Thursday, March 31, 2011

Extigy Windows 64 Bit

News: Swiss Watch Ming

A mid-2008 a team of German archaeologists were excavate a tomb in China, they found an artifact that did not seem to match the time and place where he was. It was a tiny, modern Swiss watch, even had printed the word "Swiss" on its back, confirming their origin.
This would be unremarkable if not for the tomb where he was found within the tomb of a noble Chinese Ming dynasty, had been sealed at least 400 years earlier.
surprises Although not end there. Carbon-14 analysis of the piece performed at the University of Guan-Xi, reveal the piece was already a relic even in the time he put it inside the tomb, it would have approximately 900 years old, perhaps a family heirloom that this member of the nobility China decided to take the next world.
"So far we have no logical explanation for this," says Viktor Hausbau, director of the excavation and professor of archeology and anthropology at the University of Frankfurt. Most surprising is that experts who analyzed watch the piece, which is being held at 11:41 am, reached the unanimous conclusion that with current technology a device of this size would be impossible to build, even for experts Swiss watchmakers. Is this a gift from a time traveler to Ming? We may never know for sure.


Holiday Greeding Message

News: Another astronaut says UFOs exist

Do you believe in UFOs? Edgar Mitchell, a retired NASA astronaut, he believes that aliens exist and that the tests have been hidden.

The sixth 'pedestrian' of the moon, Edgar Mitchell, who was part of Project Apollo and was lunar module pilot on Apollo 14, is a reliable person and great authority. During the Apollo 14 mission in 1971, Mitchell set records as the longest stay on the lunar surface (33 hours ) and the moon walk longer duration (9 hours and 17 minutes).

The former astronaut says we are not alone, we are part of the global community and we should be able to go beyond our solar system to discover what's out there. Mitchell has publicly expressed his opinion saying that 90% of the thousands of unidentified flying objects recorded from forties belong to visitors from other planets, but these encounters with UFOs have been the subject of disinformation to divert attention and create confusion so the truth does not transcend.

Mitchell grew up in Roswell, New Mexico, where some people claim that a UFO crashed there in 1947. This exastronauta says residents have been persuaded by the military to not talk about this issue. Mitchell believes that the Roswell crash was real and that these aliens have made contact with people several times, but the authorities hid the truth for 60 years. According exastronauta within EE. UU. there conspiracy of people who know the secret, since it is known that the U.S. government has studied alien bodies recovered.

"We know that UFOs are real, now the question is, where do they come?" Says Mitchell.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Can Throwing Up Cause Laryngitis

Gaia message, AA Michael, Mother Mary, Yeshua and the Creator

Messages received by unit Fraternal Group-Mexico Guadalajara 04.01.2010

In prayer service meeting and sending Light to the planet, being present Enriqueta Jimenez V (channel), Ignacio Hernández H. (Seer), Hector Cisneros Galindo and Rosita (husbands), José Fidel Razo and Romanita (husbands) Christian-Oswaldo Jesus and Fidel Razo (children) and Jesus Ayala.

Les commented that before the Service is directed to Harriet Ignacio announcing the presence of the Archangel Michael and the Earth Mother Gaia for bearing channel messages. Then presented on Mother Mary, Sananda Esu and Father Creator delivering each message. First the Archangel Michael gives way to Gaia.

messages channeled by Enriqueta Jiménez V., written by Rosie Cisneros, proofreading and editing Mary R. Gareca.

Behold my beloved children, fully know who I am, Feel me in your hearts that I'm vibrating and so you my dear children GAIA is vibrating, is beginning to make their process, initiating the process that the time has come, surely that noise you hear, that buzz you hear is the force, the force stirred in my breast, I need light, I need the light of all of you, that light you are and give me to consciously unite with mine, I need that light to be lighter this movement. (He turns and says to Ignatius) your my lover, you can see what is happening now in my environment, please describe them, you are the eye eye, you're the eye here and now, manifiéstalo and describe what you're seeing now please.

Ignacio: You are in a state of fear and fear by that churning so hard that you can not hold it right?

Mother Gaia: that is, it's great that I do the movement for freeing the density is still very strong that density that exists in my environment and I need your support is very strong, very strong movement to do.

