Saturday, March 12, 2011

Low Hemoglobin But Normal Iron

Christ Michael: time, open your eyes

It's time to open your eyes.

disasters will continue happening, the planet went up I had to go, humanity did not follow, now is the time of harvest and there is nothing to do to change this reality.

No Karma and Dharma, only the effects of attitudes and choices, there is no way back.

Cuidado con los falsos despertares, 99% de los trabajadores de la luz todavía están dormidos, y todavía no hacen las tareas de casa, todavía continúan con peleas por derechos de autor y nombres en las carteleras que vienen primero, después vienen los mensajes.

Los mensajes son las tareas de casa.

¿Dónde está el trabajo interno?

We are only watching and many, most are not doing their part.

not think that the only mission is to bring you blog posts so beautiful, it's not that.

That's just the first step, not to be practicing the chores are turning away from his teammates and carried away by the dark intrigues.

Where is the heart screen used to filter all?

Where is the wisdom of practical work and the lessons from home?

Pay attention!

Wake up!

I am Christ Michael and I want to see my children again lost in a long staircase, as always happens most often in each wave lift.

Many are left behind because of this negligence and this laziness, prisoners in their brain defects, with the habit of looking at everything through the prism emotional and distorted your vision.


Is that what you ask! Action!

Light in action!


And Now

stay alert in love, and do not think they can dictate to others time to go or stay, who is ready and who is not.

go or stay, raise or promotion depends on many things that are beyond the permissions and aspirations of those who say learn how to drive and how to alert people.

Look what they are doing, creating sects of blind followers and dependents of their ignorance, as they hope to drive or to alert others if ill get to do that to themselves?
The message of Brother El Morya through Rosani Amanteia talking about the position of a light worker, a canal and well as a human being, comes to warn about what I'm talking about how more direct.

protest Stop, let children move, we do not idolize hoping that we can solve everything for you.

Veanna with love and equality, not placed above or below Because it is side by side we are.

is with love that I'm alert.


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