Saturday, April 2, 2011

Original 150 With Pictu

SaLuSa: look at the skies in the next event

April 1, 2011

My child, here began the message I wish to make to humanity, and is directly related to what they witnessed in a short time, it seems that everyone, even expect it, everyone is so alert and attentive, until I would ie they are able to create their own intentions, and although we all know what humans are capable, with their minds, and intentions, we also know that in this case, is a natural process of Mother Earth.

Well, I wanted to mention is that at that key moment, to be presented shortly before his eyes, and nothing and nobody can shut up, we of the Galactic Fleet, we an unsurpassed appearance, an apparition, out of place.

know that we have said, many times, and you well know, we've kept our word. We said we would begin to show in different parts of the world, en masse, and it has been I have seen, their eyes, who have been attentive to this kind of news, you humans, called aliens, well, we no longer call us so upset, yes, we are, we are beings who live outside Earth's orbit, called planet earth, but we are also his brothers, his assistants are also in the process of transition and change, which makes Mother Earth, and is in full swing now, I say, for those who still have not noticed, this is still the case.

Anyway ...

So I come to tell you, is that in the next event will be giving soon on planet earth, are attentive to their heaven. Not only see the facts that are relevant, but, also see the skies, see what your eyes can detect when that fact is developed.

I know this is unusual for me, but with this, we want to note is that we of the Galactic Fleet, and we are always attentive, everything, absolutely everything happening on your planet, and when circumstances warrant, we simply act without truce, without mediation, of course always taking the higher orders of the Creator. But, is that precisely because the Creator is that I'm here in front of you, telling you these words.

For just as I'm telling you, it will happen. Have no doubt about it.

Well brothers, my co-path, the days shorten, the time is another, planet earth begins to change, and we are still here, as always, awaiting only, show to you and say ... on with the show. And that, my brothers, rest assured, will not be long, so it occurs before their eyes, and looks doubtful.

Well, now is everything.

to the next opportunity, which will come with more.

Sincerely brothers, his brother SaLuSa.
Channeled by SaräAmmä


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