Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gir Invader Zim Vector For Corel


March 22, 2011

Beyond polarity, and not at all true, I am in the rays of Love and Wisdom, to remind you all , why are you here then.

Be aware or not, have come to planet Earth in the eternal present, to rediscover the road home.

have come to rediscover the power of God the Father-Mother and reopen their hearts.

For those who came forward in that way, it's time to stop, look around, and with the intelligence of the heart, placed in the shoes of the brothers still asleep. Or those who have decided to leave the planet briefly, and monitor its progress elsewhere.

Without judging.

Let your eyes comes from the heart. Listen to your inner voice and allow yourself to flow into the total abandonment to the Light.

The giving of oneself to another is an act of pure love.

Love is allowing to form an energy field around you, and go to issue, while raising their thoughts, words and deeds, to a higher octave.

is demonstrating the unconditional love through you.

Dear friends, now is the time to be capitalized.

is, integrating all the knowledge they already possess.

is illuminate the way for others.

also is to serve Father / Mother, no matter what that entails.

want it or not, whether conscious or not, the light has been planted on Earth.

In short, nothing will be as before.

are the last gasps of a dying institution, who were being held for eons, by the old energy - that it barely exists worldwide. Will soon to exist.

So, my beloved, tighten the belts!

The new 5th Dimensional Earth is beating on the door.

Trust that are ready to pass the final exams and graduate with excellence.

is time to rediscover the lost joy on the road.

It is time to live fully the "Good Better World" which you carry in his mind.

Stay with my love and my blessings.

I Am the Master Kuthumi.
Channeled by Ngari


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