Saturday, April 2, 2011

Virus Starts With Headache

God the Father and coming events

Protect yourselves, pray, recójanse inside, in his light. Be light in order to protect you because otherwise you are not be visible.

Hazard humanity, to your environment, for my creation. I showed you love, love, I gave them all to live happy, so you do not have hunger, to learn how to purify themselves. I gave my light and energy to help in your walk this beautiful planet that was at your disposal, but you were not happy, wanted and want to know more than the Creator, to master. Other dark entities come to you, and allied and continued to destroy all I had been offered with love.

Sons the time has come. Children need loving, merciful, grateful, but not what is now on Earth. The entire cosmos is shocked, all my emissaries, my angels, they are shocked and still as the hours pass when you make a bomb and put the watch to explode at some point. Like the clock is ticking for you.

False messengers sent them messages and they do not know because the censor is asleep except for my emissaries who have woken up. Those who plead for my mercy those who every day I thank you for being on Earth, those children of mine, my emissaries, have no fear because even a hair will be touched, that's my decision.

My voice is in all hearts, listen to it. My voice is in the wind, everything you see and touch and still not know who is your Father, who is your creator. In what has led them free will, to your destruction if you do not wake up early and join those minds, those minds to radiate light and love and that the clock is stopped and is idle.

Only man will know whether to stop what is to come or let it be.

My heart is grieved. Many innocent people suffer, the trumpets sounded, but neither heard. My angels made sonarlas across the Earth, only those in meditation, contemplation and focus on their inner selves are the listeners, are the only ones to feel my feelings. I'm in every one of you, but many trample me and not know that there is an atom of my spirit in each one of them. Blessed are all who have me in your heart and talk to me, bless them, their homes and families. Blessed are those who trying to save my creation, the fill of love, light and power for ever and will be remembered for ever and ever and will be in my room.

your Creator I made my image but not to destroy my creation, just love them because they are my children. Keep me in your thoughts, in your hearts and daily lives. All times are missing, meditate. Join my heart, my light and energy, the heart is love, so I say my heart.

I your Father, your God and Creator, the alpha and omega for all that spews again to me, again I say unto you awake not have time to go back another time far away to approach me again.

Only to realize that I am God and your Father and you are nothing without me , without me there because I created them. My light is in you and my energy in your hearts forever. Everyone that sees my light look on your face as well as in all true representatives of my truth.

Daughters will always be loved speaking in your heart and remember I am alpha and omega. A God



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