Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Volunteer Hours Completed Letter

C: StarViewerTeam: Elenin. Third analysis

Elenin. Third analysis. Viewing the cluster. "Disruption of Sagittarius?

StarViewer Oort, Sagittarius disturbance, Tyche / Elenin? previous reading: 1 .- Comet Elenin detailed analysis. Is the artificiality of the object that makes unpredictable orbit? 2 .- Elenin Latest data: Analysis and photos of the cluster structures. 3 .- Disruption of Oort revealed: NEA objects Oort and dance. 4 .- Publishing e-book: Mysteries of Astrophysics: The disruption of Sagittarius. G 9.1 +0.3. Supernova false and the search for Nibiru. In Publishing e-book: Mysteries of Astrophysics: The disruption of Sagittarius. G 9.1 +0.3. Supernova false and the search for Nibiru. presents all existing research to date on the disturbance of Sagittarius (Brown Dwarf Cluster / Nibiru). II: Further analysis of photographs from Elenin. 1.-frame analysis of new pictures of Elenin. Last set of pictures taken. Comet 2010-X1. 2 .- Image taken on 3 April 2011. Measuring the size of the "cluster" comet. 33.734Km diameter. can be seen at the bottom enlargement the RWM area.
3.-Photograph taken on April 6, 2011. In just 2 days the diameter has increased from 24.494 "to 35.994" in 33.734Km to 43,875 km The increase was higher than 30.05%.

surprising that increase in size in just 2 days. (The official explanation is an increase in the brightness of the comet's tail.) 3.-Expansion taking photo of the day April 8, 2011.

4.-Enlargement for the day takes RWM April 8, 2011.

5.-Image April 19, 2011. Sampling and detailed approach compared Area Left photo by JPL Cluster G1.9?

Suspicious Coincidence?. 6.-Analysis zone detail cluster

The arrows mark the objects corresponding to the detected cluster. 7.-Expansion of the area corresponding to the cluster of Elenin company.

8.-Results obtained in August 2009 on comparative Cluster

9.-mass spectral analysis carried out in STV20090208 (August 2, 2009).

increases or decreases of Elenin size, need further observation and analysis. Comparison with records and photos obtained in 2009, it asombrosa.La composition and distribution of bodies too coincidental with the analysis in de.G1.9 Analysis +0.3. Espectros.Infrared.Microondas.Rayos-X. Sheet trabajo.N-II. as recommended reading.
Elenin/Nibiru/G1.9? Cluster Nibiru?
seems Elenin not alone, but accompanied by other larger objects orbiting G1.9 "? Coincidence?

Draw your own conclusions.
Courtesy of B & A. Evans StarViewerTeam International 2011.


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