Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Small Wedding Reception H'ordeourves Ideas

: Miriam: When exclavizan gurus ...


Never before had access to a diverse number of teachers and spiritual gurus. This coincides proportionally as broad access to a general spiritual weakness. Nobody can fathom what he really wants and few gurus are resisting the temptation to direct those seeking everything outside themselves. But we have an exact criteria of what we seek and in what conditions, will most likely drop in business or the desire for power of others, I tell you, are exactly the same as you or even much less evolved. Keys to distinguish the false gurus TITLES 1 .- SPIRITUAL. No guru who really is, is said to have dissolved his ego in the continuous experience of being, claim to that title or any other. When teachers are great bombastic titles above are displayed in front of him and others, this is not the sign someone who can help. This person will be more of this passing world. If you want to dress differently, to be arrayed in divine light of eternity, vacuum unit.

Can you really think that someone who is ecstatic at the same time to think about how much worth its teachings?. We believe that everything in the world has its price but God certainly does not. This is one of the ways to tell if you are in a guru or movement that is not done. Many gurus charge with the excuse of needing to carry their message to the world but this is a mission from God and not himself or his disciples. Courses of thousands of dollars to enlighten or realizarte are but traps for monitoring and programming that you will flee as soon as if slavery itself in your soul. Recently in India and in spite of what they say their respected traditions, some gurus have begun to charge for everything and even see them. When it comes to these terms of both the guru and his disciples needed a real recovery treatment of the universal values \u200b\u200bof spirituality.
DISCIPLES 6 .- No guru
have made or identify them as disciples. The freedom is extreme and can not keep to any being in any way so limited and mundane as that of being a disciple or belong to a special group better than others. Being something is a hoax absurd that a teacher must be delusion demolish it, and if not topple, rest assured it is to control you.
No guru made cuts, famliares or privileged groups or Sangha of disciples, even less people will attend the VIP rather than the street waiting as is so common in Asia and the West . Believe will not tolerate that families or groups attracted by emotions. All this goes directly against any realization as it makes our attention to the social and emotional needs of groups that inevitably become mundane. 8.-Dependence
. No guru made
maintain any type of dependency, rather put them on the street to take in their hands the responsibility and the lessons to their own lives and offer them. A guru is a teacher that suggests that inspires you but makes you depend on it. Never say it is the only, or that their method is the highest or unique. Do not use this kind of tricks to keep you dependent. Rather gives you tools to follow the path of absolute independence is achieved the liberation of all.
see a guru who says he is the center of the universe, please see the photo of a galaxy, see the dimensions you have, calculates the thousandth of a point between all these bright spots could be our sun, and that point divide by one hundred thousand . Then read the words of greatness of the guru and see what you can sound. These glories are equivalent to an ant is the ant says that most important of his small pot. It has absolutely no power and if I did would be a worldly power. This has to stop now. If something had to be rather the power of meekness, humility, silence, of extreme simplicity. Faced with such power that whole galaxy is truly breathtaking. These words of greatness is being heard increasingly among gurus of all kinds. No doubt we are in a time of darkness where everything, absolutely anything goes. People who are attracted to these people should love each other more and think that no one is dearer than anyone else at the feet of All That Is there the same love for everyone. There is universal democracy. Internal Democracy impassable. When neither the largest galaxies dare proclaim anything, who are these men who do not hesitate to become the center of the universe?

All that is case to megalomania is your mind and worldly desire to have spiritual power, that, in this dimension, resulting in the stage with great gurus of thrones, gilded robes, speakers, missions, guards, lights and a flock of thousands of people that follow . Do you really think someone so you can be aware of your life?. How long are you going to enslave all these special effects?. When you start to respect you?. Who do you think you are? , Who do you think is the guru?
A self made guru may want to light a mission or service to their community or the world, but how do we have a clue about his honesty or veracity. A guru may have missions conducted so subtle you do not need to contact anyone yet to help thousands of people around. Missions on the physical and even with a sublime goal with time and especially with the attraction of people do not realized with worldly interests, they become mundane foundations for spiritual purposes. What is not at all the same. A guru is done as the sun shines without wanting the whole world. Each is illuminated by know what your mission. The sun, does not mind the mission that you will give to him. He just lights up. Even the sun bows in humility to see the light of All That Es.bien to publicly engaged in this title being in contact with the divine, let alone to solve your personal spiritual problems. No teacher real and genuine spirituality may be experienced to fall into the duality greatest of all considered higher or more evolved than others. This is something abhorrent from the state of being. These gurus, far from what we think, frighten our universal divine potential relegated to a place where belief and one can hardly be raised in order to maintain their control over us.
Any guru who wants to maintain a hierarchy of a more evolved than others is not trusted because it is an insult to the divine potential of all beings generally. Neither will admit those gurus who want to stay under the illusion of a future release promises or the possible consequences that will not meet the standards or expectations. Nor should he or his disciples in the sense of control you have you located ongoing meetings with calls, emails. All this is but part of a program to keep you controlled. An enlightened guru can not be behind anyone. When it is not, will not leave you even breathe without your permission.