Ignacio: Are you going to be rearranging the continents? Gaia is that right?

Mother Gaia: Yes, everything will take its place, more is necessary for me to make this movement, I can not wait any longer and I need your support to all of you light workers, I need strength blue ray, violet ray, white lightning ascent even stronger, harder there and so that golden ray from the core to be wrapped of my being, I need that support from you all.

Ignacio: the violet ray will arrive and green gold.

Mother Gaia: the green of healing, there are still a lot of healing and how it does it is using, all of you from the center as a base and they keep asking.

Ignacio: do not stop, will get much help Mother Gaia, you'll get much help, bright purple.

Mother Gaia: I hope so, I know their hearts, because the response was obtained in days past when asked by global chilled-out and answered my beloved children, I thank you for it. Have warmed to Mother Earth and we deeply appreciate all the support and this time responded with love, not fear my children will be protected by their Mother Earth, I know the hearts of those who have received this support. Blessed are you who have been working tirelessly to radiate light to his brothers who are still asleep, more time is over. Now I ask you to be on high alert and radiating those lights that will benefit me for this transition and we deeply appreciate this response.

send this message to their brethren, that the support is massive and thank you Father, thank you Father because everything is done.

not fear that it was time to act. Strength, Temperance and my kids loved Gloria. Gloria, no matter what your eyes see, and many chose not fear what has been experienced and well respected and so be it. Gaia shine as it was with all my children who asked for the climb, is very strong, very strong, I need the strength of the Lightning blue and gold, is addressed to Ignacio and tells him "my beloved son can glimpse beyond what's next? And tell your brother he is.

Ignacio: We see movements in volcanoes, will make a lot of cold wind, it looks like it will accommodate continents, rivers, will take other cause other places, the sea, but it seems everything is going to be fine.

spoke Hector and says: they are abandoned houses and vehicles as well.

Mother Gaia: many things you know them from their feelings, there have been messages that have been given above, go to your feeling, feel, hear and stay in their cloisters. Remember, my beloved children are protected and you must support those who receive this support.

Hector says: Beloved mother, I am getting a message that we protected some sleep too.

Mother Gaia: some will be protected with sleep.

Ignacio feel headaches, dizziness, nausea.

Mother Gaia: those that are not balanced feel stronger these symptoms, tell your brothers to be aware of what is lived, all said and be a mother. Fear not, trust, the light always win.

Fidel: a meditation I saw an ocean and see that the ocean was moving, was changing its causes, was moving and saw a giant whirlpool that was being formed, is this mother Gaia in all oceans and not a single ocean?

Mother Gaia: many will be moved, are marked where there is more movement and must rely on it, no matter the magnitude of what is said, must rely, prepare your temples my beloved children, prepare soon set sail.
assisting Keep shining your lights please and thank you again for the love that I profess this love and wrap them all. Thank you my dear children.

I am Gaia who loves them.

Good night my dear, here I am once again with you, this is Miguel indeed you have heard of Mother Gaia, as you call him, explaining his need or support that asked, I call me Miguel perform this request, this request certainly, we are supporting them and together we are in the process of this transition, this transition which have come to expect, is about to happen and you my dear, is addressed to Ignacio, you can advertise here with your brothers the support we offer in this light really can you?:

Ignacio: If you are for those who feel disappointed with the heart, with an empty heart, feel that love, re-enter that heart feel love the white light on his chest, this is a divine mantle is the message of love.

Archangel Michael: You have said my dear, you have said, is the message of love, those who rejoice in this vibration is found at last be free for those who remain with the heart still closed.

I ask them to open and the door is open my beloved and the call has been for everyone, plus many remain in this dream and are still asleep, open your hearts those who know this truth and receive the light that the Father will send, feel the love in their hearts, there are rocks, very hard, difficult there because they resist and I invite you to feel light, to feel love and be free, is called for those who still hesitate and do not believe in what they are talking, free yourself, it's so easy to feel love and how difficult for many. The release is in that sense of light-Love.

Let the past, leave the attachments, let resentments, love each other and love and so will see the light, is the call for everyone. It has opened the door wide awake and waiting for those invited everyone to come, listen, listen humanity, wake up! Wake up, now is the time to awaken the great source of light, feel, feel the love in their hearts.

