Friday, April 15, 2011

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Inf: Velazquez: The way to serve, by Mother Teresa

The way to serve - Bases efficient for a community - Beloved Mother Teresa


Note: This message was an interaction of Mother Teresa with the public in which she allowed receive and answer questions.
This dictation was delivered on 20 July 2007 by Walter Javier Velásquez during withdrawal of the Mission
Shangra-the South, an event which took place May 20 to July 22 near the city of Popayán, capital of the department of Cauca, Colombia.

Question: I really to surrender unconditionally to this cause to serve, "The first service that we do is with ourselves? Is healing our psychology? Response
Mother Teresa
order to provide a service really valuable to the world must work first to you and fill your cup, because if your cup is empty, what can you offer to those who are thirsty?
So it is essential to start working on your own psychology, and in your own spiritual growth. That you can do it at the same time you help others, because when you help and you can understand the psychology of others, will have practical tools to work with yourself.
So you have to be open to recognize that you have locks and start working on them.
it will be necessary for many cases the assistance of another person, a therapist, a professional, or friend to help you to see the beam in your own eye
Question: Beloved Mother Teresa when we're stuck in our psychology, when we are not expressing the fullness, is it legitimate to work first on ourselves and express certain selfishness until we somehow cured and then serve and to help others?
is, When can we tell that we are not really being selfish and only we are worrying about our own spiritual growth? Response

Mother Teresa Beloved, even if you have certain blocks in psychology, even at that point you can help others.

How do you help others?
One of the best ways is to simply be open to listening to others.
When someone talks about their problems and conflicts often generate a catharsis where she vents and drop their loads. Play is a great way to help.
no need necessarily solve their problems to people.
When you listen and hear the person, the answers often appear herself.
would be great to create support groups where people can go to listen and be heard without being judged. whole process has gone through this messenger has been for the purpose of life experiences that can help grow this community.
But what he offers is only a grain of sand. It takes you all the experiences of a community in order to realize efficient and helpful.
He can bring their particular experience in Alcoholics Anonymous is a group that has very special characteristics.
I would define as a more efficient community of Planet Earth at this time. I do not say that you have to mold your groups exactly on that pattern. Because it is a pattern that is limited in some respects, but has some essential keys:
The first is that there is no membership. The doors are open to anyone who wants to attend. Secondly, people are free to speak and express themselves the way they want - while being respectful, and no one can expel it. third thing is that they are listened to and loved unconditionally, accepted as they are.
And the fourth is that the comments that people make within the community will never come to light and are the subject of gossip after the meeting.

But, why were not allowed to be able to take this great step from you? Just because all you are afraid to open yourselves, to show your flaws and weaknesses to others, you are afraid of being criticized.
That fear must recognize that criticism, condemnation and the trial as a factor in your groups. So the first thing you should do is to let the criticism and being judged for people to feel free to talk, to express themselves and tell their problems among yourselves. Many communities efficient today, if you're open you can learn of them.
You do not have to copy an exact model of a community, but it is not necessary to reinvent what has already been proven to work.
So just search for communities that are efficient and have methods that work to make the best of them.
You can be like a sponge and absorb what works and discard what has not worked.
Then you will begin to create a spiritual community that is guided by the Ascended Masters and end up being unique because it will cover three aspects:

The aspect of psychology that will be healed through the alpha -therapy and group therapy.
physical level, through alternative therapies that can teach and deliver people to heal.
The most important is the spiritual level, through the Rosary and the lessons to reconnect to who you really are.
If these three fundamental aspects manejáis you can create an efficient and successful community.
But if you focus on just one of them will be an imbalance.
They represent the Threefold Flame of
Wisdom, Power and Love
So if you work only with education but have neglected the psychological and physical will be an imbalance.
This will happen if you work individually with any of these aspects neglecting others.
Seek balance, and you need to call people from other spiritual movements and psychology professionals to assist you in forming support groups therapy, do it.
What I dream is that the Mission-South Shangra become an open community where people can reach all conditions, without trial, without being criticized, without being identified, that they love and accept them unconditionally.
harmoniously For this to happen there must be some basic and simple rules for the support of the community.
But you must not rule atiborraros limitaríais excessive because the spiritual growth of individuals.
The party is your task is to investigate, work and be open.
If you're open to take this step, I will support you contactándoos with key people that you need to move this forward.
But if you're not open, ye will for another ten years in a maze where you will grow spiritually to some extent, and individually you can grow a lot, but as a community you can not really provide an efficient service is what is needed at this time.
  • Question: Mother Teresa, thank you so much to us, my heart really excited to know that you're here with us.
  • I would like to tell us about unconditional love, I think we still understand.
You think you understand it but it seems that selfishness is sometimes present.
It works in some ways but then come other egos that keep us moving forward.

