Friday, March 11, 2011

Nail Polish At Duane Reade

The Creator:

March 11, 2011

Beloved children

A sad day today, apparently. Deaths were reported, according to the tsunami in Japan. Lives cut across northern Africa. People are rebelling against their governments. The Muslim world by taking responsibility for their own freedom. A chaotic picture, say the pessimists.

But ah! My children ... If you could see the immense light that is over all the earth now ... like never before!

Fear not, my dear. Soon there will be no tears on that planet. The suffering and will not occur. Disease and famine will disappear forever. Be removed from Earth. There will be only love, joy and laughter. You will all be free to BE. Fellowship and service to others is the tonic.

So dry those tears, my children. Do not let yourselves fall into the low vibrations at that special moment. Not everything is as black as you believe. Do not be led by manipulated news of your television. If there is much light at the end of the tunnel. I can assure you.

Hold on calmly, very quietly, the outcome of all these events. But knowing that victory is assured. Do not worry. I give you my word of the Father Creator and leave you covered by my Mantle of Protection and Divine Love.

Channeled by Ngari


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