Release the burden that has been dragging it's time do it! This blue light is actually the gift wrap and Father Creator and thus comes to these cores as you have seen my brother.

Ignacio: if there are many doubters what we say.

Archangel Michael, and now the call has been here this brother with clairvoyance and respect and who did not believe that these messages are real, is a gift, he has earned and blessed you with this corroborate the explanation he gives to see what happened and Gaia's message and the message of the Archangel Michael. It is done. It's done.

Spread the message as they have done and share it with his brothers. He who has eyes to see and one who is in his heart to feel and so be it.


Good night my dear children-per-view this brother just know who I am and some from their feelings and feelings that have been acknowledging my presence, yes, I am Mary and I want to say a word to all lightworkers and these words are transmitted in different languages \u200b\u200bto reach many hearts.

It is time to react, it's time to feel, it's time to take responsibility for what they are, are lights! Great lights and there are many who can not believe there will not refuse to accept themselves, we are one, we are all one from the great light, why doubt it?

still wonder what they say here and question what they are, they wonder what their existence is not the answer in real life? is not the answer in the air they breathe? Why question my dear?

concluded time and again wake up wake up I ask the more, wake up and stop blessed sleep, it's time to feel the light, to live in love, being a non-racial and economic status. We are all one, no separation and it is important to take these words in their hearts and feel, this is real, is addressed to Ignacio and says, dear brothers want to tell your mother what Mary is doing now on humanity ?

Ignacio: blankets, we are presenting in all your events in the world, delivering a PINK flower for each and every one.

Mother Mary says: Blessed are you, blessed you eye, and noted this vision of his brother that these messages are real, and I find myself hugging everyone, no matter how you think, no matter what they say love them equally and blessed are all, even those who do not recognize the light.

My love forever for everyone.
question before you leave, do not come one right? is your child and Father right?

Mother Mary says, remember that we drive, the Father is with me and loved Jesus, You are my beloved son, and my kids loved the representation of the Father-Mother and Son is a representation of the TriActive One we are and we are all a oneness with the Father. Covered are the great light that the Father is in this uniqueness.

Fidel involved at this point and says, I can make a parent question?

Mother Mary: If you forward question ...

Fidel: you are also sitting at a desk wearing a habit?

Mother Mary, do not know I loved my clothes?
Ignacio says, is a white dress and blue robe, sandals and brings her face is lots of love and tenderness.

Mother Mary: love, love my children is essential, this is the love we all should feel for others, blessed is the unconditional love that the Father-Mother feels for all of you and so all of us.

Embraced are in this love and blessed are my beloved children.

All are One, Amen and Amen, why doubt it? Many demonstrations have taken is not it? Are one with the Father, because he came from and the back, so and so will always be, it has been and it's time to feel fully is so easy!

So simple, to just stay in your center, just keep the setting on your mind and heart center and there are still suffering and do not understand! Do not understand why! everything is simple, it is only to understand that the Father and we are One and we are nothing without the Father and in that oneness we have it all, she tells Ignacio, is a view for you at this time of the Father for his children " can you explain to your brothers?

Ignacio answer: yes only see the triangle with great splendor, is the eye viewer is watching, will come to give us a message and see the heart of every one of us.

Master Esu: This may include the magnificence of the Father, Omnipresence, Omnipotence, through his brother.

Those poor in spirit, those skeptics who just want to see to believe, the Father and we are One, Father has always been with you, with you, there is no difference, the majority still searching out and as expected, is with open arms to feel, to go to your hearts and feel, only feel, is to feel and hear his voice then of little faith!

are loved, all are loved equally, no more, no less so for the Father to us all, all are equal. Be meek and humble of heart, sees light in all hearts, all are lights all! Accept it, just accept it and sit and stay in their centers, we only ask that they remain in their schools.

is your responsibility to keep their temples clean and are now being asked hard work, the call is for everyone, is for everyone and the determination of each.
Follow the light or density, it was time to choose and make your choice, all will, all will, according to his work, some now, others later, but all will come and so, so be it.

ESU and blessed I am to be.

Behold my beloved children, children of the vine which fruitful vine, light my seeds are multiplied, blessed is he who comes in the name of the father and blessed those who believe without seeing.

