Thursday, April 14, 2011

Swag Christmas Bow Lights

Inf: Oscoy: The Awakening of Humanity.

2012 The Awakening of Humanity - Luis Ortiz Oscoy

The Matrix or what this really is what
80,000 years has seen the rest of humanity. Thus we see all the same. It is our perception,

is the perception of thousands of brains that have gone through this humanity . Is the matrix of the ego of human being 80,000 or 100,000 years.

Am I real or a dream created by others? My reality is a matrix created by my ego. When you get past the ego overcome this Matrix.

But there is something more than this?
Well of course there is something else. Nothing more than we are asleep we do not realize that there is something else.

Awakening is the transformation of caterpillar a butterfly. Only to wake up and fly, the caterpillar must go through the process from caterpillar to butterfly and now we are in the process and power and move to another level this interdimensional for which we were created.

The change in 2012 and began
, this date is only a goal. 2012 is just the tip of the iceberg from there is paradise on earth.
vetoed by our vibration we present some type of knowledge. From a 5 th dimension
surely we can access connections to other like a radio antenna and can connect to it to access other wisdom or knowledge. When you jump to that dimension and the fear disappears clinging to human-animal struggling to survive in a lower vibration and then all there is Love Everyone can connect, what happens is that
are so busy with our chores that we take time to connect with ourselves .
What is the awakening of consciousness?

is awakening to what we normally do not believe.
It's like the dream when we awake we know that what we dream was not real. This really is a dream

. And if we sleep tied to this reality, we
continue to suffer and our brains will continue to function as the last 80,000 years ago. Without evolution.
And why Inca is standing on the brain? Because
it makes us aware with the divine
. But it is the brain of the ego as such that we use. So the teachers said to open the heart, within the heart exists
Energy important that when we connect to our conscience to our brain opens a very different perception to what is normally we are living. And when we connect beyond the ego open a stream of consciousness in which we are all united.
From birth until we die we are asleep in a boat that flows through the river of life, not that we lead that boat as we should be masters of our own reality. Teachers who have come to tell us that we are all equal and knowledge to give us a look inside us, that they already knew.
If we could imagine all human beings looking for a potential brain beyond the intelligence as we know it would cease
suffer and would leave behind many of the attachments that are making us suffer
. And dimensional transcend to another level.
There are over not perceive this dimension is another thing. We can be in two dimensions there is no reason to stop this completely. The good thing is to live as a whole. You have to enjoy this. And when you enjoy forget the rest. And stop worrying about what will happen.

can only be consistent when you live in the present because they are in contact with the All
. Only you can be with you and the whole from the present. Living in the present would be the best gift would humans. But since we do not live in the present because we are asleep,
we are anchored in this dimension
AND humans are waking
. When they wake up two, those two are going to wake up the neighbor and next door, and next door, and next door ... To boil water has to go 1 / 2 hour. But once it starts to boil in 1 minute boils. What we should fear, rather than to die in 2012, it is to waste time
. Because
conditions are planetary SOLAR SYSTEM, THE CENTER OF THE GALAXY AND THE UNIVERSE to awaken
This moment is very important and if we waste it would be real dumb.

The 6.000.0000.000 of humans who have had the opportunity to transcend to another evolutionary process and we did not. We do not take this great gift that we offer .
Any human with a conscience and it is separated from matrix
realizes that he is God in
or as we like to call it. And most important to meet him the same . , 2012 In my book I explain why we are here now and why. These are questions that I did as a child and when I found it reflected in the responses.

I did it to provide a grain of sand that helps to change and that is the purpose of this book.

(for me and many others)
it changes.

We know that there are now social, environmental, aggression, economic problems ... But everything that happens at 2 ° end of the why and wherefore of our existence. And finally today
we will reveal why and what we're on this planet in this human experience. And those for what and why of the spirit of the Great Mind. Now the man is going to realize that spirit is a part of the great mind, experiencing this, why and for what we're here. Since these changes are having humanity will not need any religious teacher or guru, as
religions will be all the same
So far we have been an immature humanity as a child and therefore
have depended on someone to tell us what we had to believe
. Now you will not be necessary. Will follow the temples but will not see intermediaries. I'm going to be my own master and enjoy this dimension from the love from joy. By 2012
religions will end as we know . There will be houses of worship, meditation and religions these are enriched by this new situation.
The heart is the highest vibration that this animal is human and not me, all the great teachers told him. And that

what we perceive in our body
. That we feel in the heart is something unique is a very strong energy. Especially if the heart as each day we began to exercise will begin to open, for so to speak.