Please Acláranos on this topic. Response
Mother Teresa
not easy to talk of unconditional love.
I can experience, and in fact alive and I am an unconditional love of God, but express it in words is not easy.
    Unconditional love is proved by facts.
  1. Unconditional love starts with yourself by accepting and loving you as you are now, and because you love, recognizing that you must raise you up in consciousness and be more.
  2. At the same time must extend unconditional love to everyone around you, without exception. Delivering
  3. yourselves time, words and support others.
But it's not just that which will deliver spare, as the hypocrites do, but handing many times as you need.
For some this may seem like a sacrifice.
If you represent a sacrifice is because you have not learned to truly love.
If you knew the joy so great that it is in giving, the surrender, you would give you that does not mean any sacrifice.
you would understand that you are really sacrificing when you are selfish and do not give of yourselves to others. I you are sacrificing because you allow your Self to expand and grow spiritually. The unconditional love and the giving is not a sacrifice.
I used the word "sacrifice" when I ministered in the Catholic Church because the level of awareness of just what those people could understand this.
To you I say there is no sacrifice in giving, it really is an immense joy.
When you begin to give of yourself you will realize how beautiful and wonderful it is.
will begin to turn into an addiction in your life and you will need every moment to be serving.
So start loving you yourselves as I love you now.

Question: Beloved Mother Teresa that I am very pleased you're here in my heart.
You know the divine policy aims to achieve a divine power to transfer the love, justice, peace and all those wonderful values \u200b\u200bthat flow from the sky.
our beloved Colombia Unfortunately what we see expressed in this humane policy is the antithesis of those wonderful values \u200b\u200bthat gives us the sky.
The beloved Saint Germain, in the beginning of this lecture, he spoke of freedom and that the Sons and Daughters of God should really be the representatives of the political divine what way we can participate actively in the reconstruction of that country divine?
Mother Teresa:
Actually I have no momentum as a statesman, I am not an expert in politics.
I practiced a policy that was the policy of unconditional love, the policy of giving himself to others. I feel that in this nation and throughout Latin America, at some point people will tire of the rulers of their choice. will need to start a movement of human beings come Christic, this does not mean it is a religious movement or spiritual, they are of different religions that have a spiritual sense of life, values, principles, morals, ethics.
So your role is an example of honesty, truth, unconditional love, lead by example in giving, give over, that's the best way to teach.
And if any of you feel that one time your role is to speak in public and reveal the truth that is needed to rebuild a country, to rebuild a continent, you must do so.
If your call is to stay a little "anonymous", but by example helping and touching the hearts one by one, then do it.
each work according to your calls and according to your possibilities to serve as the most efficient way possible.
Question: Mother Teresa, thanks for being with us.

I want to ask if once our cup is filled with theoretical and suddenly we find ourselves in a position to transmit the teaching, of transmitting light, to convey the unconditional love which is so important in practice with our neighbors.
How to better identify the segment of our fellow beings in which we can serve better, I mean, if it is with children, elderly, sick, drug addicts, or if the people in general?

Mother Teresa:
When you talk to transmit the teaching to the world, I want you to understand something fundamental: I do not see Shangra-la as a religion in itself.
Shangra-la is a spiritual teaching which brought together the basic principles of the great religions of the world, the basic principles that have been discovered and tested by psychologists and philosophers, the principles given in previous dispensations.
As you see, Shangra-la is something he inherited from Self Realization Fellowship, I AM Activity, of the Catholic Church, the Christian church, etc.

