Friday, April 15, 2011

Lo Top Or High Top Basketball?

Inf: Spiritual Survival Guide for

These days, we live in a time of unprecedented spiritual evolution.
frequencies earth energy are rising dramatically mind to 11.6 or more cycles per second from 8.6 in 1995 and higher than normal frequency of 7.8 cycles per second. What does it mean Why this change is so important to our spiritual development?
Just as our own human energy patterns affect the land, changes in energy patterns of the earth affect us. As the earth energies evolve to higher frequencies, our human response to these higher frequencies. Gradually
stimulated by these cycles are faster and feel urgency about our spiritual growth.
Our spiritual development is like a powerful adjuster, leading the way toward the frequency of unconditional love, of 13 cycles per second! This is the opportunity of a lifetime!
The increase of the energies of the earth gives us the necessary framework and support for that in the end we can use 90% of our brain inactive, which scientists have not found the purpose.
We have the best of both worlds, the pleasure of our physical and mental gifts of a being with full awareness in our place multidimensional universe.
How can we take this opportunity can do so by increasing the frequency to clear our emotional bodies and recode our DNA?. Although
all people collectively feel the effects of the high energies of the earth, to those who consciously work on changes, accelerate processes and accelerate the process of DNA recoding, reconnecting and activation is now available.

We call this the accelerated process of activation, and DNA Recoding Reconnection (RRAP).
activation, reconnection and re-encoding DNA reunites our 10 wire disconnected "again with our endocrine glands and reconnects us with our higher dimensional being.

Our endocrine glands, especially the hypothalamus and the pineal, awaken from their atrophied state and begin to function as planned, giving our bodies rejuvenation and better health and spiritually give us access to multidimensionality.
crystals crown chakra begin to be activated to receive and interpret communications from other realms. What we expected! for a long time is finally here!
Of course, all these wonderful powers are not granted all at once.

is a process of spiritual growth, domestic work at all levels. Individuals who decide to speed up the process find a change in energy their bodies.
will need to treat their bodies differently.
At first, the presence of high frequencies trigger a process of cleansing and detoxification of any low frequency.

Whatever you have been limiting in the past will emerge as a test or challenge to be reviewed and released.

All cleaning methods are very important. Fruits and vegetables are needed. Large amounts of pure water with a small amount of natural lemon juice and sea salt helps your body detoxify and anchor the higher frequencies.
During the recoding DNA, find a high level of excretion of protein in body fluids such as urine.

cerebrospinal fluid, is filled with mineral waste deposits.

're literally moving your body and rebuild it while living in it!

The changes will be very intense during the reconstruction period. You are basically reorganizing and rebuilding all your DNA! An analogy to this is if you lived in a house while you are remodeling. While living in your body you're remodeling.
period, colon cleansing and liver are very useful.
regression therapy and work where you release stuck emotional patterns, will help you take a big leap in cleaning and allowing DNA Recoding get to the root of the imbalances and release them with compassion.

faster you release blockages and toxins from the physical and emotional, the easier your body can accept higher vibrations.
clean While you're adding high dimensional frequencies into your physical and emotional bodies and therefore your power requirements change.
Process Before RRA many people have become vegetarian to benefit in their health and their spiritual enlightenment, but now with the high frequencies that are integrated into our physical beings, it is necessary to anchor these new energy patterns to be focused here on the three-dimensional world. We do that

beginning to include some meat in our diets. The high frequencies in our bodies are asking us to reverse what was previously learned about eating dense frequency.
This does not necessarily mean that we should eat meat, means you have more protein and a way to anchor your body. If you find a way to do this without eating meat and dense foods, the better.

As you clean, active, and reconnect the twelve strands of your DNA, your physical senses develop letting you know what foods and supplements you need.

Allow yourself to be flexible and not judge your new eating habits. Do not worry if you gain weight. As the network of locks is cleaned, the tendency to keep extra weight decreases, and gradually start to maintain your ideal weight without counting calories!
hormones, the body's chemical messengers from the endocrine glands are the key to the process. All nutritional supplements of the endocrine glands become crucial. Enzymes, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals are necessary for the proper functioning of hormones. The increase in glandular activity requires the addition of more of these elements in your diet in large quantities. Active prostaglandin physical glands. Is a substance as a hormone that is produced by the action of enzymes in fatty acids (omega 6 and omega 3). These fatty acids are polyunsaturated fat, found in large numbers in the safflower and linseed.
Meats, especially red meat, contains a large amount of fatty acids, while chicken and turkey contain much less.
Fats are vital for our bodies. They produce and absorb the hormones and help absorb some vitamins that are soluble in fat. Proteins and enzymes are interrelated and need to be in our diet in sufficient quantities. Activated protein enzymes, which activate the hormones. Hormones regulate your time enzyme levels. A whole cycle! Active while your high energies through the redecodificación, increased endocrine activity causes a high demand on your body proteins and enzymes in food quantities and had not eaten before.
now includes a source of protein in your diet: eggs, cheese, vegetables, quantities and varieties that your body indicated. As algae and lecithin supplements may be beneficial. Algae is a source of vitamin B, copper and iodine. Lecithin aids in digestion and excretion of fat in your body.
Your appetite for red meat can be sharp at times. In any nutritional program designed for yourself is essential to include all the vitamins and this is more important now. Include vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamins C, E and B5. Fruits and vegetables are our richest source of vitamins and minerals. Minerals are necessary for proper activity of hormones and other biological processes.
We are entering a new, exciting and wonderful era of awareness and growth. The rules of the game are changing. Your body now needs a full supply of all food from the land. The more prepared you are your body for DNA Recoding, finds it easier to adjust to changes and be more enjoyable your experience. Those who are in the process find that they can transmute the impurities in their food as naturally increases the frequency of their bodies.
Remember, everyone is going through a slow process of re-coding DNA, therefore all experience the same desire to change their diet, to emotional clearing and achieve multidimensional consciousness.
Those of you who will reap the road speed benefits before, but be more aware of the needs of your body as you go through rapid cellular changes.


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