Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What Does A Ring On A Man's Left Piny Mean

Inf: Hoffman: Old Soul, Young Body

Old Soul, Young Body

March 28, 2011

Translation: Margarita Lopez

Edition: The Spring of Caduceus

receive many questions from grandparents and other crystals children of the new generation, because they worry their growth spiritual and they are often the only spiritual influence in their lives. Many of them wonder why parents of these children are not so evolved spiritually aware and afraid that it harms children. I remind you that each child chooses their parents for important reasons, and also ensure that someone in your life is there to meet their spiritual needs. In many cases, these children, a grandparent or other relative.

Many of these children of the new generation are very old souls, some of which have never been before on the earth plane, but they are here to provide guidance and assistance as we move through these difficult times, but whose purpose is to collapse the old cycles and open pathways to other dimensions of being. The vibration of the earth had to be high enough so that they could be here, that is also why some of them do not speak or interact easily with others. However, many of them find comfort in the presence of their grandparents.

Grandparents can be spiritual mentors a child, but parents are also important because the contribution of parents are less oriented toward things spiritual has to do with 'education about the earth and ego. " These are the energies with which these children go to work and need to learn about them. So if they need the comfort of spiritual knowledge from grandparents and energetic presence, their parents show the energy density of the earth, humanity's challenges and helps them understand how to work with them.

These children may be as new earth souls, old souls but are universal, often from other dimensions, galaxies, solar systems and universes. Many of them are now converging on earth to share a higher aspect of learning that has not been available until now. Any person of their choice that is on the way energy is an issue with going to work, heal and transform, or that will support and nurture. So no matter what you are for them to know that they have elected and all you have to do is spread love, understanding, support and compassion that they will need to do the work they have come to do.

Copyright (C) 2004-2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening

Life Omnimedia, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is protected by copyright laws of the United States international and can be freely distributed in its entirety, as long as they include the name the author and the Uriel Heals website,

English-language materials to Jennifer Hoffman can be found on

The Caduceus Spring of thanks to those who share and distribute these messages as they are published, with all the appropriations, as well as reflect their own transparency to diffuse the light. Unfortunately, other people do not act that way and modify or eliminate the credit, thus preventing their own readers have access to the sites where they could find more information. It is worth remembering that all individual sites hosting the Spring of Caduceus have been authorized by the respective ducting / authors and contain all material authorized translations.

We are in a new energy, creating a new world. Be aware of our choices. Do we continue to build skills and regret? Or do we prefer the collaboration and integrity? Please honor the work of each person doing their part for us to get these messages, respecting all the credit. Thanks.


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