The idea is to bring together the practical part of every valuable lesson that has existed in the world. So you say that you must convey how education?
We are not talking about a body of doctrine or a set of dogmas or beliefs that you have to believe to belong to something.
main thing is to know a number of early life must exemplify.
very simple principles, such as recognizing that you are not a mortal, sinful, separated, but you are Sons and Daughters of God.
That is a principle that you can beautiful convey to any person of any religion regardless of their creed, not to mention teachers or colored rays.
Another principle is to love yourself unconditionally and to love others.
principles such as honesty, truth, which can be given to anyone, even if they say they are atheist. So the main thing is to embody these principles of life that speak rosaries, be an example of them and teach the world.
At some point your Christ inspire you speak of education as such and to deliver the beads to some people, and that will be perfect.
You must be guided by intuition. I would not see you as some church members going door to door selling his doctrine.
I wish that you were heart to heart by example of life and delivering these small and simple principles that people need.
If you want to talk about education, do when your heart and tell you.
As part of the service as such, ask if you must work with the elderly, with children or drug addicts.
Everyone must work according to its flame.
Not everyone could work with drug addicts, not having had the experience of the drug, but if you can collaborate with those that can work on it.
Not everyone has the flame or the patience to work with children, but you can help in any way the logistics to those who have that name.
Not everyone has the patience to work with an elder.
Then each one will be located according to their calling.
There will be some who will not feel the urge to work with children or with drug addicts, or with elderly people or anything like that, then what will? support for those that do want to do.

I do not judge you because no such service directly hicierais as I said last night, there are many ways to serve and work. Before you throw to work in the world with an awareness of "saviors of mankind" which is based on the ego, you must understand that true unconditional love must begin with yourself. Begin by giving
love your wives, husbands, sons, daughters, neighbors, the master of the shop, which distributes milk to the poor that you are in the street. Begin by giving love in a practical way.
Gaze in the mirror and start to play an honest smile that comes from your heart and Give him the people.
Greet your neighbor in the morning, at night, although I returned the greeting, and so practical and simple exercises, you will begin to expand the flame of unconditional love.
not worry about saving a hundred thousand children, but you have healed your inner child first. So as you begin to work we will give you more.
not think that we are going to sponsor for a foundation that embraces children and the elderly until we demostréis that you can work first with those of your own home and your neighborhood.
So to the extent that you be working with people you have around, as you begin a work with few people, the sponsorship will be given.
and Babaji Actually I are One, we Alpha and Omega for this dispensation we're given. Our vision is to sponsor, through people who know this teaching, accommodation and education for street children, the elderly. This is not necessarily in the immediate future, but that will be ongoing as you begin to work with people you have around you.
If you show to be faithful in little things we can give you much. Remember
as Mother Mary
said one of its dictates through Kim: "if you do not need it."
This means that if you do not have the resources now to start this big company to help people, it is because you are not yet ready for that. You must start working with the people around you love them, this can be done individually.

As you go proving that you can give love, we'll show you how, give you resources for you to continue helping more and more people. "You believe that when I start my mission in Calcutta had a million dollars in the bank to create a foundation?
No way, I proved to God to serve him a single man in the street and were taking things slowly.
was never a bed of roses rather it was a thorny path.
I cried many times, I suffered, I had needs and that is part of the test.
If you think only when you have used all means available and all the logistics, it would be easy.
To begin you must prove you will do with nothing, only a heart to give.

Question: Beloved Mother Teresa, I ask why one can sometimes feel that unconditional love, a love so strong that it could embrace any destitute, serve anyone no matter what, but that's just for a moment and then goes and can not be sustained all the time.
Mother Teresa:
You have created a momentum of selfishness over many lives.
So now that flame of unconditional love in your Causal Body contenéis and in your heart emerges.
But at other times the selfishness that comes in and takes control of you.
expand So you must leave and let this flame warms and melts the selfishness and the false beliefs to you.
This is not a process that lasts overnight. if you begin with the little you will discover two things
First which is never easy
Second, that the more love more love will be willing to give.

Question: Beloved Mother Teresa, you have been an example of action and demonstrate that things are possible.
I have several things that bother me: one is how to overcome ingratitude, when we give in some way, we hope at least some gratitude.
The other is how to get to the action in my life has been difficult to be action, and suddenly I tried to learn many things, fill up with many theories, but I have a hard time reaching the action, it seems that when I try to do I have locks.

