Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Miniature Horse Hay Feeders

Miguel: the fast track to Self-Mastery

My beloved champions of the Light, it is time for the fainthearted, it is time to stop dabble in spirituality . Many of you have been less enthusiastic in their efforts to awaken the wisdom of the Soul and your Higher Self. It's time to start your heart with an intense desire to reclaim his self-mastery and become a Soul seeker rather than a pleasure seeker. The secrets of how to navigate the dramatic changes and chaos of transformation are constantly being revealed to you. However, they must make the effort and actively strive to incorporate foolproof methods available to you if they want to successfully ride the crest of the waves of change during the turbulent years ahead. It's time to let go of the old - to make way for the new. An update and improvement of each facet or spark God-consciousness, and each dimension is gaining momentum as the light rays thinned the Supreme Creator to go on the far side of the building expressed in this sub-universe.
is time for you and other light workers understand how they fit into this great cosmic event of expansion and evolution. Now is the time for which they have been working on this and many past lives. You, the faithful who strive for self-mastery so that they can become the Light World Servers are needed now more than ever. It is now time to declare, "I will endeavor to become a Lightbearers BRAVE so you can magnetize to me and radiate the maximum amount of Light of the Creator to the world and to all mankind.
doing so, create a column of light frequencies harmonious security, high dimension, around you, your home and your loved ones. By gaining the ability to magnetize to you greater amounts of substance of Divine Light, its sphere of influence will grow and will spread to cover a growing area. Eventually, the light will join with the frequency patterns of their spiritual brothers and sisters who are also committed to become Bearers Light.
unrest and turmoil are rampant in the world, and as you know, it is accelerating in such a way that no country or race of people is immune. We feel your concern and rightly so, because it is a critical time for the Earth, humanity and all living beings living on this planet. So once again let me remind you of what is and is not appropriate for you as Auto teachers co-creation. We know that the greatest desire of his heart is to help those who are suffering and in danger, and this is how it should be. There are those whose mission is to be directly involved, either defending, caring, healing or helping to alleviate the misery of those displaced or needy. There are those who will be called in the midst of confusion and there are those who must make critical decisions regarding the best course of action to take in various situations and dramas that are being played continuously. Others will give their support by sharing their wealth, and that's appropriate. However, most of you, especially those of you who have called for higher dimensional frequencies as their reality, are somehow removed from these dramas stressful. Therefore, it is more important than ever to remain focused on the heart and focused on their Alma, so that they can spread as much light, hope and harmony from Solar Energy Center to the chaotic astral planes of consciousness and heart to the core of Mother Earth. You, the Starseed, are able to help the Earth to free itself from a prison of negativity as she strives to lighten your load and bring your auric field in order to claim his new appointed position within the solar system.
Thanks to you, the brave souls who are called Desks way or the Vanguard of the Lightworkers, the golden path has been clearly established and defined. They are also in the process of opening the lines of communication between us so that we can express to you all the information you need to move quickly through the process of ascension into the next level of consciousness. Doing so will leave behind and are not affected by drastic changes, negativity and chaos of the lower dimensions that unbalanced masses are now struggling to exit. The time has come when each of you is being asked to bring and share their own wisdom gleaned from his vast experience on Earth and also to seize the jewels of wisdom stored within your Sacred Mind, which brought with you from the far end of the universe.
Those of you who have faithfully followed our teachings are being offered what we call a fast track to self-mastery. Our beloved messenger, Ronna Herman, has graciously agreed to assume the task of pursuing and make available the universal teachings of wisdom expanding measures, which were originally reserved for initiates only more advanced retreats and secret schools wisdom. All of you are in the midst of an initiation process - in one stage or another. It is a school of learning and initiation has place every day as they conduct their daily tasks and face their daily challenges. All that has been hidden in the past is now being brought to the light of consciousness, either to be corrected, removed or in some cases, magnified.
is time also for those of you who are firmly on the road to begin building a closer relationship with their guardians and teachers of the higher realms of angels. The many facets of your Higher Self are waiting to integrate these advanced teachings, along with higher frequencies of Light are now available to you. Telepathic communication with the Beings of Light from the higher realms is part of their sense of their physical gifts original. It is time to reclaim those talents and gifts, dear. I ask you to study and meditate on the teachings of advanced wisdom that we are offering those of you who are firmly on the road until they are etched in his mind and become a part of your higher consciousness. The wonderful gifts and abilities that are waiting far outweigh the effort put into obtaining them.
