Saturday, April 9, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Do An Indian Mandap

SaLuSa ET: Your old self will disappear ...

Believe us when we say that things are moving very well, and the work we have done is beginning to show results. Whatever happens will be ready for the end times, and nothing can stop the closing of the cycle of duality. Not have to go through purgatory to rise, and clearly your experience will be considerably different from person to person. Most of you gently enter the New Age, and for our part we will make the transition as quickly as possible. You are seeing rapid changes in the Middle East, and as that happens, the West is going through testing periods. They also have to change and much will be made after political reforms. In your hearts you know that all future changes should be based on what is best for everyone, and that means a structure that is built on Love and light. Anything less will not satisfy people and open the way for a smooth journey to Ascension.
of Darkness are finally capitulated, realizing they need a way out of the predicament that they created. That we are offering through our allies, and once they are no longer in a position to interfere with progress, we will be more open to our assistance to you. Them accountable for their actions against humanity is not our direct concern, because there is no escape in the end, to respond to the higher spiritual hierarchy that monitors your progress. In other words, like you, they will have to experience the effects of their actions and fully understand the results. We can say that once they return to higher dimensions, and know the truth about life and its purpose will be more than eager to make amends. We emphasize again that there is no punishment for the way you understand it, and no trial and the outcome is in the hands of who would be incumbent. The karma resulting from each period of life is two times, and first kept in the way back to the light, while ensuring that they learn from their mistakes.
The final race towards Ascension is one that gives them many opportunities to tie up loose ends, and change your thinking one that is aligned with the new vibrations. Your old self will disappear and the most beautiful will emerge and be ready to ascend. Have worked hard and come a long way to reach this point, and will be a very inspiring experience despite everything they've been through to get here. The energy around you are ever increasing and bringing them closer to the higher vibrations. This brings a calmness and a feeling of great expectation, as they become more sensitive to them and held aloft as a beacon of light. Doing this are on your way to Ascension, and that left the lower vibrations. In fact, now are rough and no longer serve your purpose in life. Spread peace and happiness is your goal and succeed.
No need to come openly to one another, drive up to anyone about you and your smear positive attitude in others. Is spreading the word about the Ascension, and you can be one of those gently submitted to other benefits at the same time highlighting the involvement of free will. However, every opportunity will be exploited to disclose the facts when they finally walk among you. No anyone who has not had the opportunity to learn all about the Ascension, and you have made your choice from an informed position. Of course there are those who accept the end of time, but believe in a different ending, and as you create your own reality, they experience a different way based on your choice.
meantime we ask you to stay focused on your personal goals and not be disappointed by the events they see. Certain events must be executed, and the physical changes are needed to help the Ascension of Mother Earth. Traveling together as they have for thousands of years and will continue in the future. The more light can bring back to Earth, more are helping make it happen. Your old creations can not continue, so there is plenty to do in terms of transmutation. Nothing is totally destroyed, just changes the way you use again. Matter is created and recreated over and over again, and never wasted. As the creators have a lot of responsibility for their creations, but also will increase awareness and exercised a good sense and wisdom in your work.
are now at a crossroads, and it is your decision the way forward. Either they are not a problem in the long run, as the cyclical nature of the universe ensures that another opportunity to choose a different path they cross. However, the cycles are long in your linear measure of time, and they know it would be more inclined to put your effort into what it means for this time of Ascension. We know that some people are still too mired in the darkness, and that it is difficult to understand what the Ascension. Sometimes they feel victims of circumstances, without realizing that they create their own experiences. There will come a time when the truth will será revelada, y entonces buscarán una manera de cambiarlas por su bien.  
Yo soy SaLuSa de Sirio, y mientras ustedes ingresan a los tiempos más importantes para vuestra civilización, hacemos lo mejor que podemos para atraer vuestra atención. Queremos que reconozcan la relación que tenemos con ustedes, la cual es una que ha existido por miles de años. Todos Somos Uno, y con razón nos estamos juntando nuevamente para celebrar nuestra re-unión. Debemos avanzar con ustedes a los reinos superiores que son nuestro verdadero hogar, y esperar vuestra presencia como Seres ascendidos.
Feel confident that your progress is followed, and the first sign of a desire to go to the Light, the aid will be given to go in the right direction. Nobody wants to see them go repeatedly to a dead end, having to do all over again. Fortunately, most souls evolve over a period of time through successive life experiences and guidelines that were given. In the current challenging times, progress can be quite fast due to the ongoing battle between darkness and light. There are frequent opportunities to overcome the lower vibrations, and a person is convicted to remain there. The opposite is true as The Brotherhood of Light is working to help those in the lower dimensions, and find those who are open to the highest truths.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey
Translated by Teddy Gonzalez


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