Coated are my beloved children, like the Father, I am the power, I AM I AM wisdom and love in your hearts content why my beloved children weep? if you have everything that you are created in the likeness of your Father, why fear my beloved children? if you are covered the Father's love trust in your Father! who loves them, do not fear those events, many are raised and your feet will not touch areas of iniquity.

Feel my beloved children of your Father which is in your heart, Feel it blessed by the vine I am the force power, faith in you I AM that I AM I have been and will forever My son, Ignacio tells, I pray, I give you permission to see what your Father running now for their children at this event:

Ignacio says: Father we're protecting each of us We're wrapped in that wonderful light that you have and we're playing head to each of us, with the heart we're away from harm.

Father Creator, and beyond my beloved son through this circle that are at this very moment, what do you see my child?

Ignacio Answer: very strong, very safe, is a wonderful place and you with open arms Father.

Father Creator: Beloved are protected are the one who asks receives, he who has asked has always received the request from your hearts in one, answered is, protected are my children, fear not, your Father loves them.

Ignacio thanks because she knows every night heard the petition he has done, because it says Ignacio, I've felt, it is not the overnight, but I know that this request will be real and I know you're with me and I thank you in advance.

Father Creator: Listened to have been my beloved son, and trust, trust, have been hit my beloved son. (Thanks Ignacio).

Sean pure in heart, blessed are and are embraced in the love of the Father.

(All we thanks).

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gir Invader Zim Vector For Corel


March 22, 2011

Beyond polarity, and not at all true, I am in the rays of Love and Wisdom, to remind you all , why are you here then.

Be aware or not, have come to planet Earth in the eternal present, to rediscover the road home.

have come to rediscover the power of God the Father-Mother and reopen their hearts.

For those who came forward in that way, it's time to stop, look around, and with the intelligence of the heart, placed in the shoes of the brothers still asleep. Or those who have decided to leave the planet briefly, and monitor its progress elsewhere.

Without judging.

Let your eyes comes from the heart. Listen to your inner voice and allow yourself to flow into the total abandonment to the Light.

The giving of oneself to another is an act of pure love.

Love is allowing to form an energy field around you, and go to issue, while raising their thoughts, words and deeds, to a higher octave.

is demonstrating the unconditional love through you.

Dear friends, now is the time to be capitalized.

is, integrating all the knowledge they already possess.

is illuminate the way for others.

also is to serve Father / Mother, no matter what that entails.

want it or not, whether conscious or not, the light has been planted on Earth.

In short, nothing will be as before.

are the last gasps of a dying institution, who were being held for eons, by the old energy - that it barely exists worldwide. Will soon to exist.

So, my beloved, tighten the belts!

The new 5th Dimensional Earth is beating on the door.

Trust that are ready to pass the final exams and graduate with excellence.

is time to rediscover the lost joy on the road.

It is time to live fully the "Good Better World" which you carry in his mind.

Stay with my love and my blessings.

I Am the Master Kuthumi.
Channeled by Ngari

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Im Peeing Alot Stomach Hurts

Yeshua must clean atmosphere

March 17, 2011

Good morning dear teachers, are the 9:20, because I log all my indicators, go spinning.
feel the presence of someone, but I am not yet able to know who he is.

really do not know, I can not define. On the other hand, I have to confess I'm very upset, but rather upset because I just received the good news that the operation of the eyes of my daughter, went well. Well, that personally, I apologize.

Well, breathe deeply, to raise my vibration, to see if they, who talk to me.
Good morning, Master, yes, I know, you Yeshua.

Welcome, we do not talk for a while, I am waiting for your message.

"If Alexiis, I know you're going through a very strong say, but also recognize, and that's good, it is necessary, and will not be long.

I'm glad that on a personal level, you had good news, which helps to increase your strength to move forward.

is necessary at this time, that all light workers and all possible humanity, is working.

I know that during the night, made another trip, with absolutely everyone, we all were, all the female energy, the Goddess Light, The Masters, all.

We are all working to avoid a major disaster for Mother Earth, and this will come repeating, and we have been repeating, in one form or another.

