Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Kill Yourself With Restoril

C: StarViewerTeam: Emissions from the sun can change matter

spectacular solar flare on 24 April. Emissions from the sun can change states of matter.


Cosmogenesis , solar emissions, aether lattice
, photo
wave phase,

harmonic oscillators, properties of time, Differential quantum RF


complex signals, Supergravity

, Supersymmetry
, Solar Storm
April 24 , Euler equation, exociencia , For simplicity: Kosyrev observations and suggested Nasonov galaxy or star cluster for each detector measurement showed two intensities or identical profiles measuring the detector, but also related to the preceding by a constant distance. Astronomical calculations established that the distance was equivalent to the length of the path that would travel in the galaxy during the time the light takes to reach from this, the Earth.
quantum gravitational physics: Aether

, Genetics and Exogenética , 2012

Generation, Methodology, century scientific model, Papers, differential quantum RF , Reflections Scientists detect energy emissions in the sun capable of changing the subject. A team of researchers from Stanford and Purdue University , have shown that the only possible explanation for the changes detected in the composition of particulate emissions from the Plasma, is precisely the capacity is the Sun's electromagnetic plasma to interact in the composition of matter. The latest evidence that solar storms logic subquantum structures, depends more on this "phase wave" that is affecting the sun from a sound more consistent with the formulation of the physics of harmonic oscillators as already discussed in fundamentals and key formulation of quantum physics Differential: Book No. 1. The issue is not trivial, it would imply the existence of an energy called "supergravity" that would require redefining every one of the classical models of physics. In this regard, as discussed in "We, as the time, we also splitting": interview audio and physicist Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet , which are becoming more theoretical formulation the incidence of subtle energies against classical particle physics, so that the basis of that, it refers more in the way of supersymmetric time lines and the impact of waves on stage with them. The recent discovery of quantum capacity as portals stellar Are the stars web space? Scientists believe they may have wormholes in the center increasingly supports this new model of quantum radio frequency (RCD) as an alternative to the obsolete approach to particle physics. In short, it is almost obvious that a new type of energy from the galaxy is transforming the classical principles of the laws of physics, and requires no further delay, to reformulate the foundations of the theory of relativity. In the framework of the official theory, the electron is stable because it is less massive particle and the ratio between proton-electron mass is assumed as a fundamental constant in physics owing to the principle of conservation of matter. Instead: In the model of quantum frequency differential, fundamental difference from the classical model, the particles are resonant states in dynamical systems chained quantum oscillator (harmonics) and therefore the masses of fundamental particles, are connected by the scaling or fractal exponent 3 / 2. For example, the ratio of proton-electron mass would be 7 1 / 2 and the ratio of W-boson mass Proton would be 4 1 / 2. Therefore the fundamental equation would read: The question that fascinates us is: In the consolidated stage of reality, perception plays an apparent role in shaping realities as we know them. But what happens when that energy is transformed?. What factors affect the perception of matter, when we know that this is just a hologram of the power settings? In this new model, the key is in the stages of convolution of waves, as already discussed in previous articles, be defined briefly the convolution property of complex signals: Convolution helps us determine the effect of the system input signal. It can be seen that the linear time-invariant system is completely characterized by its impulse response. At first glance, this seems little use, since the impulse functions are not well defined in real applications. However, the property momentum shift tells us that a signal can be decomposed into an infinite sum (integral) of scaled and shifted impulses. Understanding how a system affects a single pulse, and understanding the way in which a pulsed signal is comprised skalds and added, sounds reasonable, possible scale and add the impulse response to a system in order to determine which output signal resulted from a particular input. This is precisely what the convolution does - convolution determines the output of the system through knowledge of the input and impulse response system. In this sense, the structure of resonances Schumann presents interesting similarities with the models outlined above, and has already proved their relationship with electromagnetic variations from solar storms Advanced documentation on Schumann Resonance Research. Interestingly, it has been demonstrated the impact of cosmic events other than the sun in the process of changes in the ionosphere flow analysis in the magnetosphere and the ionosphere, X-ray emission from cosmic events other than ; Sun therefore increasingly evident that the logic of changes between the "ripple phase" and lattice structures have a relationship with cosmic phenomena from changes in energy from the center of the galaxy. Podcast: Linking significant issues: Schumann resonances, Climategate and Photon Belt. The model fits so elegantly that we can clearly infer that the future of physics will go through the detailed study of the complex waves and their effects on spacetime (quantum Differential RF) as there is a logical connection between the fundamental structures both micro hidden codes in the DNA-Fractals and Sacred Geometry. as macro level New solar storms and more frequent seismic activity. and has been further documented the effect of "replication" of the frequency of 7.83Hz, or point of curvature "0" in Nobel Prize Luc Montagnier discovered that DNA structures can teleport by using the search subquantum ; water. But the fact that these waves phase, have been photographed and analyzed for the first time Cube Satellite photographed by LASCO and the crop circles appeared in the same: The test cosmogenesis and the lattice structure of Ether As already stated Kosyrev: The superposition of two or more waves are integrated into a cluster or group of waves, acting in two different speeds: normal phase
its speed and the group velocity. It is precisely for this reason that can not be considered gravity as a force emanating from the stellar objects, but is a set of waves (a medium that will absorb).
Thus, the intensity profile Primel
, whose position was identical with the light from the galaxy at time t = t0 -r / c (the line was obtained intensity of the past).
The second intensity profile, showing information about the condition of the galaxy at the present time t = t0 (Moment). But the most surprising was the intensity profile
third , showing the reflection of the state at time t = t0 + r / c (future time), so that r is the distance between the galaxy in question and the land. But even we can talk about cosmogenesis:
Los Hermanos Correa aeterométrico have a specific scenario called "cosmogenic production scenario " or
. The Correa, his study suggested that emissions of ultra-high energy, mass free ambipolar charges are cosmically responsible for the energy spectrum ultra-high cosmic rays. Further indicate how these particles greatly excactamente energy are released from the cells of the ether in the production process of Matter and cosmogenic radiation. (CBOR, mCBR and RBCN) through a secondary superimposition subcells from energy ambipolar cell constituents. According to the above, the model explains aeterométrico exposing the emission of gravitons from the ether cells accompanies the condensation of mass-energy and the emission of ultra-high energy ambipolar charges. Apart from the cosmogenic production scenario, the results of this innovative approach are a dual structure theory of gravitons (in construction phase transition energy and free), the identification of its precise structure and geometry, and a model for local variation and timely G. Correa examines The fine structure of cells in the Ether
in every phase power configurations that produce both G-force invariant as bipolar variation increases or decreases locally G. In particular, emphasize how the creation of leptonic and baryonic particle necessary to negotiate a local increase of G, as opposed to the local decrease is expected if the cell G antigravitones free. They isolated a total of 8 processes and 14 eterométricas functions (including those relating to the conversion of units in metrosegundos Newton) are used in determining the correct value of the invariant G, whose expression is simple: G = λ e
/ 10

