Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What Does Elevated Bilrubin Level Mean

Inf: Lorenzo: Mother Mary

29 Mar 2011 15:06:59 +0200
Importante mensaje de
la Madre Maria
, nuevas luces sobre nuestra vida en el futuro...recomiendo su lectura...
Abrazos de Luz...
28 DE MARZO DE 2011
Amados míos quiero llegar a cada uno de vosotros con el Amor incondicional de vuestra Madre María y mi energía que viene del Sol, que viene del Padre.
Vinimos como respuesta a vuestras plegarias y oraciones para vuestra comprensión y entendimiento de lo que está pasando con vuestros trabajos.
Sabemos todos los cambios you are going through in your work lives, we know your insecurities, all your fears, your anxiety, disorientation you have, we know everything because I know every one of you.
Our understanding is infinite because we have also gone, come from the evolution of the earth and we know the difficulties of your density. We shared many experiences
earthly many of you, so there is a special feeling inside you when conectáis with our energies, something different resonates within your being, we acknowledge.
With all our love we give you calm, all is well, is part of this great change, of this great evolutionary plan.


Mother and I are with each of you, ask for our help, and let, us with our divine love and the power of the sun burn everything, especially for that you can start a new life based on love,
Freedom and Unity
. must keep calm, you must trust.
There is much work to do and must be prepared.
Everything is perfectly planned, scheduled, no errors. From here I will be guiding, giving the necessary instructions, you are the channels. All work together.
Many are feeling the need to change jobs, want change and do not know how. Others see how they change or quedais without him and do not understand why. Most of you are stressed, tired, exhausted, with resignation every day you carry this load that allows you to enjoy and you and you affect everything around you. We want to convey to calm.
You are all important and all your work too.
We will help you gradually go find your true calling, your mission in life to always be what you do with Love
With these changes you will begin to find new jobs, something completely different to what you were used. You will go

awakening talents and abilities you did not know that you had. I started to like different things, you will begin to remember and you will be surprised of the great treasures you carry within you. Everything was hidden, blocked by your fears and limitations. Now you will begin to flow, to fly.

Others must follow your work but with a higher consciousness and new tools that also you will discover and develop.

All are healers and channelers because you are Divine beings of Light and Love
For workers in the healthcare industry needs to sanéis the spirit of your brethren. You can with your love, with your knowledge, your energy and your presence to help them. Sanareis soul. You will talk with your patients to guide them, and if you are not prepared you will talk straight from the heart to be, and find relief and calm.
is your intention you are the most important channels, we and your self, your Divine presence will do the job.

must accept with love and respect when someone you choose to go. You must be calm, without fear, ask for our help, I will be beside you and your brother preparing

Mother lovingly collected and accompanied by his guide, his family and other spiritual beings of Light, will guide home to continue its evolution.

Remember it is your intention, you are never alone.
do not need to escape now, no longer feel the stress, or the emptiness in your life. Now you shall know who you are from a higher consciousness and recuperareis your power, you will love your work.
So important is the mission of the Master and the devotion that has organized, which has decorated with love, the love that has flowers on the altar, which has lovingly planted those flowers ... Dear all divine beings are healers, you are all conduits of different ways and forms, you are all important.
I will do through music, painting, teaching, healing, administration, food ...

When you rindáis to your Self to manifest, when you are ready and accept without resistance, all the veils of duality will be falling, then you will know, you will begin to see the truth and feel it in your hearts, not before.

There can be no fear, no doubts, no resistance, you have to be sure, there is no return to after, no errors.

You must be confident you, believe strongly in you and in us.

OK to work together, we're a team and when you reveal your mission there can be no doubt or fear of failure or rejection.

Those who are receiving information from higher planes must pass on these messages as necessary for changes in your brothers and the planet, but you can not doubt, you must listen to your heart, your mind will try to sabotage you, make you believe you have lost reason, intentareis escape. Now understand, now see? Beloved
all are in a strong process of healing and transformation, all right, everything was and is necessary for your awakening.

All the information and wisdom is within you.

We have much work to do. Are the creator of a new world. Remain in the vibration of Love and Unity

Our great love and strength are with you in your walk.

piped by Maria José Lorenzo


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