Thursday, March 31, 2011

Holiday Greeding Message

News: Another astronaut says UFOs exist

Do you believe in UFOs? Edgar Mitchell, a retired NASA astronaut, he believes that aliens exist and that the tests have been hidden.

The sixth 'pedestrian' of the moon, Edgar Mitchell, who was part of Project Apollo and was lunar module pilot on Apollo 14, is a reliable person and great authority. During the Apollo 14 mission in 1971, Mitchell set records as the longest stay on the lunar surface (33 hours ) and the moon walk longer duration (9 hours and 17 minutes).

The former astronaut says we are not alone, we are part of the global community and we should be able to go beyond our solar system to discover what's out there. Mitchell has publicly expressed his opinion saying that 90% of the thousands of unidentified flying objects recorded from forties belong to visitors from other planets, but these encounters with UFOs have been the subject of disinformation to divert attention and create confusion so the truth does not transcend.

Mitchell grew up in Roswell, New Mexico, where some people claim that a UFO crashed there in 1947. This exastronauta says residents have been persuaded by the military to not talk about this issue. Mitchell believes that the Roswell crash was real and that these aliens have made contact with people several times, but the authorities hid the truth for 60 years. According exastronauta within EE. UU. there conspiracy of people who know the secret, since it is known that the U.S. government has studied alien bodies recovered.

"We know that UFOs are real, now the question is, where do they come?" Says Mitchell.


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