Saturday, April 9, 2011

Is It Harmful To Swallow Listerine

News: the declassified FBI files on UFOs and aliens! AA

One of the major U.S. agencies, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has finally uncovered the pot, on its official website published several secret files on UFOs and aliens.

The FBI has been online and publicly available documents declassified under FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) which speak of phenomena anomalous. Under the category of "Unexplained Phenomenon" are some documents concerning UFO crash, Majestic 12, NICAP, cattle mutilations, ESP, and Project Blue Book.

The Vault (The Vault) is a new section of the website of the FBI, which contains over 2,000 documents have been scanned paper and digital copies.

Attached here one case, "Guy Hotel" translated into Castilian:

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Date: March 22, 1950

To: FBI Director

From: Guy Hottel, SAC, Washington

Subject: Information on Flying Saucers

The following information was provided to SA [crossed out].

An investigator from the Air Force stated that three of the so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. The description of these states that are circular with a rise in its center, and of approximately 15 meters in diameter. Each of the objects was occupied by three humanoid bodies of only 1 meter in height, dressed in a fine-grained metallic material. The bodies were blindfolded in a manner similar to that used in the costumes of test pilots who face high speeds.

According to the informant of Mr. [crossed out], the plates were found in New Mexico due to the fact that there the government has a configuration of high-powered radar that is believed might interfere with the navigation mechanism of the flying saucers.

The above information was not evaluated subsequently by SA [crossed out].

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Note: The report discusses nine bodies (three on each ship our understand the text.) The report was extracted without alteration to the official website of the FBI.

To read the rest of the documents (in English), you can enter here:
Source: FBI Official Website


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