Friday, April 15, 2011

Ontario Holograph Will Sample

C: Eidler; The universe rings and each person has a sound

Eidler Nestor, musician and educator vibrational
"The universe rings and each person has a sound"

14/04/2011 - 00:35

"The universe is a music box, "explains Eidler," as it is built in proportions equivalent to the intervals of the octave. "

said Einstein, violinist and mathematics: "I just want to know God, the rest are details."

And he began to ring with music of the universe formulas.

In that line is Eidler Nestor, who has been called "medical doctor" provides techniques to play better because, in fact, healing blockages and malfunctions.

Eidler insists that touches the soul through body and soul ("spirituality runs through the body), and we can all resonate with the Whole.

Eidler is Concertmaster of the Orquestra del Gran Teatre del Liceu (

Photo: Xavier Gómez
AMELA The universe is sound?

hear a harmonious melody ...
vibrations are captured by the Voyager spacecraft in the space between Jupiter and Saturn is the resonance of the solar wind in the ionosphere of planets ... The Universe sounds, well ...

is hearing it! Pythagoras (sixth century BC) spoke of the "music of the spheres": Pythagoras must have tuned perception of this cosmic reality technoscience vibrant today confirms.
What implications?

The most inspired composers (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven ...) Maybe there are people able to connect with the immanent and eternal sounds of the cosmos.
Do not believe? Just transcribe?

The music was not invented by man: there forever! All music is here: the tries to capture and translate.
Do you compose?

was born musician. Notes are in my blood. I studied violin ... and wanted contact with David Oistrakh, violinist and educator Russian Jew.
Why just him?

I was not happy with my sound. And listening to the other great violinists: "fakers" he thought. Until I heard Oistrakh: "It's the only one who does not lie" I said ...
I do not understand what you mean ...

The other perceived interference, or physical or narcissistic ... Oistrakh was the only one rattled me, I felt connected with the essence ... I wanted to play like him! As a disciple of Fedora Aberastury, she showed me the way to the mysteries and to Oistrakh.
Does the path of mysteries?

was the creator of Aberastury method, called conscious system for handling technology, to help you reconnect with your first instrument: your body!
What Oistrach met at last?

got an appointment with him to see him play ... And after I attended several classes! He died soon after: I got just in time!
do time for what?

Oistrach confessed: "I know I have secrets ... I do not know how to teach, and saw in me a person who might do so.
What is teaching?

who knows the sound That knows everything. Each person has a sound. The universe is vibration, issued by the ticking of the original polarity, and like your heart.
Be more precise.

is consciously revive the notes of living through some exercises from the methods of pianists Claudio Arrau and Fedora Aberastury: the working brain, hands, tongue, plexus, joints, column, sense ...
Why play better the piano or violin?

is indifferent musical instrument, play an instrument well requires us to first learn to breathe properly! Required to reactivate the movement's internal engine ...
A kind of internal reset?

is to recover your harmony psychophysical rearmonizarte emotionally, relearn how to properly activate your energy, blocked by tension, and therefore accept a state of creative inspiration!
And the musician play better?

performers I've met with muscular blocks, tendinitis, arthritis ... that disrupted their ability: after the course-energy music recovered his faculties.
What is the relationship between music-energy?

"Give me a rope and I will explain the universe," proclaimed Pythagoras: the vibration is proportional function of the segment of rope ... Music, mathematics ... Your inner harmony meets mathematical proportions, like the cosmos. Nüvi and energy flow: connect with your emotions and will sound like a finely tuned instrument ...
domain is not enough technical virtuoso ...

No. Music is like religion: a path to connect to all! This can we all feel.
what time it felt more than ever?

a concert in a Romanesque nave of the monastery of Oliva (Navarra) ... and I lost track of time, as if everything just flowed and I watched from outside ... Vi spend eternity ... Anyone can experience it!
yoga seems to speak of a musical ...

Best of a martial arts ... In my courses with students, work with your soul ... Les touch the soul! As I touch the soul of a violin, I play the people.
A violin has a soul?

Yes, a little piece of wood that joins the walls of the box of the violin, loose, no glue, insert: I move one micron ... and change the sound.
Y. .. What part of my body is the soul?

Descartes said that the pineal gland, we now know that is connected to the tip of feet with the toe of the foot: the soul is in the big toe!
you a psychotherapist musicians, therefore?

Psyche means soul, yes. We taught them music, we all have a unique sound, which you can find it through the body, will be playing the soul. And then resonate in unison with the universe.
Original News: -has-a-sonido.html


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