Thursday, April 14, 2011

Snipe Sailboats On Craiglist

C: StarViewerTeam: The FBI and Roswell

The FBI confirmed that three manned UFO crashed in Roswell

extraterrestrial intelligence, extraterrestrial intelligence
Revelation, Revelation
Extraterrestrial Intelligence in Europe

Aparece una colección de documentos del FBI sobre extraterrestres recuperados en las inmediaciones de Roswell.

El FBI (Federal Boreau of Investigation) publicó más de 2.000 documentos digitales en una "sala de lectura virtual" , donde presenta investigaciones sobre 
Al Capone , Marilyn Monroe
y los secuestradores de aviones del 11 de septiembre de 2001.  La sala es llamada "The Vault" .

"El nuevo sitio incrementó de manera significativa el número de archivos del FBI disponibles al público, aumenta la velocidad por la these files can be viewed and contains a robust search capability says David Hardy, Chief of the FBI Records Management
. "This reflects the strong commitment to construitr accuracy and confidence on the bureau's files" . with offices in Washington, reveals sending a memo to the director of the office in March 1950.
"An Air Force investigator said that three of the so-called 'flying saucers' were recovered in New Mexico" , reports the document dated March 1950. "were described as circular and pointed on the center, about 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall (90 cm), wearing fine-textured metallic suits. Each body was subjected to the same form used in testing high-speed aircraft. " " According to the informant, the saucers were found in New Mexico because the government had high-powered radar in the area and assumes that the devices caused a malfunction in the dishes. No new assessments were attempted after the fact. " can also find the documents of the FBI, here 2011 StarViewerTeam International


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