The other is how to know for sure what help people need when they, for some reason, come to our door
Mother Teresa: How

combat ingratitude?
The only ingratitude that can fight is yours.
not expect the people you assist her by when.
When I made my mission in Calcutta was persecuted and reviled by those he served.
So the specific answer is: the only thanks you can expect is the same as desarrolléis to God for giving you the opportunity to be your son, for the opportunity to serve.
The next question relates to Dar.
Working with people, how to know to give.
Everyone must give according to their experience, according what he has experienced. have a wonderful experience in your life, is an immense wealth and the universe is waiting for it.
The universe expects to deliver up all you can teach and give a lot of people through all that you have lived. Many of the things that you Last we offer you experience them in this life to know the way to help. Each man should give what he has and what they really have is the experience.
You ask that how to start to go into action.
start small, with only one person who needs help.
began listening and giving a word of support.
If you're open to that, I assure you I'm not going to send one, but many people who need your experience and what God through you can give them. Be open and attentive because if you want to work, work will have.
Question: I want to thank God all its manifestations to be here to share this great moment.
  • How I can better guide my work with children to serve more youth and humanity?
Mother Teresa:
not have to reinvent what has already been tested.
I recommend methods such as: Montessori, brain gym, you can integrate the techniques of accelerated learning, music therapy, etc. There are many ways to help, according to your calls and your experience you can learn certain things to give to children. They need much
to receive education but definitely have to give a complete turnaround to be a victory.
One of the things for which the seventh root race was not allowed to incarnate in South America was at the low level of education that exists. Here are entirely obsolete programs and methods that are not taking the young child to a real development of their talents and abilities.
They are encased in a prearranged system as if they were dolls produced in series by a machine, where everyone has to go cut from the same cloth You must will connect with the Holy Christ Self of these children through meditation.
way you can know what your talents and you can help them work on their development.
If you want to really work on that you can invoke the mantle of Mother Mary
before classes start, and my robe and Babaji. We will be with you and multiply so that you can provide a service to everyone. Do not stay with what you have learned so far, seek new methods.
I know that many schools do not allow a school teacher or school fully operate as the Montessori method in their classrooms.
But you can take certain basic principles of this method in a subtle way can be inserted in the education system.
Then you will begin a revolution from the classrooms.
If you can conquer the hearts of these young people who sit at their desks for education, you can build a nation victorious in God.
Start with little and those who God has placed around you to serve.

Question: Thank you very much for being here.
definitely brought my heart but also have been the Masters.
I ask a guide on service to youth, because I'm teaching and I always give what I have learned through my experience but sometimes I fall short.

cases I have touched girls who go to abortion or suicide, so sometimes I feel limited.
I thank
Mother, the Virgin Mary, Babaji and everyone present for giving us this great amount of light, thanks.

Mother Teresa:
Your experience may be limited at certain points.
I highly recommend not give what you have not lived and experienced, it would sound to ring hollow. So what you can do is invite your classrooms to those people who if they have lived these experiences so that they can provide guidance to those who need I have placed my mantle is a cloak over the person through which I'm talking about is a mantle of work and service.
So I'm prepared, through him, to serve and work directly, you might say you "on the battlefield."
not only through the internet and through retreats and conferences. But
serving and leading directly to those in need through the healing methods as
therapy and other alternative methods.
Our aim is that this service can reach many people in a free for those who need it most.
A dispensation can only reach the level that the people who have received support. According to
ye are giving support to this mission, it could take many places, the most depressed areas to more remote villages.
not teaching a doctrine or a religion, but teaching people to connect with your spiritual self from his own church or religious concept for most.
So this is the support I have, this is what I'm giving:
my personal guide through this person and through many of you who will be willing to serve. That takes extra support from you, so you can have this really a victory.
Beloved, I stamp in my heart.

I'll see soon, you'll see in the smile of the child in the street, in the eyes of the elderly, you'll see in the eyes of your own relatives who have refused to love sometime .
I'll see all the people you meet, acknowledge Me and I hope that you will serve me by Christ self that I am.
This dictation contains images of nature that were taken at the site where there was this conference.


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