increasingly precious souls are stepping forward in the path of consciousness as they begin to pay attention to the nudges of your Soul. Often, this begins a process of dark night of the soul while facing the distortions created in the consciousness and the full measure of the Law of the Circle or Karma, is implementation. As you know, not a punishment even though it might seem at first. It is an opportunity for everyone to turn around and courageously addressed and corrected itself and harmonize the discordant frequency patterns that she or he has created.
higher and more refined frequencies are constantly bombarded you and the Earth. As a result, many of you are in the midst of the emotional intensity and distortion of the astral plane, which is in the seven sub-planes of the fourth dimension. These are emotional planes of consciousness which must be brought under control and returned to an acceptable level of polarity. These are some of the most difficult experience while on their journey of ascension into balance and tranquility of the fifth dimension. It is time to clarify the deep patterns of energy, waste to be released in order to accommodate the higher frequencies of Light. Know this, dear, is a golden opportunity to release once and for all, those energies that have been impacted as excess baggage with them for many thousands of years. Encárenlas, Process them and watch them transmuted Light in pure substance and the process will feel lighter and brighter, as they traverse the path to higher consciousness in the realms of wonderful possibilities.
There are a lot of information available to you in every facet of your spiritual awakening and advancement while the brave front of you are able to access higher levels and more refined of the large rooms and also receive teachings Wisdom Advanced Beings of Light. Brought much of the information is useful and full of love, but some are confused and distorted. Therefore, we ask them to use their discernment in what they accept as truth. Some of the information expands your imagination, and may wonder how they will ever achieve the multiple levels of consciousness are described. After being cut off from their source for so long, are willing and eager to know everything there is to know so they can get the heights of enlightenment as quickly as possible. However, please remember, my precious friends, who must make the journey one step at a time, learning every lesson completely as this release which no longer serves. Then be guided through the next door open bright glow, and will be offered ever-expanding levels of consciousness of God. This is an endless journey. There will always be new evidence, new opportunities and extraordinary adventures to experience.
These are critical times for the Earth and humanity as all that no longer serves the highest good is gradually being eliminated or transformed. You are building and reconnecting to the Rainbow Bridge which will take you to a bright new future for you and your Earth also as in this solar system and galaxy. It is up to each make this journey a difficult or easy. Dear hearts, please bear in mind that your success is assured, however, is its decision the amount of time it will take to reach the next destination.
know it is easy to overcome a disaster or situation when it is happening elsewhere in the world. But it is not easy when you are at home, in your neighborhood, or when it affects them personally, their family and home. Then comes the real test of skill. Can they stay focused within your Sacred Heart and to trust their friends over the reigns to help them cross the dark nights of chaos into the light of a bright new future, no matter what happens to you or your around?
Many wonder: What can we do to help? First become an example and radiate its light for all to see and enjoy. Join in group meditations and also spend as much time as possible in the World Pyramid in the fifth dimension, adding their unique energy and love and light to be used for the highest good. Strive to attract maximum cosmic Light substance to you, as they become Fasteners for the Adamantine Particles of Divine Light in their area. Imagine Great Pyramids crystal light being formed in the fifth dimension for the many groups of lightworkers, where everyone can join in meditation with the intention of building Cosmic Light waves bigger. These waves, designated for the highest good, eventually swept every country, arousing the masses, cleaning and clearing the negative energies that are choking in each country and its people. Know that every country and every race is unique, because they were created with different attributes, desires, opportunities and challenges. Each of you has been strategically placed in the area where they can be for the greatest service and do the most good. You have seed crystal vibrates within the structure of your brain and soul which will help you, your country and the men and women of his country to access the Light of Truth Wisdom and Protection.
My beloved warriors of Light, we are asking them not to close your heart centers. Do not move in fear and a feeling of hopelessness. There are great things happening on Earth and in the higher realms that are beyond their understanding. I remember how often I said, "amid the chaos, a new creation emerges." We did not ask to minimize the monumental tragedy that has taken place or the suffering will be experienced by many. But it will do anybody if you stay stuck in negativity, fear and mayhem of the 3 rd and 4 th. Dimensional illusion. Not to allow their powerful forms and energy thinking to move towards lower vibrational patterns which will add more negative energy to the cloud of darkness. Instead, send their powerful wing beats of Love and Light in the midst of chaos and into the hearts of those who spread it, and then watch as the darkness is slowly overtaken by the Light.
We promise lift and help with your loving energy and to assist even in the darkest times. Light and Love of all creation, along with their courageous and steadfast efforts prevail. I'm forever your loving friend and protector.
I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna Herman . Copy it and share it freely. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article on behalf of Archangel Michael.


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