The difference between love and fear is that fear is a very low vibration, very earthy, very dense. Love is a very high vibration . And we're entering a stage of a very high vibration on our planet in the cosmos. SO NOW WE HAVE TO BE IN TUNE. To increase the vibration
be more happy, our DNA also wake up and our mind begins to rise
where it needs to be raised to a state of being interdimensional beings of light, and beings out of fear and suffering.
We ourselves can be radio receivers and transmitters. Our brain is designed to be gathering all the information that exists in the ether, I call it the 4 th dimension

(dimension of space-time.)
In that dimension where there is only matter of vibration and are the thoughts of these 80,000 years all human beings. Our mind that collects information from the collective unconscious
and that is what is creating our day to day.

therefore conclude that our thoughts are not our thoughts. Are a repetition of those of others. When suddenly fell silent, our mind becomes quiet. It is also shown that a part of our brain when stills can connect beyond that
collective unconscious. In the 4 th dimension focuses
more than 90% of
daily thoughts as fear, grief, anger, resentment, survival. Because ever since homo sapiens appears we have acquired these thoughts and the need for that survival. But not only the mind has these thoughts,
body is also prepared to survive and secrete a substance of fear to survive
. And that is what we are receiving information daily from the 4 th dimension. Fear, survival.
When man has a moment of Peace, Love
These neurotransmitters of fear are quiet and reduce
and begin to arise in that state of stillness,
Love. Neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, endorphin, which is when your mind starts to create different thoughts, and Beauty. From a painting, a poem, from the embrace of another human being. Because we are not going to embrace a human being from a neurotransmitter in fear. However when you hug a baby and place it next to your heart. Your body starts producing those endorphins. And of course is very different behavior of a brain with a neurotransmitter in fear of another love. And when it comes to the neurotransmitter, you feel good in harmony with the ALL.

No social, your mind transcends the barriers of fear and you're in another dimension of love and harmony. All is well, feels good and also from medicine has shown that everything is your body, your cells begin to work too well . Unless you get sick, your immune system works much better and bacteria and viruses are not going to attack because the immune system's over.
Fear and anger disrupt the immune system
How beautiful would be to get out of the matrix of fear and penetráramos to another dimension of love and harmony. For this
will is needed and be aware that this dimension exists because although we do not see the sense in our body and our mind when we relax and meditate
. We must find the area of \u200b\u200blove and peace within us, as said teachers like Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Zarathustra ... And we will not find in this matrix of fear, we must get out of this matrix. We should pass the 4 th dense dimension, surpassing the 4 th dimension of the eternal thoughts of mankind.
is shown a part of the brain that can connect with the 4 th dimension. When a person is thinking of love, mysticism ... is active. Consciousness is. Awakening and as human beings to achieve the purpose for which we are here . Before, during these 80,000 years have been like children who do not know how to use this way to connect with the All, time has come to be adults and know that actions have consequences
power and exclusivity of spirituality until now had some religions,
is now power and retake each
Man is going to become an adult and knows that is in harmony with your inner self to be connected, it will awaken the part of your brain and will to understand the whole. Was time that humanity has to be an adult and not children who have been so far. A child when they have responsibilities, he says, "and you dropped the 20"
now because humanity did the same,
This is a time to become adults and enter a great awareness that we have never had. Conclusion: going to leave that I am 100% sure Matrix .
Transcend fear, our biggest fear is dying, but mostly to stop Being In conclusion,
fear of losing this Ego
. But when you understand that this is like a dream, lose be afraid to let . Because when you do not stop dreaming of being. When you realize this dream and never going to stop "SER" fear fades
A lucid dream is when you're giving as much of you're dreaming. Because but you know it is not pleasant dream, know it's a dream
. Fear fades you know that when you finish you'll wake the dream.
Sleep is another dimension in the night and when you wake up is another reality
, but it is another dimension. After this fact, this matrix, this dimension is another.
If we were fully aware it would end this suffering consciously would live this moment,
what happens is that we live asleep


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