Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Double Up Pills To Stop Breakthrough Bleeding

Inf: SaräAmma: The heart is the only safe place Inf


SaräAmma I see a group of Masters ... is Kryon, is the Creator, is Sananda ...
That's my girl, is The Creator who speaks to you, but you felt perfectly to Kryon, and of course my son Sananda, who is carrying on his shoulders, the responsibility of the whole earth.

But today we come to you, just to inform humanity, which has often been mentioned and stated. 's see ... what has been said so many things ...

Well, first, to remind humanity, the importance of staying focused on the heart, the times to come, nothing compared to what happened in the country called Japan. And if you do not know how to be in his heart, vicious circles, promoted by their emotions, misdirected, not balanced and not released, within themselves.

Then the first call is to please learn to focus on their hearts, only there they found the peace, they need to stay balanced when things start to happen near you.
Well, that first, on the other, make them understand that no matter if he said something, or if said another ... speak at a human level. The important thing my children is to know what your heart I try to convey, and you know well that a long time, they have been warning of these situations, which are now beginning to see and feel around you. The radiation, if the radiation is imminent danger on the planet, and not much else has been said, but it is. But you my children, have the tools, and active potential to neutralize the damage,
themselves ... Let's see ... I do not dwell on it further because it is not the tone of the message.

The meaning of the message is that they must stay focused on their hearts, and be prepared on an emotional level to deal with new situations that begin to appear, and as it enters the year, even more revelations will be given, and many most situations will be displayed before your eyes.

Then my children come to us, whenever you require support, whenever needed help. So that we can help, remember to enable it, if not let us help, we can not do it. Then, too important to call us, but above all, give us the opportunity to do something for you.

This is easily solved, leaving everything to me, and I know that for many is difficult, because even remain in the mistaken idea that his life of 3D, is the reality, and while they are rooted to it, everything will be fine .

But when they decide to let go, when they decide to just trust me ... nothing of 3D, you can remove them from their true destiny final, which is the happiness that is happiness, which is love, pure and unconditional love that only lives and experiences in the higher spheres of creation.

Well my children, this is a message, just to alert them to live in their hearts, and stay focused on them,
is the only place where you will find the peace he longs for, when the hard times, is completely on you.
always say that the times are longer. But, as we have opportunity, I'll let you know, that the moments can also be changed by vibration, and the work that everyone can do, within themselves. Only

we need real commitment and effort on the part of each of our children.
Well, it's all I'll say now.
I have nothing further to add, rather than the master, the pure and unconditional love of the Father-Creator.
you soon my children, I take in my chest, I always carry in my heart.
you soon.


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