Thursday, April 7, 2011

What Temp Does Water Freeze In Copper Pipes

C: StarViewerTeam: We also unfolded.

"We, as the time, we also splitting": audio and interview with physicist Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet
StarViewer Paul Langevin

conscious thoughts, our thoughts Reality, Realities supersymmetric , fractal time , century scientific model, differential quantum RF
, Reflections
then while conscious "
" The phenomenon of splitting time as a result gives us the man who lives in real time and the quantum, a time imperceptible to various potential states: the best stores and transmits the living in time real "" There is another property known in physics: the duality of matter, ie, a particle is both corpuscular (body) and wave (energy). We are both time and energy, capable of fetching data at speeds wave "" the day it is very difficult to control thought, but just before we fall asleep one minute, and if only for that moment controls: this is the way to connect with that part of energy, call it twice, asking him to solve the problems " Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet
doubling time of
Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet
in 1988, has numerous scientific and practical implications. "It gives insight into the mechanism of life and functioning of
thoughts and explains how to best use our intuition, instincts and premonitions." Despite being quantum physics concepts so abstract and difficult to understand, Mr Garnier Malet explains with simplicity and focuses on tips to apply in day to day. We can hear his theory explained by him in this ( Go to download
) audio "
Change your future
temporary openings."
Interview: I have 70 years. I live in Paris. Married, 2 children and 3 grandchildren. I am a PhD in Physics, my specialty is fluid mechanics. The policy must be based on tolerance. I have the certainty that you have to think of others as we would have others think of us His theory is it supported by science?
Respected Journal of the American Institute of Physics, New York and the scientific committee have been validly published in 2006 because it is a theory that has allowed, first, provide, and then explain the arrival of minor planets in the solar system. Want to explain what is the law of the unfolding of time?

Yes, but sencillito.
We have two different times at the same time: a second in a time conscious and billions of seconds once imperceptible in which we do things which we experience after the conscious time. And all without learn? Exactly. I have an instant summary of an analysis that I made at one time even without the memory of it.
So does the time?
Yes, in each present moment I have a time imperceptible in which manufacture a potential future, memorize it and realize what my real time.
"? We perceive a sense of continuous time. However, as demonstrated by diagnostic imaging in the brain images are printed only intermittent. Between two moments there is always an instant perceptible imperceptible.
Like in the movies, we only see 24 frames per second?

Yes, the number 25 does not see, is subliminal. Has been used in advertising such images to successfully influence our behavior, which has shown that the subliminal is accessible to our memory. The doubling time has been scientifically proven and the theory has given evidence to the scale of particles and solar system scale.
He understood that the quantum laws did not apply to the big things. The phenomenon of splitting time as a result gives us the man who lives in real time and the quantum, a time imperceptible to various potential states: the best stores and transmits it to living in real time. quantum Does our alter ego creates our reality?
We could say that between the conscious self and the ego is an exchange quantum information that allows us to anticipate the present through memory of the future. In physics is called hiperincursión and is well established.
Am unfolded as the particle? Yes
And we know that if two particles have unfolded, both have the same information at the same time, because the energy exchanges of data used in speed above the speed of light. Do you know the principle of Langevin Twins?

In the 20's, Paul Langevin
showed that if one twin traveling at the speed of light, aged less than it stood still. A Langevin did not believe him. It was not until 50 years: in 1970, thanks to atomic clocks, it was found that law. Then, at that time was not long imperceptible. right: if I can travel at speeds prodigious becomes a microsecond a day. When I return, I do not know if I've gone, since I've been away for a microsecond. Great
property, but who is traveling?, Would I?
There is another property known in physics: the duality of matter, ie, a particle is both corpuscular (body) and wave (Energy). We are both body and energy, able to go to find information on wave speeds. How
assimilate that information? In paradoxical sleep, when we are most deeply asleep and we have our highest brain activity, that is the energy exchange between the body and corpuscular. And it is this exchange that enables you to set the future that you created during the day, making the next day his memory is processed. Go

The exchange is done through body water. This constant exchange of information is what creates the survival instinct and intuition.
manufacture "potential through our thinking? Right. If for example I think of a catastrophe, this potential and is part of the future and you may suffer or another. So the conclusion is: "Do not think of doing to others what you would not want that others should do unto you." It is not a philosophical or moral law is a law of physics.
is difficult to control thought.
the day, great deal, but just before we fall asleep one minute, and just for that moment that we control: that is the way to connect with that part of energy, call it twice, to ask
solve the problems.
Is it like a prayer?

No: it is a relationship, and we must make it absolutely the reins to another, the nights are for that. The night not only lets you delete unwanted potential, but we also guide the thoughts of the next day.
Official Site: Garnier Malet
About Garnier Malet's book
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for International StarViewerTeam 2011


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