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transition to C: Quantum: Habitable Planets NASA said

1235 NASA ordered potentially habitable planets in our galaxy
30 Mar 2011 01:45 PM PDT

If it is true that aliens exist, then these could be your planets. NASA released an image in which order, so idealized, the 1,235 candidates have discovered planets that Kepler space observatory outside the solar system.
The picture published by the U.S. space agency (NASA) shows several rows of planets with saturated colors, sorted by sizes ranging from a large circle to a dot just imperceptible. The black spots represent 1,235 planets that orbit their suns, which have been arranged in order of size. As a benchmark, the planet on its own right, below the top row represents our sun, Earth and Jupiter as a small black silhouettes.
Of these candidate planets, there are 54 where life could exist and are in the area called "Goldilocks Zone". This area refers to those planets whose distance from its star allows a planet to maintain water liquid and life (if any) on their surface, exactly as happens in our Earth.

potentially Planets living in numbers.

The Kepler mission

Since it was launched in March 2009, the prolific space laboratory has identified 1235 potential candidates, of which 68 have a size similar to Earth, 288 are super-Earths, 662 have a size similar to Jupiter and 19 are larger than Jupiter. NASA analyzes such possible candidate planets in search of a place similar to Earth in which the conditions of life.
Kepler's primary mission is not to examine individual worlds, but give astronomers an idea of \u200b\u200bhow many planets, especially the potentially habitable, they are probably in our galaxy. To do this Kepler uses 1 / 4 of the hundredth part of the night sky is watching and extrapolate from there. Thus, Kepler 156,000 stars monitored to detect if there are shadows that might indicate the existence of planets around them.
Value graphical possible worlds found by Kepler sorted according to size and temperature on the planets of our solar system.

Kepler uses 1 / 4 of the hundredth part of the night sky is watching. The image shows the location of these worlds.

For example, Kepler was located about 1,000 light years from Earth and join our sun, perhaps to observe Venus, and if so
, only one in eight chance of that the Earth also can be seen, the astronomers said.

Therefore, to obtain the estimated total number of the planets, the scientists took the frequency that had already been observed and applied it to the number of stars in the Milky Way. I imagined the result would have about 100 billion stars in the Milky Way, knowing that in the last year a scientist at Yale University estimated the number and was closer to 300 billion stars.
As Carl Sagan once said (and he was right) when talking about billions and billions of worlds. And that's just in our galaxy.

Source: Daily Mail

What Carl Sagan once said, there are billions and billions of worlds.
Quantum says:

In two years, Kepler has become a crucial component of NASA's efforts to find and study exoplanets (planets orbiting a star other than the Sun) with characteristics similar to those on Earth. Kepler oversees a vast field of stars to identify planetary transits for the slight dimming of starlight caused by a planet passing in front of its star.
sensitive photometer telescope captures the changing brightness of the star around which the planets as they pass in front of her, then interrupt the brightness of the sun and scientists estimate the size and mass by measuring its radius.
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