Monday, April 25, 2011

2010 Jeff Hardy Haircut


April 24, 2011
In your heart is where it holds the key of your own destiny. It's in your heart that is enlarged in the shade or where it expands the light in your world. From your heart is where you can make your viday changes your world urgently required. Your heart is the key, your heart together is the key, the union with the Source of Light from your heart is the key to open the kingdom of heaven, the realm of Love, the Divine, the Kingdom of Compassion in your world.
much you went missing in earthly time without knowing that the key to returning home is within yourself, there is in yourself, in your own embodiment.

We've trained, we have together, we have strengthened understanding of compassion, in what incorporate compassion into your world and to yourself. Many centuries of whips and punishments that only disconnected from your own mind, that only those who truly are away.

We invite and receive today in the kingdom of heaven. We invite and received today in the most sublime love, unconditional love always, always, always been available to resume their journey home.

is our will and your will to follow the path of reconnection to reconnect with your Higher NOW

This IS the time, this is a timely and appropriate.
Your world is changing old patterns no longer resist more, and your work has been and is very important.

The spiral ascent towards your true kingdom is imminent and is about to begin. You can come with us and tune into the new plot. Allow resonate in your hearts and transmute anything that impedes the reconnection, to clean all the mental blocks, emotional, physical and earthly, of what you have forgotten.

Light will be a carnival, a carnival of everlasting joy, light, high vibration, where your Higher active part in the game.

not hinder your imminent departure. The charges and relationships that are not obsolete may attach. Well, then let them go! Do not hold nor endorse more!

is the new time is no time to succumb to the density or the low vibration. It is a time of Light and reconnecting with your true Self
This IS the time. Are all available to do so.

Brothers bright, beloved warriors of love in the light, I bless, I hope, I welcome from Divine Grace.

I AM YESHUA, accompanying your Ascension process.

Pipeline by Mónica Silva Vallabha


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