Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Differnece High Performance And Grand Touring

Report: Mistletoe due to cancer

The revival of mistletoe in the Twentieth Century
From time immemorial the mistletoe plant is among the most mysterious
known. Always knew he had special powers, mostly healing.
Already in the fourth century BC Greek naturalist Theophrastus referred to it in detail
extensive description of the plants known in his time.

In the first century BC Roman poet Virgil creates the epic The Aeneid, where the mistletoe
plays an important role. For the sacrifice of the Golden Bough, not only granted
hero Aeneas descends to the underworld, but find the way out without damage
any and enriched with deep knowledge.

Mistletoe enjoyed special esteem among the Celts, which was the beginning of the Christian
occupied vast territories in Europe and worshiped as a panacea for all
evils. When the Romans to the Celts moved the plant lost its meaning.
While it is true that in the Middle Ages still known as plant properties
healing - there is herbal does not relate to it in detail - the knowledge of their
mystery and its power is fading gradually and end up being more
among multiple plants therapeutic applications rather general.
Only in the twentieth century experienced a kind of rebirth. We could say that is
in this century that emerges fully.

 A brief history on the investigation of Viscum album (mistletoe).
Rudolf Steiner is the first to recommend the application of the Viscum album
treatment of carcinomatosis . In 1904 the first event in 1907 and described more detailed
its properties as a poisonous plant and also medicinal. In 1916 called
attention to the relationship between this plant and cancer. A year later, the medical Wegman
endorsed the suggestion and with the help of your pharmacist, made in Zurich (Switzerland) first
prepared Viscum album, christening Iscar (Ixos = league). In its first course for doctors
dictated in 1920, Steiner describes the fundamentals of the relationship between the mistletoe and
cancer. In 1926, prepared from Viscum album Wegman developed by him and get
the final name of Iscador.

Back then, it was not known which of the components of the extract of Viscum album was
the cause of the inhibition of tumor development. The next milestone was, therefore, the
viscotoxins discovery, made in 1949 by Winterfeld. Vester (1968-1977) achieved
isolation and a comprehensive overview of a complex of different proteins
mistletoe. These acted as cytostatics, or preventing the division of
cells cancer and were also stimulating the immune system. These
of Viscum album mentioned substances and chemical properties were described by
Hartmut Franz (East Berlin, German) between 1976 and 1992.

Finally, in Oeschelbronn Carus Institute (Germany) became famous for his work
research of Viscum album on tumor-inhibiting properties
(contributed by Armin Scheffler).

 Application form.
Medications from Viscum album that will have application in therapy
cancer should be prepared as injectable solutions. It aims to make being human
intermediate restore the balance between formative powers of man
top and configuration processes of human inference. This approach, based on
general study of the individual, is backed up by experience that the toxic mistletoe
develop peak efficiency if they are injected. As proteins, these
lose effectiveness in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach and intestine caused by digestive processes.
externally applied, would not be reabsorbed.

Bibliography: "Cancer and its treatment with Anthroposophic Medicine"
Kilgelgen of Dr. Michaela von Dr. Jürgen Schülhoz Glöckler and
Editorial Anthroposophical Argentina 2000 - Te . Fax. 011-4766-1817
El Indio No. 1837 - Villa Adelina (1607) - Buenos Aires - Argentina
Pje. Santa Cruz N º 355 - Rosario (2000) - Te. 0341-4512544 - Argentina

For more information
in therapies for cancer and AIDS are two conceptual models of treatment: 1)
conventional strategy. For the treatment by applying the concept that primarily the
Cancer is a localized problem in a human body and seeks to remove therapy
the tumor locally.

2) From the angle of biological medicine, carcinoma is the product of the disorder that affects
entirely to the individual.

In the first case, the therapy includes surgery, radiation and cytotoxic agents and chemotherapeutic
. In the second case it is activated in the human body, specifically
defense system (immunity) to end the bad cells

medical biological theory assumes that the body's immune system recognizes and removes
cancer cells. On the basis of this theory we can understand how important
which is when the immune system is depressed.

Dr. Carlos R. Schliemann - Doctor in Molecular Medicine


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