But it is necessary that all of humanity to realize that at this point, really, the danger goes beyond what even we can control completely, because the rise these negative energies, produced in Japan by the outbreak of nuclear reactors, which are released into the atmosphere, we can not go, and blow, clean the entire atmosphere.

We are, as you say, what is humanly possible, but we need your help, we need the help of individual human beings, no longer makes sense here, just talk about lightworkers.

Every human being has to help with his light and love, to dissolve it, because everyone, even those who at this moment, have not thought have become aware or not, the fact proceed with Mother Earth.

But right now, are on Mother Earth, at this time living, and right now is that we have to eliminate the danger it represents.


Wake up everybody!

can not fall asleep, no!

Nobody can excuse, I can not, to me it did not resonate.

No, dear brothers. Everyone, absolutely everyone, must be removed from inside, love and light, and help solve this.

have to solve the pollution of the atmosphere, and that is what I have to say this morning.

And so too will appear with such force Alexiis. For you know it.

is necessary is to clean the atmosphere of the earth, and I want to put this, the title of your post.

I send all my light and my love.

I am your brother, Yeshua. "

Thanks Master, left me shaking, but I know, I understand. Thanks.

Channeled by Alexiis

Cough Meds For 5 Month Old

Your intention and compassion can change the world

I suggest to all who are willing to help and feel in your heart to send healing energy in the form of a green bubble wrap to Japan and all the creatures that live there (animals, plants , human, minerals) to cleanse them of all radiation and all the fears and pains that are going through, and then deliver that energy to the Violet Flame for transmutation.
You do not need any special knowledge, just imagine the heart and desire to secure work, and the more we are the faster the change materializes.
can also imagine the planet turning in your hands or in your heart and you give your love, or you can see your air blowing and clean all the dirt, or mourn and your tears wash the accumulated pain, or what they feel and believe each correct. What matters is the intention!

remember that we are all part of creation and therefore we are brothers, we are ONE.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tac-5 Recon Paintball Gun Velocity

News: current situation after the earthquake in Japan

March 12, 2011

Today March 12 ( 2011) is important to take stock of what happened. Start by communicating that the earthquake the crust of the Pacific Plate in this region has been split into a 180-mile extension as long by 50 miles wide, the effect of cracking of underwater plates could be recorded for the first time video when we saw that swirl mega Japanese coasts.

250 Repilado (until the publication of this post) than Grade 5 have been registrand or the morning of March 11 (2011 ) time of earthquake (Click to see ), sv between olcanes were activated Comunicásemos as above, one in Indonesia (click pair to see ), one in Russia ( click to view) and one in Japan ( click to view), on the other hand is confirmed that the globe axis movement would not be moved 10 cm. as indicated preliminarily by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Italy but 25 cm. according to Professor Andrew Miall of the University of Toronto and the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology of Canada ( click to see ), the earthquake in Japan was 900 times the great San Francisco earthquake of 1898 came to 250 miles off the coast of Japan coastline permanently running at 2.4 meters ( click to view), 50 countries along the Pacific Ring of Fire Tsunami warning issued ( click to view), a Tsunami desapereció that entire cities in Japan, where even the authorities do not report that the missing are tens of thousands ( click to view), also 5 declared nuclear power nuclear mergency fall due to multiple as in systems cooling of the reactors have even nuclear releasing steam to avoid what happened today, March 12 ( 2011 ) (click to view ) in the morning, an explosion at the Fukushima nuclear plant, so far have had to evacuate 45,000 people in a radius of 20km ( click to view) in an incident are clearly emerges as the worst in history from Chernobyl in Russia,
Well dear reader, we will discuss some facts that have passed spercibidos among many misfortunes during the earthquake in Japan and while it was the Tsunami LIVE took place a geomagnetic storm caused the NOAA issued a bulletin warning level placing G1 and R1 RadioBlackouts in ( click to see ), it is important that you know dear reader that although we know that There is NOTHING OFFICIAL estabezca a relationship between solar storms and earthquakes have been posting for months about the effects termonuclearesTierra, remember that on 7 March (2011 ) was carried out CME (coronal mass ejection) type M2 that became the solar wind travels faster since 2005 with a velocity of 2,200 kms per second ( click to view), this newly CME would have left their toll, but last March 9 ( 2011) was a mega X1.5 CME type ( click to view) and it is expected an impact in the coming hours something you already know and we comuinicado above, as soon as the auroras are still visible in various states of the United States is not so much higher latitudes ( click to view) 're not trying to say that another earthquake is coming dear reader, but warned on average occurrences according to the behavior of Sun .....( eye with the case of the last earthquake in New Zealand (click to view )), from and discard as many believe that this event occurred in Japan relates to the Super Moon will be visible until next March 19 ( 2011) ( click to view) and obviously with the use of HAARP where some irresponsible and begin to suggest it was caused by man, to finish NOAA provides 35% probability of significant geomagnetic storms on 12 and 13 March (2011 ) precisely because the latter already CME reaches Earth. Mr. Case's keep perspective. Seguirmos reporting. ____________________________________________________________________