A false guru will general predictions for all his disciples as they do not have the ability to see the internal and specific circumstances of each pupil. 4.-
A true guru will be installed in the austere invariably wear the bare minimum for their worldly interactions. The gurus who dress as vases for merely ride out above the others to exercise control over them. No real guru should allow the adornment of her body with nothing material
How to recognize a good teacher or guidance?
Both Krishna and Jesus and many others whose names no one wrote, gave us all a good example what is personal spiritual practice and real.La
truth is that each of us must make his own spiritual work and understand each can
. God, Krishna, Jesus etc.. will not come to do so by ti.Esta is the raw truth that many refuse to accept.

A person who practices spirituality never advertise or sell espirituales.Al achievements like a flower, people discover its fragrance and not by the number of faithful, books, web pages. Those who practice it with devotion to conscience do not need tricks or miracles that both attract fortune seekers and mental fun.
Nobody wants to attend a teacher satsang real, are boring to the mind, Everybody's Bazaar prefers illusions and future mental achievements. Silence is the best weapon that is already awake. Just have school but just see how he walks, how to take things and how you look, you know that has escaped the world. The silent weapon disarms all who have never been seriously looking for anything, those who only sought power and recognition for your own body. For those who want to form groups, religions and sects to seek an illusory God's preferred position.
Gurus of this world, not the other:
"The first thing I want to do to secure the release is, that MI to give up on it and get in my ashram, meets my dogmas and do what I tell you "

A guide to authentic living in the present and if this does not give you that freedom or he is not there but in calculating the expansion of its mission, sect or method, then you're fooling you again. This guide does not have ashrams or organizations, no sacred dates or call differently to yours for the impure distnguirlos others. No legal separation. may not have no money for their next meal or maybe even have money without working. An honest guide never come with any new theory or any discovery special book, method or illusion of any kind. An authentic guide believes that self-realization can not buy, rent, book or plant by another human being like him. Only cociencia same free and light. An honest guide to always believe in something tremendously over him and not himself that another man or woman is exactly like you.
A true guru who has not seen or who sit on a throne that no one has noticed they have it next jeens walking or dress pants. A real guru is not on any site for special lessons, your inner teacher instructs him daily until he goes to buy bread. Essential if the guru was inside. how these others have dared to believe that their guru is special, better or more pure?. If the teacher's soul has never charged anything to exist, how others charge or exclude their followers or those who do not believe in them?. Most of those who believe gurus, perform these actions, so keep looking around for the noise of their propaganda, descent or achievements will only lead to disappointment.
If your lighting guru promises you Ask him now!. Do not put it after death. Most gurus who promise things, do not meet at all, nor have the least power to do anything for you. Faces the gurus, ask what they claim and if you get it, the least you will be free of the false guru, which is already a great little release ..... Do not let anyone catch with tales, legends, lineages, promises, vows, ashrams ... God always resorts to the conscience or free simple and humble people who live in freedom without anything in return ..

Countless groups, sects and religions compete with each other to be the most
valuable than you: your conscience
free and immaculate.
The leaders of these groups, sects and religions warn
never going to drain you till the last drop of your energy and sometimes your money to fill all kinds of constraints, on the contrary, exhibit words and promises such as

enlightenment, salvation of the soul, Guru
special initiatives that will lead to deeper levels of spirituality.

spiritual abuse occurs when someone, usually someone in a position of authority, whose duty should have been placed below to help you, serve you and make you more free and happy, use this position to be in line with God or equivalent to
manipulate, limiting, brainwashing, prosecute and / or collect money and spiritual activities that really only affect your benefit or your organization, group, sect or religion.
The result of all this? Well, if you have abused, you know. The damage you have done is not irreversible. You may feel safe again, even without the fictional spiritual family restricts you to follow a weekly basis to deny you your attention or recognition. You may rest from all the programming that these men, not God or anything, have made every day in your head.
is possible to return to rest in a divine consciousness that accepts you as you are not need to go to any site, without learning anything, without getting into groups, ashrams and temples. An awareness that always blesses you regardless of your performance in the world. A consciousness that gives and does not ask or require slavery as does the human mind. An awareness based on love and not guilt, hell or the cruelty of not save you.

The salvation of the soul - Lighting - Sin - The precepts - The dharma or religion - Performance of the soul - L

as donations of money to tempt you no money - Withdrawals - The typical sentence: our path is unique.

The thrones of the leaders where you are nothing and they, men like you, are God.

"If you're not with us, never enlighten you .."

"Coming to the satsang or meeting (programming) is essential to your spiritual development"

"The guru or the leader is contact with God, you do not .. " etc.


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