Thursday, March 17, 2011

Im Peeing Alot Stomach Hurts

Yeshua must clean atmosphere

March 17, 2011

Good morning dear teachers, are the 9:20, because I log all my indicators, go spinning.
feel the presence of someone, but I am not yet able to know who he is.

really do not know, I can not define. On the other hand, I have to confess I'm very upset, but rather upset because I just received the good news that the operation of the eyes of my daughter, went well. Well, that personally, I apologize.

Well, breathe deeply, to raise my vibration, to see if they, who talk to me.
Good morning, Master, yes, I know, you Yeshua.

Welcome, we do not talk for a while, I am waiting for your message.

"If Alexiis, I know you're going through a very strong say, but also recognize, and that's good, it is necessary, and will not be long.

I'm glad that on a personal level, you had good news, which helps to increase your strength to move forward.

is necessary at this time, that all light workers and all possible humanity, is working.

I know that during the night, made another trip, with absolutely everyone, we all were, all the female energy, the Goddess Light, The Masters, all.

We are all working to avoid a major disaster for Mother Earth, and this will come repeating, and we have been repeating, in one form or another.

But it is necessary that all of humanity to realize that at this point, really, the danger goes beyond what even we can control completely, because the rise these negative energies, produced in Japan by the outbreak of nuclear reactors, which are released into the atmosphere, we can not go, and blow, clean the entire atmosphere.

We are, as you say, what is humanly possible, but we need your help, we need the help of individual human beings, no longer makes sense here, just talk about lightworkers.

Every human being has to help with his light and love, to dissolve it, because everyone, even those who at this moment, have not thought have become aware or not, the fact proceed with Mother Earth.

But right now, are on Mother Earth, at this time living, and right now is that we have to eliminate the danger it represents.


Wake up everybody!

can not fall asleep, no!

Nobody can excuse, I can not, to me it did not resonate.

No, dear brothers. Everyone, absolutely everyone, must be removed from inside, love and light, and help solve this.

have to solve the pollution of the atmosphere, and that is what I have to say this morning.

And so too will appear with such force Alexiis. For you know it.

is necessary is to clean the atmosphere of the earth, and I want to put this, the title of your post.

I send all my light and my love.

I am your brother, Yeshua. "

Thanks Master, left me shaking, but I know, I understand. Thanks.

Channeled by Alexiis


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