UPDATE: Today 12 d and March (2011 ) the NOAA reports at 0443 UT a new coronal mass ejection CME M1 type sunspot from 1166 and from the same sunspot 1529UT C9 storm type. The publication of this post NOAA maintains a bulletin alert geomagnetic storm in progress, being in G1 and R1 Radioblackouts in ( click to view). Note that this behavior is adding solar to your account. We report.
that the solar wind have on

Low Hemoglobin But Normal Iron

Christ Michael: time, open your eyes

It's time to open your eyes.

disasters will continue happening, the planet went up I had to go, humanity did not follow, now is the time of harvest and there is nothing to do to change this reality.

No Karma and Dharma, only the effects of attitudes and choices, there is no way back.

Cuidado con los falsos despertares, 99% de los trabajadores de la luz todavía están dormidos, y todavía no hacen las tareas de casa, todavía continúan con peleas por derechos de autor y nombres en las carteleras que vienen primero, después vienen los mensajes.

Los mensajes son las tareas de casa.

¿Dónde está el trabajo interno?

We are only watching and many, most are not doing their part.

not think that the only mission is to bring you blog posts so beautiful, it's not that.

That's just the first step, not to be practicing the chores are turning away from his teammates and carried away by the dark intrigues.

Where is the heart screen used to filter all?

Where is the wisdom of practical work and the lessons from home?

Pay attention!

Wake up!

I am Christ Michael and I want to see my children again lost in a long staircase, as always happens most often in each wave lift.

Many are left behind because of this negligence and this laziness, prisoners in their brain defects, with the habit of looking at everything through the prism emotional and distorted your vision.


Is that what you ask! Action!

Light in action!


And Now

stay alert in love, and do not think they can dictate to others time to go or stay, who is ready and who is not.

go or stay, raise or promotion depends on many things that are beyond the permissions and aspirations of those who say learn how to drive and how to alert people.

Look what they are doing, creating sects of blind followers and dependents of their ignorance, as they hope to drive or to alert others if ill get to do that to themselves?
The message of Brother El Morya through Rosani Amanteia talking about the position of a light worker, a canal and well as a human being, comes to warn about what I'm talking about how more direct.

protest Stop, let children move, we do not idolize hoping that we can solve everything for you.

Veanna with love and equality, not placed above or below Because it is side by side we are.

is with love that I'm alert.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Nail Polish At Duane Reade

The Creator:

March 11, 2011

Beloved children

A sad day today, apparently. Deaths were reported, according to the tsunami in Japan. Lives cut across northern Africa. People are rebelling against their governments. The Muslim world by taking responsibility for their own freedom. A chaotic picture, say the pessimists.

But ah! My children ... If you could see the immense light that is over all the earth now ... like never before!

Fear not, my dear. Soon there will be no tears on that planet. The suffering and will not occur. Disease and famine will disappear forever. Be removed from Earth. There will be only love, joy and laughter. You will all be free to BE. Fellowship and service to others is the tonic.

So dry those tears, my children. Do not let yourselves fall into the low vibrations at that special moment. Not everything is as black as you believe. Do not be led by manipulated news of your television. If there is much light at the end of the tunnel. I can assure you.

Hold on calmly, very quietly, the outcome of all these events. But knowing that victory is assured. Do not worry. I give you my word of the Father Creator and leave you covered by my Mantle of Protection and Divine Love.

Channeled by Ngari