Thursday, April 7, 2011

Get Free Answers For Level E Vocab

Inf: The cosmic clock I, II and III

The Cosmic Clock (1)

Today, many people think that the future can be divined by the positions of stars, moon and planets. In his search for support, people are asking, "What sign are you?". Some use astrology to identify positive and negative traits of a person. Looking for the perfect partner, choose their careers, they embark on journeys, and for some, even governs everything they do and fail to do in life. But the mundane astrology can be very limiting. The Aquarian Age is the age of initiation and self-transformation. In the world today is changing so quickly, people look for tools and techniques to help them live up to the challenges of the spiritual path. The Cosmic Clock is key! Elizabeth Clare Prophet began teaching the principles of the Cosmic Clock almost forty years. Unlike traditional astrology (mundane), the clock is a science that uses an internal astrology. The Cosmic Clock traces the journey of the soul Through Life. Using the science of clock cycles can plot personal and planetary karma, and prepare for their spiritual initiations. You can even track their daily progress, as it balances and expands your chakras, and spiritually transformed and grow in grace. There is no limit on the use that can give the Clock! Elizabeth Clare Prophet gave us an excellent summary on the science of cosmic clock when he said:

"The teachings of the Divine Mother on graph Cosmic Clock cycles are among the most liberating it can get to read. As you learn to understand their past and anticipate the future, I sincerely pray that you take these lessons and use for their own freedom and ascension in the Light. "

This is only a brief introduction to the Cosmic Clock, and lightly touches the subject. Knowledge and teaching deeper than can be achieved is incredible.

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The Cosmic Clock (II) - The twelve Hierarchies of the Sun

Twelve Hierarchies of the Sun are Cosmic Beings of Light, also known as the Twelve Solar hierarchies. They channel aspects of the Consciousness of God through the constellations. Although these beings are known by the names of the zodiac, star clusters that form these configurations are not the hierarchy. They just use these and other stars to give your energy. Causal Body has its focal points for the discharge of this energy, and how to use it can make a big difference in your life.

There are twelve lines in the zodiac. Each line represents a divine attribute, as well as proof that must be overcome. In each line there is a Master Clock Promoted reaching down to the demonstration, one of the twelve qualities of the Solar Hierarchy.

The spiritual path is the path of self-transformation and personal growth. Involves an inner healing and initiation rites. The Ascended Masters are our teachers, we give our initiations and exams.
Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning 'act', 'action', "word" or "fact." The sages of yore have long taught about the accuracy of karma. They say that all life is energy. Every day we are deciding how to use it. Either we impose a positive spin or a negative one, with our thoughts, words and deeds. Karma is the universal law of Cause and Effect. Stipulates that all energy that we project, will eventually return to us. The science of the Cosmic Clock is based on the law of cycles, and can be used to chart the cycles of karma.

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The Cosmic Clock (III) - The Ascended Masters and the 12 clock lines

started in line 12, in the Hierarchy of Capricorn, and continue clockwise. In the Divine Astrology, everything begins in Capricorn.

line 12, is under the hierarchy of Capricorn. The teacher who reduces the intensity of the pure energy of Capricorn is the Great Divine Director. He represents the Divine Direction, and helps us fulfill our divine plan. He along with the seven archangels, conveyed the attribute of Divine Power. Chakra: Crown.

Line from 1, is under the hierarchy of Aquarius. Ascended Master Saint Germain and the Angelic Hosts of Light the Flame of Aquarius manifest and maintain the focus of Divine Love. Saint Germain us on the use of the Violet Flame in the ritual of transmutation. Chakra: Seat of the Soul.

the 2 line, is under the hierarchy of Pisces. Ascended Master who has been chosen to reduce the intensity of the pure energy of Pisces is Jesus, keep the flame of Divine Master. The Great Host of Ascended Masters Jesus help on this line. Jesus is the guide. Chakra: Solar plexus.

line 3, is under the hierarchy of Aries. This line is led by Helios and the Great Central Sun Messengers, keeping the focus of Divine Control. They amplify the magnetic power of the Great Central Sun. Helios us on the energy flow. Chakra: Heart.

line 4, is under the hierarchy of Taurus. This is the line of Divine Obedience. Godfre Ascended Master (under the title of God Obedience) along with the Seven Mighty Elohim, God kept the focus of Obedience to the Earth. The MSc in the Flame Godfre Obedience makes him highly qualified to give us our initiations. He teaches and trains in the Law of Conformity to the internal design. Chakra: Third Eye.
line of 5, is under the hierarchy of Gemini. This is the line of the Divine Wisdom. El Morya teaches the attainment of the Mind of Gemini, and achieve self-mastery in the throat chakra. He, along with the Legions of Mercury, help and guide us to enlightenment and understanding necessary for the fulfillment of the Holy Will of God. They also help us resolve any division within the personality. Chakra: Throat.

line 6, is under the hierarchy of Cancer. The Ascended Master Serapis Bey, along with the great Angels and Cherubs of God, we started in the Flame of God Harmony. In this line, we received evidence of the water element (emotional or astral) and all energy-in-motion (In English, emotion). Chakra: Base of the Spine.

line at 7, is under the hierarchy Leo. The Goddess of Liberty, along with the Lords of Karma, introduces us to Divine Gratitude. We should continually show gratitude for the gifts and graces of the Spirit, as well as our appreciation for life, on this line. Chakra: Seat of the Soul.

line 8, is under the hierarchy of Virgo. Lord Lanto and the Lords of Wisdom initiate us into Divine Justice. Lord Lanto teaches the path of attainment through enlightenment. Chakra: Solar Plexus.

line 9, is under the hierarchy of Libra. The Mighty Victory and the Lords of Individuality are the initiators. This is the line of the Divine Reality. The Mighty Victory gives us our initiation into what is real and what is not. Teaches us the difference between our true (Higher) and a synthetic unreal (being lower). Their initiations tangible carry the Flame of Divine Victory. Chakra: Heart.

line 10, is under the hierarchy of Scorpio. It is chaired by Cyclopean and the Lords of Form. This is the line Vision Divine. Cyclopean gives us our tests and initiations All Sentry Eye of God. He helps us to acquire the vision of one eye. Chakra: Third Eye.

line at 11, is under the hierarchy of Sagittarius. This line is chaired by Lord Maitreya. He, along with the Lords of Mind, we started in the Flame of Divine Victory. This is proof of the eleventh hour, when Divine Victory. Chakra: Throat.


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