2 3
π (19.206) 6 K
= λ Planck

K = K
KRRS / p and = 1.107435902 * 10 -35 m 2
-2 sec
As already stated in the analysis of December 30:

The issue of gravitons from the ether cells accompanies the condensation of mass-energy and ultra-energy emission ambipolar high loads.
words: would distinguish two families in the lattice: 1.-A family of toroidal structures to which the energy-phase graviton
belongs, and can serve as energy storage. (As a kind of mass-energy joint support, etc ...) 2. A family of planetary structures
(As a series of gears) in which the primary gravitational energy ranges to which belong all the gravitons in transit that have been released from the lattice.
This flow of energy from the sun, will help us in successive shots to close a model increasingly evident and exciting, in which David (RF Quantum Differential) wins him a Goliath (Classic Particle Physics). Or put another way:
particles are resonant states in dynamical systems chained quantum oscillators (harmonics) and therefore the masses of fundamental particles, are connected by the scaling or fractal exponent 3 / 2. For example, the ratio of proton-electron mass would be 7 1 / 2 and the ratio of W-boson mass Proton would be 4 1 / 2. Further reading: 1 .-

Convolution Properties.
2 .- Convolution and time. 3 .-

time invariant.
4.-Aether Theory: a) .- The Music of the Aetherwave - B-mode Polarization in Einstein-Aether Theory

b) .- Extended Hořava gravity and Einstein-aether theory c) .- Einstein-aether as a quantum field theory Effective
d) .- Einstein-Aether Theory With and Without Einstein
e) .- Black Holes in Einstein-Aether Theory f) .- Two-way speed of light and Lorentz-FitzGerald's contraction in aether theory g) .- Extended Hořava gravity and Einstein-aether theory 5.-Matters relating to time lines and harmonic oscillators: a) .- Mass effects in a Three-Body System Bound by Harmonic oscilators b) .- [mu sub e] Jackie & Cathy: Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves c) .- 1-d- oscilators-paper.tex d) .- Application of Integrated CMOS-MEMS Resonators to RF communication systems e).- Decoherence in one-dimensional electron systems Clemens Neuenhahn...
Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 6 No. 4 (198S) 795-802 795 A...
6.-Supercuerdas y Realidades supersimétricas:
a).- Relativistic Oscillators in a Noncommutative Space and in a Magnetic Field
Annual Report 2003 Institute for Theoretical Physics Faculty of...
c).- An Introduction to Supersymmetry in Quantum Mechanical Systems T.... d).-
Modular invariance for closed strings at the new critical dimensions
StarViewerTeam International 2011


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