Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cough Meds For 5 Month Old

Your intention and compassion can change the world

I suggest to all who are willing to help and feel in your heart to send healing energy in the form of a green bubble wrap to Japan and all the creatures that live there (animals, plants , human, minerals) to cleanse them of all radiation and all the fears and pains that are going through, and then deliver that energy to the Violet Flame for transmutation.
You do not need any special knowledge, just imagine the heart and desire to secure work, and the more we are the faster the change materializes.
can also imagine the planet turning in your hands or in your heart and you give your love, or you can see your air blowing and clean all the dirt, or mourn and your tears wash the accumulated pain, or what they feel and believe each correct. What matters is the intention!

remember that we are all part of creation and therefore we are brothers, we are ONE.



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