity of the individual, therefore, everything depends on our vibration psychological, physical and spiritual. Our emotions are reflected in the color of the aura, therefore, the dominant color will depend on the state of consciousness, the darker colors were confused and troubled mind, the clearest determine a clear mind and a pure soul. Aura Colors highest souls are golden brown or light blue and, on the contrary, people who have negative thoughts and feelings have dark and murky colors like gray, brown and even black.

How to strengthen the Aura

protection, projection and Aura magnet depends on how big and clean it found. To strengthen and clean there are several ways:
Our dress:
For the mere fact of dress in linen and natural fiber, the Aura is automatically extended 30 cm. because white is the most neutral (contains all colors in it).

is the light that allows energy to flow.
The Aura and our food:
Food plays an important role.

Some foods are more pure than others, for the Kundalini Yoga are called "sathwic" foods that are higher vibration and are mainly vegetables, fruits and grains or seeds.
There are others who are impure and Kundalini Yoga is the "Rajas" that are most animal foods and so-called "junk" such as those that contain toxic preservatives, toxic fat (saturated), high in refined flour and sugar and lacking in high-value nutrients biological and antioxidant vitamins and minerals. Aura

emotions and thoughts:
This depends greatly on the information we are allowing to enter our consciousness.

Unfortunately, at present, and are surrounded by junk food are also reporting junk that is coming to us by the mainstream media, including radio, television, newspapers, some magazines, movies, etc.. Also through the people we deal with this information we can get harmful and bad energy.

Conclusion There are many other things that affect our Aura.
What we must do to protect it is to avoid all this I just mentioned and, of course, what most strengthens the Aura is the spiritual life.
The weaker the aura, is smaller and more vulnerable we all external energies. Our ability to judge will be more easily affected and we feel sick and upset. Dr. Heloise Cavaría
power of the mind is all

is making a quantum effort to change the reality we are living.
This has nothing to do with religion, but with quantum physics.
is demonstrated by scientists of different nationalities and countries
"So all the good and evil that exists in the world, is a product of our mind."
In an experiment that was conducted in a U.S. city showed that the power of the mind through the thought of 4,000 people who gathered to think positive, managed to reduce the crime rate by 35% in the summer .
So when you are invited to march in demonstrations against the war replied:

- I is not going there. Invite me to march for peace and I will go, but I nominate the word.

That is, each time you express something in our thoughts and / or our words are empowering - for better or for worse, that movement or person.
from wrapping around more we think about the insecurity and the unnameable, the more power we give them.

Wait, is not ignoring them, or isolate yourself from reality.
is to keep your mind and your desires, saying: - I want peace and quiet in my country ... Only that.
No rants, or you can have a envenenándote with the news, just say:

- I want peace and quiet in my country ... and in the world ... not give power to the dark, give him power to light your thoughts to become reality.

If you do not believe does not matter, we invite you to think as many times as you want, day and night
Only with that you will do and we'll do the greatest of favors.
All the time I use to think and criticize the others, now use it to your advantage:

Yes, I know, say, but if they do the same will remain forever.

No, that will not happen because nothing more that the Power of Light.

Darkness is unsuccessful, before the Power of Light.

Consider this example: it is very, very easy to light (with a candle, a tinderbox, a flashlight, etc.). Any dark place that is ...

I invite you to do a test, (you lose nothing and win a lot).

Every day before bed, whatever time, imagine in your mind that you are congratulating yourself (a), your friends and family because everything is better in our world.

Just look for two minutes or more very happy, because every day there are activities for our good.

nothing, say nothing, do not say how it happened ... So let him into the universe.

He fixes everything if you let it. Just imagine yourself (a) thinking that everything goes perfectly well.

Topics covered in trails of light, Namaste

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