Saturday, April 9, 2011

Brazilian Wax Augusta Ga

. Message from Mother Mary.

To all my beloved children.

The situation in Japan becomes pure desperation. The radioactivity in the vicinity of Fukushima took intolerable levels for all types of life. The government of that country now arises to promote a mass evacuation and some nations like the United States, Canada and Brazil already offered to host in their respective territories. And there are other studying that possibility.

galactic fleet was all that time helping with the aspiration of the pollution and its ships have even been photographed many times. Now they have to assist in the evacuation, if that indeed occurs. Some of us have already said that, but now, I regret to say, the situation has deteriorated further, with the last earthquake.
front of this picture, and the dumping of radioactive water into the ocean, other countries are on the verge of being too contaminated with radioactivity. The smoothness of the Japanese government will not allow to act otherwise than full transparency. Thus, we believe it is set the stage for the revelation of our presence here, and are high possibilities that come to happen very soon.

For my part, was that for now, my children. I leave you covered with my blanket of protection and my great love of Mother. I love each and every one of you.
I am the Mother Mary.

Channeled by Ngari


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